
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

The Impact Of Customer Satisfaction On Hospitality Industry In Uganda. A Case Study Of Hotel, Africana

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................................................

Effects Of Rhizobia Inoculation And Phosphorus Levels On Soybean (Glycine Max L.Merril) Yields And Selected Soil Properties In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) productivity in Kenya is adversely affected by low yield, poor fertilizer use, ineffective inoculation, and soil fertility management constraints. The empirical understanding of the interaction between native soil rhizobia, inoculation, nitrogen fixation, soil fertility management practices and how these factors influence soybean productivity is insufficient. The general objective of this study was to investigate the effect of rhizobium inoculation an...

Organic Economic Analysis Of Smallholder Vegetable Production System In Kiambu And Kajiado Counties Of Kenya

Abstract In Kenya, there are more than 200,000 farmers who have been trained on organic farming technologies and systems. Currently certified land under organic management in Kenya stands at 104,211 ha while the organic sub sector employs 12,647 farmers who are directly involved in production of different organic products. Although there are many documented reasons that make farmers to adopt organic farming system, economic benefits present one of the major motivations. These benefits howeve...

Carbon Sequestration Potential Of Rehabilitated And Natural Forest Sites Of Bamburi Cement Limited, Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Deforestation in the tropical regions accounts for approximately 20% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. Restoration of mined areas through afforestation/reforestation (A/R) can potentially capture large quantities of atmospheric carbon dioxide if appropriate management strategies are applied. This will help reduce the rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere. The key challenge for successful implementation of A/R carbon project is the unreliable estimation of biomass ca...

The Social Economic Effects Of Tourism Development To The People Since The End Of The 1994 Genocide In Rwanda, Case Study Of Musanze District

ABSTRACT The study examined the social economic effects of tourism development to the people since the end of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Objectives that guided the study included; to examine the benefits of tourism to the people in Musanze district since 1994, to examine the challenges to tourism development in people in Musanze district since the end of the 1994 genocide and to establish strategies through which the social economic life of the people in Musanze district may be improved th...

Biofuels And Food Crop Production: A Case Study Of Mpeketoni Division, Lamu District Kenya

ABSTRACT The principal aim of the study was to assess the degree of bio fuels and its role in food crop production in Mpeketoni division in Larnu district, Coast Kenya. The study was conducted among large bio fuel scheme farmers, smaliholder farmers and collaborative reserve farmers. Bio fuel was looked upon as a critical issue towards problems associated with food crop production such as high food prices, scarcity of food, land tenure conflicts between the inter cultural tribes and changes i...

Analysis Of The Utilization Of Food Resources By The African Wood Mouse Hylomyscus Denniae Endorobae (Rodentia: Muridae) From Ihururu Forest, Kenya

ABSTRACT Hylomyscus denniae endorobae is a rodent important in ecosystems as predator, prey, seed disperser, determinant of forest tree growth and structure as well as a contributor to biodiversity which subsequently plays a role in natural livelihood and national development. Fragmentation of tropical rain forest continues to pose a serious threat to species diversity, which leads to decreased natural income, primary production and general breakdown of an ecosystem. This in turn influences ...

Assessment Of Students’ Practices And Awareness Of Environmental Issues In Secondary Schools In Makindye Division Kampala District

ABSTRACT In this study efforts were made to give an overview of environmental concern St Denis Ssebugwawo SS Ggaba and Pearl High school secondary schools in Makindve Division. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The main objective of this research was to assess the level students’ practices and awareness of environmental issues The study used Questionnaires. interviews and observation checklist to obtain data. The researcher used purposive and simple random samplin...

Assessment Of Vertical Price Transmission In Rice Markets In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) agricultural commodity markets have been liberalised since the 1980s through Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs). The aim was to foster market integration and efficiency. Liberalisation of markets allows free flow of goods and services from areas with excesses to those with a deficit. But most Sub-Saharan countries, Kenya included, has associated liberalisation with failure and unsustainable food markets though agriculture is the mainstay of the economy. P...

Effects Of Varietal Differences, Plant Spacing And Weeding Regimes On Weed Density And Yields Of Upland Rice In Uganda

ABSTRACT Rice is relatively new to Uganda, yet consumption is outstripping production; and with a growing population, demand is likely to increase. NERICA (New Rice for Africa) rice – with high yields and ability to withstand dry conditions is being planted in most part of the country. However, weed infestation is becoming one of the biggest hindrances affecting rice production. The objective of the current work was therefore to investigate the effects of varietal differences, plant spacin...

Edu Frontiers 162 PAGES (31987 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Assessment Of Tue Contribution Of Cultural Tourism To,Vards Income Generation. Case Study Central Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to know the contribution of cultural tourism towards income generation central Uganda. The researcher used the following objectives of research on his search for relevant information. To assess the different cultural tourist attractions in central Uganda; to identify the categories of tourists or visitors who visit these cultural sites; to assess the income generating capacity of these cultural sites; and finally to assess the contribution of cultural touri...

Analysis Of Vertical And Horizontal Integration As Determinants Of Market Channel Choice Among Smallholder Dairy Farmers In Lower Central Kenya

Dairy farming is a significant economic activity in Kenya as it accounts for four percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and fourteen percent of total value of agricultural output. Market-oriented smallholder dairy farms in the country tend to be concentrated close to urban centres because the effects of market forces over-ride many production factors. Urbanization creates competition for alternative land uses thus leading to land fragmentation which has a potential nega...

Effect Of Farmyard Manure And Mineral Fertilizers On Maize Yield And Soil Properties In Huye And Bugesera Districts Of Rwanda

Agriculture in Rwanda is today characterized by low agricultural productivity due to soil fertility decline. This is mainly attributed to the mining of nutrients due to continuous cropping without adequate external addition of inputs. The adoption of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) technologies such as the combination of organic manure and mineral fertilizers is being taken as one of solutions to this situation. A study was therefore, conducted to investigate the effects of f...

The Use Of Mbagatffi River For Recreational Activities And Its Impacts On Nairobi National Park

Table of Contents Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ ii DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. v APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... vi DEDICATION .............................................................................

The Impact Of Environmental Degradation On Tourism Resources. A Case Study Of Mt.Elgon National Park

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Mt. Elgon National park in eastern Uganda in Mbale district, with the main purpose of investigating the impact of enviromnental degradation on tourism resources. The study aimed at achieving the following objectives To identify the tourism resources at Mt. Elgon National Park. To identify the enviromnentally degraded resources in Mt. Elgon National Park. To find out the impacts of enviromnental degradation in Mt. Elgon National Park Tourism resources....

1666 - 1680 Of 4596 Results