
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Effects of environment on growth and yield performance of ten common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) Genotypes

ABSTRACT The present study aimed at examining the effect of environment on growth and yield performance of some common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes. The study was conducted during the season of 2007/2008 at SUA Mlali and Mgeta locations in Morogoro region. Ten bean genotypes obtained from SUA Bean Project were used. The beans were SUA90, ROJO, PESA, MSHINDI, ZAWADI, EG10R43, EG21R30, EG10R5, EG10R13 and one local genotype. SUA90, ROJO and one local genotype found in each location w...

Agricultural Diversification: Its Determinants And Contribution To Small Holder Farmers' Incomes In Pemba Island

ABSTRACT This study attempts to analyse how smallholder farmers allocate their limited available resources optimally in order to maximize their farms' total net returns and to investigate the factors which determine their agricultural diversification process. The survey covered 150 farmers. Field data was complimented with secondary data collected from key organisations. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to interview smallholder farmers. A logistic regression model was used to determin...

Assessment On The Potential Of Using Fish Guts In Broiler Chicken Diets

ABSTRACT The study was carried out at Fuoni Village in Magharibi ‘B’ District of Zanzibar for period of six weeks, to evaluate the potential of using fish guts in broiler chicken diets. The two hundred and forty broiler chicks were used in four dietary treatments. Each treatment contained 60 chicks which were randomly allocated into four brooding pens and each treatment was replicated 3 times with 20 chicks each. Weight of feeds and refusal were measured daily whereas chick body weight wa...

Income Effect Of Agricultural Intensification On Smallholder Cotton Farmer’s In Misungwi District

ABSTRACT Cotton is a vital cash crop in Tanzania and is mostly produced in the Western Cotton Growing Area (WCGA). About 99 percent of the total cotton is produced from this area which comprises Mwanza, Shinyanga, Simiyu, Mara, Geita, Kagera, Tabora, Singida and Kigoma regions. The remaining percentage is produced in the Eastern Cotton Growing Area (ECGA) which comprises the regions of Morogoro, Coast, Tanga and Kilimanjaro. Due to low cotton yield, agricultural intensification was important ...

Analysis Of Tomato Value Chain In Rugombo District, Burundi

ABSTRACT This study analysed the tomato value chain in Rugombo district in order to develop new insights on the nature of activities along the chain and shade light on possible strategies that may increase primary actor’s (smallholder farmer’s) income. Primary data for this study were collected from various primary, support and institutional actors of the value chain using structured questionnaire and checklist. Descriptive statistics, gross margin and multiple linear regression models we...

Evaluation Of Production Performance And Meat Quality Of Tanzanian Local Chicken Reared Under Intensive And Semi-Intensive Systems Of Production

ABSTRACT Local chicken farmers can improve the performance and quality of indigenous chicken meat by modifying the production systems and age at slaughter. However, in Tanzania there is paucity of information on effect of production systems and age at slaughter of local chicken on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality. The effects of rearing systems, sex and age at slaughter on growth performance, carcass traits, meat tenderness, cooking loss and pH of Tanzanian local c...

Seasonal Variability Of Rice Prices, Temporal And Spatial Business Opportunities In The Major Rice Production Areas Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Rice farmers have a tendency to sell their rice right after harvesting, thus they have been facing low rice prices which lead to low income, consumption of other food items and welfare. This study assessed the seasonal rice price variation, its magnitude and identified the opportunities in time and space for rice farmers and traders in Tanzania. The five leading rice producing regions; Mbeya, Morogoro, Mwanza, Tabora and Shinyanga were selected to represent rice markets in Tanza...

Prevalence And Control Of Seedborne Fungal Pathogens Of Wheat In Farmers Saved Seeds Of Selected Locations In Northern Tanzania

ABSTRACT Seed health testing to detect seed-borne pathogens is an important step in the management of crop diseases. Laboratory and screen house experiments were carried out at Selian Agriculture Research Institute Arusha, to investigate the extent of seed-borne fungal pathogen problems from farmers saved seeds in Northern wheat growing Zone. A total of 45 untreated seed samples of wheat were collected from farmers saved seeds in Karatu, Hanang and Siha Districts. Each sample was physically i...

