
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Market Chain Analysis Of African Indigenous Vegetables (Aivs) In Tanzania: A Case Study Of African Eggplant (Solanum Aethiopicum) In Kahama District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the market chain analysis of African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs) in Tanzania with emphasis of African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum) among smallholder farmers. Specifically the study had four objectives namely (a) to identify African indigenous vegetables with high value marketing potential grown in the study area (b) to identify supply chain actors (c) to determine role played by different actors along the market chain (d) to determine the profita...

Farmers’ Adaptations To Rainfall Related Climate Variability Risks And Their Implications On Food Security In The Semi-Arid Sikonge District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing farmers’ adaptations to rainfall related climate variability risks and their implications on food security in the semi-arid Sikonge District, Tanzania. Specifically the study aimed at characterizing the climate related rainfall and maize production risks; assessing the efficacy of adaptation strategies used by farmers; and assessing the adequacy of off-farm strategies used by farming households to sustain their food security in a changing climate. The s...

The Role Of Men In Achieving Women’s Economic Empowerment In Butiama District, Mara Region Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite various efforts by Government and NGO’s in empowering women, they continued to live in poor condition and dependent on men. The study was carried in Butiama district to examine the role of men in women economic empowerment. More specifically the study aimed at examining men’s attitude and support to women economic empowerment. Equally the study focused on assessing the levels of women economic empowerment with regard to women economic decision making, control of savings, ...

Does Participation In Cooperatives Empower Women Entrepreneurs Economically? A Case Study Of Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Mvomero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Cooperatives have been identified as powerful vehicles of economic, social and political empowerment for women; especially those taking part in entrepreneurial activities, although it seems majority still live in absolute poverty. This study set out to investigate whether participation in cooperatives especially, Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies empower women entrepreneurs. The study has used Mvomero District as a case study. Specifically, the study focused on examining the le...

Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Rumen Liquor From Slaughtered Cattle As Inoculum For Estimation Of In Vitro Digestibility

ABSTRACT A study was conducted to validate the use of rumen liquor from slaughtered cattle as an alternative source of inoculum for estimation of in vitro digestibility of ruminant feedstuffs. The experiments were conducted in three (3) different institutions, namely Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania, National Livestock Resources Research Institute (NALIRRI) Uganda and Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB) in Rwanda. Each institution evaluated 4 diets of different nutritional qualit...

Options For Developing Bee Honey Marketing For Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aimed at developing bees’ honey marketing options in Lushoto district, Tanzania in order to guide beekeepers on bees honey marketing opportunities. The specific objectives were to: (i) identify and map bees honey production zones and marketing centres (ii) establish marketing options and market requirements for bees honey, (iii) match market requirements for bees honey production and marketing options, and (iv) to determine the best bees honey marketing options in t...

Evaluation Of Current Performance Of Dairy Cattle In Asas And Kitulo Farms In The Southern Highlands Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate the current performance of dairy cattle at ASAS and Kitulo farms in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The objective was to assess the effects of genetic and non-genetic factors on lactation and reproductive performance, calf mortality rate, longevity traits and constraints affecting performance of dairy animals. Ayrshire and Friesian cows were involved in the study. Data were analysed using General Linear Models procedure of Statistical Analys...

Adoption Of Sustainable Land Management Technologies: Revisiting Impact To Community Livelihood In West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study attempts to revisit and to assess the adoption impact of sustainable land management technology practices on community livelihood in West Usambara Mountains. Primary data were collected through household questionnaires, focus group discussions, key informants interviews and personal observations while secondary data were collected from relevant local authority reports and records. A total of 160 households were interviewed. Descriptive statistics, binary logistic regressio...

Agricultural Information Needs And Their Accessibility To Sesame Producers In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to assess the agricultural information needs and their accessibility for improving production among smallholder farmers growing sesame in Morogoro district, Morogoro region. Data were collected from 120 respondents using interview schedule. Checklist was used to collect data from Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and from interview with key informants. Quantitative data were analysed using the International Business Machines Corporation Statistical Package for So...

Fostering Collective Action In Conflict Management For Sustainable Land Use Planning In Ulanga District, Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT A study on fostering collective actions towards conflict resolutions was conducted in Ulanga District. The main objective of the study was to analyze and recommend collective action strategies in land use conflicts for sustainable land use planning and management in Ulanga District. A sample of 120 households was interviewed during the study. Structured questionnaire, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and information from key informants were used to explain the variability in land use, d...

Introgression Of Bean Anthracnose Resistance Genes In Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Lines With Als, Cbb And Bcmv/Bcmnvdiseases Resistances

ABSTRACT The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) is the most important food legume consumed worldwide. Sustainable production ofthe common bean in Tanzania is hampered by number of constrains including angular leaf spot (ALS), common bacterial blight (CBB), bean common mosaic virus/bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMV/BCMNV) and anthracnose (ANTH) diseases. The objective of this study was to develop common bean lines which will have resistances to ALS, CBB, BCMV/BCMNV and ANTH diseases by i...

Perception Of Farmers On Effectiveness Of Agricultural Extension Agents In Knowledge Transfer To Maize Growers In Kilindi District

ABSTRACT The interaction between extension agents and farmers and the extent to which farmers perceive extension agents as useful to them is paramount to bringing about change in agriculture output. However, little information is available in Kilindi District; therefore, this study was conducted to assess farmers‟ perception on the effectiveness of their extension agents in knowledge transfer to maize farmers in Kilindi District. Specifically, the study intended to: identify socio-economic ...

Determinants For Local Pearl Millet Consumption In Singida Rural And Kishapu Districts

ABSTRACT Pearl millet is among the crops which are performing well in Central and Lake Zone of Tanzania and due to its adaptation to semi-arid climate. The crop has a very high potential for improving livelihoods of farmers residing in those areas. Unfortunately, farmers are not getting maximum benefits from the crop due to some limiting factors. One of the key factors is low demand for the crop within and outside the semi-arid areas. Small quantity of pearl millet traded is an indication of ...

Determination Of The Optimal Level Of Inclusion Of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Seed Waste In The Diets Of Growing Rabbits

ABSTRACT Studies to determine the optimal level of chickpea seed waste (Cicer arietinum L.) inclusion in the diets for growing rabbits were carried out using two experiments. In Experiment 1, 24 male rabbits were allocated to four dietary treatments in a completely randomized design to evaluate nutrients digestibility and nitrogen balance of diets containing different levels of chickpea seed waste (CSW). Diet T0 was a control, formulated to meet nutrient requirements of growing rabbits, where...

Perception Of Farmers On Cassava As A Potential Crop For Climate Change Adaptation In Kigoma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Perceptions guides decision making and eventually determines the actions to be made by farmers on climate change adaptation. This study analyzed how farmers perceive cassava as climate change crop, determinants of farmer’s perception and also estimated the share of cassava to total household income in Kigoma Region. A multistage random sampling procedure was used to select a total of 140 household heads for analysis. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and key inform...

2716 - 2730 Of 4596 Results