
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Food Insecurity And Coping Strategies Of Farm Households In Kahama District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was threefold to determine food security status based on Dietary Energy Consumed (DEC) per Adult Equivalent (AE) per day, to identify the farm households‟ food insecurity coping strategies and to examine factors influencing food production and supply. 150 farm households in Msalala and Isagehe division responded to a survey that was conducted between November and December 2012, but 137 households were selected for the analysis after removing the HIES dat...

Determinants Of Profit Efficiency Among Small Scale Dairy Cattle Farmers In Njombe District

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the study was to analyse the profit efficiency of smallholder dairy farmers in Njombe District. The specific objectives were to: (i) To analyse the profit profile of smallholder dairy farmers in Njombe District with respect to socio-economic and technical factors (ii) To analyse the profit efficiency of smallholder milk production in Njombe District (iii) To identify factors that influence profit efficiency. Data for the study were collected from 235 milk pro...

Women’s Empowerment And Fertility In Rural Tanzania: A Case Of Igunga District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between women’s empowerment and fertility in rural Tanzania. Data were collected from randomly selected 120 women in four randomly selected villages from two wards in Igunga District using a structured and non structured questionnaire. Descriptive and regression analyses using Statistical Package for Social Sciences were employed to determine the factors for fertility. Women’s empowerment was measured by five proxies: econo...

Inclusion Of Small-Scale Producers In Dynamic Local And Regional Markets

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the inclusion of small-scale producers in dynamic local and regional markets. To do so, the study provides a micro level survey. The survey was conducted on fruit and vegetable farmers, traders and supermarket operators along three districts namely Kinondoni, Ilala and Temeke in Dar es Salaam region. The Specific objectives were to (a) describe the current market structure for small-scale fruit and vegetable farmers (b) Assess various farmers�...

Epidemiology Of Edwardsiella Infections In Farmed Fish In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was undertaken from November 2016 to April 2017 to find out whether Edwardsiella infections exist in farmed fish in Morogoro. The prevalence of infection, risk factors and fish haematological parameters were established. A total of 270 fish were sampled from 24 ponds. Each fish was clinically examined and aseptically swabs of kidney, liver and spleen and pond water were collected for bacteriology. Bacteria were cultured onto Tryptic soya agar and Salmonella-Sh...

Farmer’s Perceptions On The Effectiveness Of Cooperatives In Disseminating Agricultural Technologies In Ethiopia: A Case Of Adea District

ABSTRACT For a long period of time within different political systems cooperative societies have served as farmer organizations to give credit and to disseminate agricultural inputs in order to attain increased production and productivity of smallholders. However, dissemination of agricultural technologies were forcibly transferred using top-down approaches with minimum participation and giving less emphasis to the priority needs of the farmers. This study examines farmer perceptions on the e...

Economics Of Small - Scale Paddy And Sugarcane Production In Kilombero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Paddy and sugarcane are important food and commercial crops in Tanzania. Paddy and sugarcane have similar ecological requirements. In areas where both are produced the two crops compete for resources. Therefore better decisions have to be made on land allocation so that farm profitability can be maximized. Unfortunately the knowledge on appropriate land allocation for paddy and sugarcane enterprises is limited in the literature. Thus the present study was conducted in Kilombero distr...

Can Organic Farming Be An Alternative To Improve Well-Being Of Smallholder Farmers In Disadvantaged Areas? A Case Study Of Morogoro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research was done to assess contribution of organic farming on improving well-being of smallholder farmers through crop productivity, profit and food security among 324 smallholder farmers in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. The specific objectives were to: examine how farmers implement organic farming practices and sell their products; compare productivity, profit and food security between conventional/traditional farmers and organic farmers; determine factors affecting productivity,...

Analysis Of Rice Marketing Systems In Mpanda District Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Rice is the second most important cereal in Tanzania and mostly used as a cash crop. The cultivated area of 681 000 ha represent 18% of Tanzania’s cultivated land. The general objective of this study was to examine the rice marketing chain in Mpanda district of Tanzania. Specifically, the study intended to carry out the value chain mapping; analyse economic efficiency of rice marketing system; assessing the distribution of gains and; examine the competitiveness criteria of rice mar...

Assessment Of Attitudes Of Secondary School Students Towards Vocational Education And Training In Tanzania: Case Study Of Mpwapwa District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the attitudes of Secondary School Ordinary level students towards vocational education and training. Youth unemployment is becoming a greater problem in Tanzania and also globally. There are opportunities not yet fully utilized in the country which could answer the question of unemployment of youths and their attitudes towards those opportunities. Thus the specific objectives of this study were to examine student’s expressed attitudes towards...

Soil Nitrate Test To Assess The Nitrogen Fertilizer Need For Tropical Soils: A Case Of Morogoro District

ABSTRACT Soil nitrate test of Soil Doc protocol has potential to identify optimum N fertilizer requirements for optimizing economic return, while reducing environmental impact. The purpose of this study was to develop N fertilizer requirements for maize production based on the soil nitrate test for the tropical soils in Morogoro District, Tanzania using soil Doc Protocol. Composite soil samples were collected pre-planting (PPNT) and pre-topdressing (PTNT) of N fertilizers to determine soil NO...

Alternative Pricing Mechanism Of Teak Forest Plantation Saw-Logs In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to analyze the various pricing mechanisms that can be used in setting prices for teak saw-logs and the prevailing market characteristics influencing prices in Tanzania. Primary data on the factors influencing auctioning and stumpage appraisal and, teak saw-logs production and trading costs were collected through questionnaires and field observations from Mtibwa and Longuza teak forest plantations, FBD head offices and winners of the various auction...

Effect Of East African Community-Common External Tariff For Selected Agro-Food Sensitive Products On Burundi’s Trade, Welfare And Tariff Revenue

ABSTRACT The effects of the customs union are ambiguous and depend on different factors. The theoretical ambiguities raise a need for empirical studies to generate information for a particular case. This study looks on the effect of EAC-CET for selected agro-food sensitive products of Burundi’s trade, welfare and tariff revenue using the partial equilibrium model; specifically, the SMART model at HS-6 level. The analysis makes use of trade data of 2010-2016 from WITS database, and the EAC-C...

Rice Blast Disease Caused By Pyricularia Oryzae: Epidemiology, Characterization And Yield Loss In Major Rice Growing Areas Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Mbeya, Morogoro, Kilimanjaro, Shinyanga and Dar es Salaam regions. The overall objective of the study was to establish the magnitude of rice blast disease in Tanzania and its contribution to yield losses. Rice is an important staple food crop and is affected by blast disease with suspected high yield losses of up to 100%. Surveys were conducted in two years (2012 and 2014) to observe disease prevalence of rice blast disease in two different ecosystems in M...

Role Of Agroforestry Products In Household Income And Poverty Reduction In Semi-Arid Areas Of Misungwi District, Mwanza, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Agroforestry practice like any other land use practice has been reported to produce different benefits and products, which enhance household incomes and reduce poverty. This study was conducted in order to examine the contribution of agroforestry products to total annual household incomes and poverty reduction in semi-arid areas of Misungwi district, Mwanza Tanzania. Research methodologies used included literature review, questionnaire surveys, discussion with key informants and pers...

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