Biological Nitrogen Fixation In Legume-Legume And Legume-Cereal Intercrops: Effects On Yields Of Subsequent Maize Crop In Central Malawi

ABSTRACT Declining soil fertility continues to be one of the most important challenges in Malawi’s crop production systems, with nitrogen considered as the most limiting nutrient element. However, food legume crops such as pigeon pea (PP) and cowpea (CP) are popular amongst smallholder farmers as they contribute to food security and protein nutrition, source of income to farmers and contribute to soil fertility improvement through biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). They are grown in variou...

The Contribution Of Mama Lishe Activities Towards Household Poverty Alleviation In Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mama Lishe makes one of the largest sources of employment for women in the informal sector. Like other women, they contribute significantly to the capacity of the male members of their households to function effectively in the labour force. Women undertake Mama Lishe activities so as to supplement household income to meet family needs, the income generated from women income generated activities in most cases is small, but it plays a significant role in buying clothes for babies ...

Determinants Of Total Factor Productivity Of Maize In Ruvuma Region, Tanzania: The Effect Of Input Subsidies

ABSTRACT Ruvuma Region has been receiving subsidy fertilizer since the reintroduction of the NAIVS programme by the government of Tanzania in 2003/04 crop season. The current study examines the performance of small holder farmer’s maize production in terms of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and its determinants in Tanzania especially in Ruvuma Region, since it is one of the major maize’s producing regions in Tanzania. More specifically the study was undertaken to estimate the TFP of maize...

Impact Of Hiv/Aids On Household Livelihoods In Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Many studies have been done on HIV/AIDS in Tanzania yet few empirical studies have been conducted to examine the effect of HIV/AIDS in urban areas including Dar-es- Salaam. This study therefore aimed at estimating the extent to which HIV/AIDS affects household livelihoods as well as identifying common coping mechanism of affected and unaffected households with regard to food security, asset ownership/possession and social network. Therefore, this study was conducted with the spe...

Assessment Of Degradation In Forested Areas Of Tanzania: A Case Study Of Tanga, Morogoro, Pwani And Dar-Es-Salaam Regions

ABSTRACT Study was conducted to assess the level of degradation in the forested areas in Tanzania particularly on eastern zone regions (Tanga, Pwani, Morogoro and Dar es salaam). Three vegetation types were taken into consideration where both volume and biomass removed was determined. The NAFORMA data was used where a total of 1413 plots with stumps were used. The study revealed that montane forest lost 48.47+8.2 m3/ha, lowland forest 22.27+2.25 m3/ha and woodland forest 13.77+1.39 m3/ha. The...

Spatial Distribution And Temporal Abundance Variations Of Three Important Insect Pests Of Coffee In Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Studies on spatial and temporal distribution of white coffee stem borer (WCSB), antestia bug and coffee berry borer (CBB) were carried out between September 2007 and August 2008 in medium altitude (Lyamungo) and high altitude (Kilema) areas in Kilimanjaro region. Specifically, the study aimed at establishing the species composition and spatial distribution, the temporal variation in abundance, and the relative importance of three pests in coffee ecosystems. A multistage random ...

Husbands’ Response To Accompany Their Pregnant Wives For Hiv/Aids Test In Antenatal Clinics In Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The concern for HIV/AIDS cannot be isolated from its devastating effects on socio-economic development of any nation. Tanzania is one of the countries with HIV prevalence rate of over 4% whence, like many other countries in Africa, Tanzania adapted the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) in 2003 to curb new HIV infections. Despite this assorted intervention, infant and child mortality rates by AIDS have remained a puzzle. This study therefore, aimed at conducting an as...

2566 - 2580 Of 4596 Results