
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Microcredits And Rural Livelihood For Sustainable Conservation Of Biodiversity: A Case Study Of Cocoba In Mahale Ecosystem, Kigoma-Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was done in Mahale Ecosystem to assess the achievement of COCOBA in improving rural livelihood and sustainable conservation. This study was based on the fact that, while there are adequate information o n micro credit and poverty reduction few exist on livelihood improvement and sustainable conservation of biodiversity. Specifically the study sought to document socio-economic activities undertaken by COCOBA group members and others in the study area; determine the perform...

The Impact Of National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme On Rice Production At The Kiroka Irrigation Scheme, Morogoro District

ABSTRACT This research was conducted at the Kiroka Irrigation Scheme in Morogoro District with an overall objective of generating knowledge about the impact of National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme (NAIVS) on rice production in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were (a) to examine farmers‟ perception and response towards NAIVS at the Kiroka Irrigation Scheme, (b) to assess the implementation of NAIVS at the Kiroka Irrigation Scheme, (c) to assess the impact of fertilizer a...

Genetics And Mechanisms Of Bruchid Resistance In Selected Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Landraces From Tanzania And Malawi.

ABSTRACT Bean bruchids are the devastating pests of common bean which causes huge losses during storage. Two landraces Kalubungula and KK25 were identified to be resistant to bruchid infestation and damage but the mechanism and genetics of resistance were unknown. The aim of this study was to (i) characterize the storage protein related to resistance in these landraces (ii) determine genomic region and map QTL’s related to resistance (iii) phenotype progenies response to bean bruchid infest...

Adaptive Adoption Of Rainwater Storage Systems By Farmers: A Case Of Makanya Ward In Same District

ABSTRACT Water is vital for every human community and is essential resource for economic development, agricultural productivity, industrial growth and above all human wellbeing. Availability of clean, safe and secure water source will always be a major concern for human populations. Access to adequate fresh water is limited, yet crucial for the survival of the inhabitants. Rainwater harvesting and storage appears to be an alternative for supplying water in the face of increasing water sc...

Stand Structure And Carbon Storage In The Nilo Nature Reserve, East Usambara, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Understanding forest stand structure is necessary for predicting losses and storage of carbon in forests. However, there is scanty knowledge on relationship between stand structure and carbon storage. This study assessed stand structure and its relationship with carbon storage in Nilo Nature Reserve. The specific objectives were to determine the forest stand structure, above ground and soil carbon stock and their relationship. The forest was stratified into four elevation bands....

Assessment Of Nitrate Levels In Water And Soils For Agriculture And Human Utilization In Singida District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Population growth in urban areas has caused increase in demand of good quality water for domestic use. Due tohigh nitrate levels in water sources reported by District water authoritiesin Singida District, this study was carried to determine sources, levels and distribution of nitrates in water and soils for agriculture and human utilization. Firstly, a reconnaissance survey was carried to identify water sources with high, medium and low levels of nitrates and determine nitrate level...

Institutions And Efficiency Of Milk Value Chains In Bagamoyo District

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the study was to analyse the institutions and cost efficiency along the formal and informal milk value chains in Bagamoyo district. The specific objectives were to: (i) identify the institutional constraints in the formal and informal milk value chains, (ii) analyse the cost added efficiency in the formal milk handling and processing, (iii) analyse the producer cost efficiency in the formal and informal milk value chains and, (iv) analyse the factors that aff...

Influence Of Genotype X Environment Interaction On Performance Of Selected Maize (Zea Mays L.) Hybrids In Southern Highlands Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT A field experiment was conducted during the 2010/2011 cropping season in four locations of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania viz. Inyala, Mbimba, Uyole and Seatondale. The main objective of the study was to assess the response of selected maize genotypes across different growing environments for yield and adaptability and their interaction on yield and yield components whereas the specific objectives were to evaluate stability variables, interrelations and genetic parameters for tra...

Factors Influencing Nutritional Status Of Children Below Five Years In Mbarali District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Undernutrition continues to be a major cause of high infant and below five years children mortality in Tanzania. This study was carried out to find out factors influencing nutritional status of under five year's children in Mbarali district. Nutritional assessment was done by using of anthropometric measurements which were subsequently compared to WHO criterion (SD classification) using summary indices of nutritional status: weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height ...

Morphology, Physico-Chemical Properties And Classification Of The Soils Developed On Volcanic Parent Materials Of Northern Province Of Rwanda

ABSTRACT A study was carried out on soils developed from volcanic parent materials of Northern Province of Rwanda to expose the current soil conditions, aiming largely on pedological characterization but to a certain extent on assessment of potentials and limitations of soils for the production of major crops in the area. Three representative pedons namely KNG-P1, KNG-P2and GHNG-P1were identified and described. Sixteen soil samples were collected from different pedogenic horizons and analyse...

Epidemiology Of Brucella Infection In Cattle In Urban And Peri-Urban Areas Of Sumbawanga Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of Brucella infection in cattle in urban and peri-urban areas of Sumbawanga Municipality. All 19 wards of the Municipality were involved in the study where 13 villages and 26 neighbourhoods (mitaa) were randomly selected. To identify the potential risk factors associated with the spread and transmission of the disease, questionnaires were administered to the heads of randomly selected 108 households. Blood sample...

Effect Of Human Activities On Composition And Regeneration Of Woody Species In Morogoro Fuelwood Reserve, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Morogoro Fuelwood Reserve (MFR) is a productive forest under the management of Mvomero district and Morogoro Municipal Authority. The reserve has been modified through human activities. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of human activities on composition and regeneration of woody species in MFR. Seventy four plots each with an area of 0.07 hectare were systematically established in 10 transects. Socioeconomic data obtained through household (5%) interviews using struct...

Livelihoods And Economic Benefits Of Wetland Utilization In The Little Ruaha Sub-Catchment, Mufindi, Iringa

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in the wetlands of the Little Ruaha sub-catchment to assess livelihoods and economic benefits of wetland utilization. The Specific objective were to; (a) identify socio-economic activities undertaken by local communities dependence in wetlands of the Little Ruaha sub-catchment (b) identify crops grown in wetlands of the Little Ruaha sub-catchment during both wet and dry seasons, (c) assess the economic value of wetlands outputs to household income and fo...

Performance Of Beef Cattle Under Different Feedlot Practices In Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT Two studies were carried in the Misungwi, Nyamagana and Magu districts of the Mwanza region to investigate the performance of cattle under different feedlot practices. The specific objectives were (1) To document feedlot beef production practices in the study area, (2) To study the source, quality of feeds and type of animals used by feedlot practitioners in fattening enterprises and (3) To evaluate the performance of indigenous beef cattle under different feedlot practices. Study 1...

Evaluation Of Subsidy Fertilizer Distribution To Smallholder Farmers: A Case Of Mbeya Rural District

ABSTRACT Mbeya district has been receiving fertilizer subsidy fertilizers since the reintroduction of the program by the government of Tanzania in 2003/04 crop season. The specific objectives of this study were; (a) to review the current design and conduct of fertilizer subsidy programme in the study area; (b) to examine the change in demand of fertilizer among smallholder farmers as a result of fertilizer subsidy programme and (c) to determine the effect of subsidy fertilizers in maize ...

2611 - 2625 Of 4596 Results