
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Legume Fallows For Fuelwood Production And Soil Fertility Improvement In Sauri Millennium Village, Siaya District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research work was conducted between March 2008 (before start of long rains) and August 2008 (the season for harvesting maize), in Sauri Millennium Village, sub location of Yala division, Siaya district, Kenya. The general objective of this study was the adoption of legume fallows in Sauri millennium village with specific objectives;- (i) To study the current status of legume fallows in Sauri millennium village (ii) To investigate the leguminous tree species for high fuelwood pr...

Distribution, Utilization and Management of Prunus africana (Hook. f) in Gichugu Division, Kirinyaga District, Central Kenya

ABSTRACT Prunus africana (Hook. f) Kalkman happens to be among the very important tree species. Its bark is used to treat prostate gland hypertrophy (PGH) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The increased demand for its medicinal value, together with other uses, has led to the over exploitation of this species in its natural habitat. Its cultivation by small-scale farmers appears to be the only long-term solution for meeting future products needs and its conservation. There is however li...

Linkages Between Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies And Marketing Of Smallholder Produce In Meru South And Mbeere Districts, Kenya

ABSTRACT Land degradation and declining soil fertility are increasingly being viewed as critical problems affecting agricultural productivity and human welfare in tropical Africa. It is then imperative that improving soil fertility is key entry point for achieving food security, reducing poverty and preserving the environment for smallholder farms in Africa. However, due to high costs of inorganic fertilizers, tackling soil fertility issues thus requires a holistic approach that integrates b...

Pig Management Practices And Their Contribution To Ocurrence Of Porcine Cysticercosis In Thika Municipality And Its Environs, Kenya

ABSTRACT The pork tapeworm (Taenia solium) is an important parasite that causes disease in humans and pigs where humans host the adult worm in the small intestines and the larval stages are found in the muscles, brain and other tissues in humans and pigs (cysticercosis). Neurocysticercosisis (where the larva of Taenia solium is in the brain) is a major cause of epilepsy in humans. Humans can get the infection by consumption of infected pig meat while consumption of food and water contaminated...

Effects Of Nitrogen Fertilizer On Yields And Quality Of Selected Rice Varieties At Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kirinyaga County, Kenya

Rice is a staple food and the main source of calories and proteins for more than half of the world population. Its increasing demand in Africa made it a commodity for food security and poverty reduction. Rice ranks third in Kenya’s staple food after maize and wheat. Its consumption has been growing rapidly due to urbanization and changing eating habits in both rural and urban households. In 2014, local rice production was estimated at 129,000 metric tonnes, while consumption was 548,00...

Determination Of Thermal Tolerance, Density And Distribution Of The Mangrove Crabs, Perisesarma Guttatum (Sesarmidae) And Uca Urvillei (Ocypodidae) At Gazi-Bay, Kenya

Abstract Mangrove crabs are important in ecosystem functioning including; bioturbation of the soil resulting in soil particle size distribution, sediment aeration, reduction in sediment salinity and nutrient recycling and thus are fundamental for the viability of mangrove forests which are in turn important to the coastal communities’ livelihoods. Mangroves are intertidal forested wetlands confined to the tropical and subtropical regions. They play important role as habitat for animals, pro...

Spatial Distribution Of Opuntia Stricta (Haworth) In Tsavo East National Park, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya has experienced biological invasions some of which are considered to have significant consequences on the socio-economic status of affected communities. At the ecosystem level, they change community structure and composition. Available data on invasive species in the East African region shows that 34 different species of invasive plants have invaded Kenya. Notable examples of invasive species include Opuntia stricta (Haw) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). This res...

Determination of Best Time to Introduce Finisher Diets in Broiler Chickens in Humid Tropics.

ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to determine the best time to introduce finisher diets in the humid tropics. Four treatments (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th week) were tried in this study that lasted for 9 weeks. A total of one hundred and eighty birds were used for the experiment. The birds were randomly assigned into 4 treatments that were replicated three times with 15 birds in each replicate. The following were measured, growth performance, carcass quality and cost benefit analysis....

