
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Determinants Of Adoption Of Early Maturing Maize Varieties In Nzega District, Tabora Region..

ABSTRACT Nzega is among the district located in semi-arid areas of Tanzania where drought is a limiting factor for agriculture. In the district farmers are advised to use early maturing maize varieties (EMMV). In contrary the adoption of EMMV in Nzega District is still low. Increase in use of EMMV is possible if factors which influence adoption are addressed. The present study aimed at identifying factors which influence adoption of EMMV. The main objective was to analyze challenges facing ef...

Relationship Between Insect Vectors Abundance And Occurrence Of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus In Farmers’ Fields In Kilombero District

ABSTRACT Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) endemic to Africa is spread within and between rice fields by several species of Chrysomelid beetles and grasshoppers. In Tanzania and particularly in Kilombero District, the virus is increasingly becoming a serious problem to rice production. The relationships between the insect vectors and RYMV disease incidence and severity were not fully known hence the need for this study. The assessment of both disease incidence and severity of RYMV and populati...

Meat Quality Attributes Of Local Chicken Sold At Major Roasts Chicken Meat Outlets In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to establish quality attributes of local chicken meat supplied in Dodoma roast meat outlets. A questionnaire and on site observations were used to collect data from randomly selected respondents that included live chicken suppliers, retail sellers, middlemen and managers of selected chicken roast meat outlets. Data collected include chicken live body weight, estimated age, ecotype, sex and source of origin. Random samples of fresh local chicken breast...

Acccess To Niche Markets And Efficiency Of Smallholder Broiler Producers In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to examine the possibilities of integrating smallholder broiler producers into the niche market supply chains for improving their efficiency and incomes. Specifically the study: i) characterize the broiler supply chains with particular emphasis on requirements of participating in the niche market supply chain; ii) analyse technical and cost efficiency of broiler producers; iii) compare the level of benefits realized by broiler producers supplying to niche an...

Developing Maize Hybrids Resistant To Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease From Diverse Maize Inbred Lines In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT One hundred maize genotypes of different categories were evaluated for Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (MLND) resistance in three locations under natural infestation. Sixty inbred lines, thirty landraces and ten improved varieties were subjected to disease hot spot areas. Experiment was conducted at Ngaramtoni in Arusha municipality, Mlangarini in Arumeru District and Kiru six in Babati Rural Distriduring 2014 and 2015 seasons. The trial was laid down in Randomized Incomplete...

Livelihoods Of Smallholder Farmers In Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor Of Tanzania: Lesson From Households In Ihemi Cluster

ABSTRACT This study assessed livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Ihemi Cluster based on male and female headed-households. The methodology involved a cross-sectional research design with sample size of 150 respondents. Purposive sampling technique was used to select Ihemi Cluster among other Clusters of the SAGCOT intervention and stratified sampling technique was used to select respondents. The main methods of data collection used were structured household questionnaires and focus group d...

Effect Of Maize And Common Bean Intercropping Patterns On Soil Fertility, Crop Growth And Yield

ABSTRACT A study was conducted to establish the effect of intercropping patterns using improved maize and common bean varieties recommended for low attitude areas (Morogoro) on soil fertility, growth and yield. The experiment was conducted in the Crop Museum at the main campus of Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania. The site is located between latitude 06o 50‟S and longitude 37o 39‟E at 526 meter above sea level. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete bl...

School Based Reproductive Health Education Programmes And Teenage Pregnancy In Mtwara Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Teenage pregnancy is one of the complex health and development problems facing the world. In Tanzania, teenage pregnancy has been identified as one of the reasons for girls dropping out from school. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of school based reproductive health education programme on teenage pregnancy. The study adopted a cross-sectional exploratory design and was conducted in Mtwara District and Mtwara Municipality, Tanzania. Simple random sampling ...

Incidence Of Seed Infection In Finger Millet And Sunflower Collected From Dodoma, Iringa And Morogoro Regions

ABSTRACT Surveys were conducted to assess the incidence of seed borne pathogens on fingermillet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaetrn) and sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) in seeds produced by farmers in Morogoro Rural, Kilosa districts (Morogoro Region), Kondoa, Dodoma Rural districts (Dodoma Region), and Njombe and Iringa Rural districts (Iringa Region), in Tanzania. A total of 72 seed samples were collected and taken to the laboratory for assay of seed-borne pathogens. The blotter method was used...

Transaction Costs In Production And Marketing Of Sugarcane Under Outgrowers’ Schemes In Morogoro Region Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyse the production and marketing transaction costs of sugarcane outgrowers in Mvomero and Kilosa districts of Morogoro region in Tanzania. The specific objectives were to determine the level of transaction costs in different categories of outgrowers, to examine the influence of institutional arrangement on sugarcane transaction costs, and to examine the impact of transaction cost on the quality of sugarcane in terms of sucrose content (Rendement)...

Woodland Structure, Basic Density And Above Ground Carbon Stock Estimations Of Wet Miombo Woodlands In Mbozi District Tanzania

ABSTRACT Species diversity, stocking, carbon stock and wood basic density for wet miombo woodlands of Iwuma forest reserve in Mbozi District were assessed. Biophysical data were collected through common methodology in forest inventory. Systematic sampling design technique was used to collect information in 37 rectangular plots measuring 20m x 40m each. Trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm were identified and measured for DBH, height, crown diameter and crown height. A total of 820 wood cores were extract...

Multi location Performance Evaluation of Exotic Hybrid Rice (oryza sativa l.) Varieties in Eastern Zone of Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Three exotic hybrid rice genotypes, HEU 022, HEU 188 and HEU 528 from China were tested to evaluate their stability and adaptability in the eastern agronomic zone of Tanzania. Three commonly grown varieties, SUPA, SARO 5 and TXD 88, were used as checks. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) experiment with three replications was carried out at four locations, ARI-Cholima, ARI-Katrin, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and Kilangali Rice Seed Farm all located in Morogoro Re...

Constraints In Pearl Millet Marketing In Tanzania: The Value Chain Approach

ABSTRACT Pearl millet marketing in Dodoma Region is constrained by various factors most of them are empirically unknown. In order to effectively invest in value addition and marketing the society needs to look at the value chain and spot and lessen constraints that hamper growth of a sustainable market. This study aimed at unlocking the constraints facing pearl millet marketing in Tanzania. Specifically the study aimed at examining pearl millet production and marketing challenges, to assess ...

The Role Of Non Wood Forest Products In Improving Livelihoods Of Communities Surrounding Jozani And Chwaka Bay National Park, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to asses the role of Non Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) in improving livelihoods of the communities surrounding Jozani and Chwaka Bay National Park in Zanzibar. The study aimed to document, asses the status and contribution of NWFPs, identify roles of user groups and constraints towards development of NWFPs in the study area. Six villages were selected based on accessibility to the forests and availability of NWFPs. Study was conducted in two phases: Phase one...

A Study Of Contribution Of Micro-Finance Institutions In Poverty Alleviation Through Women Income Generating Activities In Kilosa District, Morogoro Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study was conducted in Kilosa district. The overall objective was to show the contribution of MFIs in poverty alleviation through women IGAs. The study aimed at identifying MFIs operating in the study area; common IGAs performed by women groups, assessing the contribution of MFIs towards poverty alleviation and analyzing factors affecting the performance of women’s IGAs. Cross-sectional research design with structured questionnaire was used to collect primary information from...

2581 - 2595 Of 4596 Results