Effects of Fertilizer, Lime and Organic Manure on the Nodulation and Growth of Soybean (GLYCYNE MAX(L) MERRILL) in South Eastern Nigeria

A BST RA CT Green house experiment was conducted to study the effects of organic manure, lime and inorganic fertilizer on the nodulation and growth of Soybean (Glycine max(L) merrill) on an acid ultisol in southeastern Nigeria. The organic manure was poultry manure, the lime was commercial lime and the inorganic fertilizer was NPK(15 : 15: 15). There were 7 treatments and a control. The treatments were 100kg/ha inorganic fertilizer (NPK 15: 15: 15)(F1 );200kglhainorganicfertilizcr(NPK 1...

Distribution And Vegetation Association Of Grevy’s Zebra (Equus Grevyi) In Tsavo East National Park And The Surrounding Ranchlands

ABSTRACT Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi), the world’s largest wild equine, is endemic to the arid Horn of Africa. Originally, its range extended throughout the Horn of Africa but currently it is found only in Kenya and Ethiopia. The population has declined from 15,000 in the late 1970s to between 1,964 and 2,445 animals by the year 2008. The population declines as report by William and Low (2004) is probably as a result of being killed for meat, medicinal purposes, loss of access to critical...

The Effect of Forage to Concentrate Ratios on the Performance of West African Dwarf Goats

ABSTRACT The effect of forage to concentrate ratios on the peiformance of West African Dwarf (WAD) goats was studied at the Livestock Unit of the Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike for 56 days to determine the optimum combination of forage to concentrate ratio that best support the growth of goat. Twelve WAD goats comprising eight castrated bucks and four does aged between 4 -6 months and weighing between 4.0kg to 8.0kg with an average weight of 6.17kg were used for the study. T...

Nutrient Composition of Trachurus trachurus (Atlantic Horse Mackerel) Smoked With Sawdust and Different Fire Woods (Dialium guineensis AND Pentaclethra macrophylla)

ABSTRACT Trachurus trachurus (Atlantic horse mackerel) was smoked with two different fire woods Di'alium guineensis and Pentaclethra macrohylla and sawdust using a traditional smoking kiln and a constructed sawdust stove sited in the fish farm of Michael Okpara University of agriculture Umudike. The frozen fish sample was weighed, eviscerated and washed properly with clean water. During smoking the temperature of the heat was taken, duration of smoking period was also noted in smoking p...

Effect Of Withholding Irrigation Water After Complete Heading On Rice Yield And Seed Quality In Mwea, Kirinyaga County-Kenya

ABSTRACT Rice is considered main source of calories and protein especially in many countries of Africa as it constitutes a major part of the diet. It is steadily becoming a major staple food for many households in Kenya as annual consumption has increased by 12 % for rice; compared with 4% for wheat and 1% for maize hence, increasing its productivity is paramount, as eating habits changes especially among the youth. Threat of climate change continues to impede agricultural activities, resulti...

SSA Research 149 PAGES (26381 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Technical Efficiency Of Small Holders Maize Production In Rwanda

ABSTRACT Maize is still largely a subsistence food crop under promotion as a food security crop and source of income for smallholders. In a bid to attain self-sufficiency, Rwanda made remarkable efforts to develop the subsector. These were mainly directed towards the expansion of the area under maize, organisation of farmers’ cooperatives and easy access to inputs. In improving maize productivity and marketing of maize several both public and private interventions were added in Musanze and...

Assessment Of Water Quality Status Of River Kibisi, Kenya Using The Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera And Trichoptera (Ept) Index

Abstract The term water quality is applied universally to refer to the water status that meets the universal standards set for legitimate and vital water use at any scale i.e. local, regional and international levels (WHO, 2000). The evolution of the term water quality has been due to the expansion of water requirements and ability to measure and interpret water characteristics. The definition of water quality depends on the factors that determine it, and other variables that affect the natur...

1696 - 1710 Of 4596 Results