
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Comparative Evaluation Of Green Shanked Indigenous Chicken For Production And Egg Quality Traits

ABSTRACT A study was undertaken at Sokoine University of Agriculture to investigate the influence of shank colour on egg quality traits and production performance. The study involved green shanked Indigenous (GSI) chickens, yellow shanked Indigenous (YSI) chickens and Rhode Island Red (RIR) genetic groups. The genetic groups were reared under the same environment and management. A total of 240 blood plasma samples were used in assessment of plasma cholesterol content while, 120 egg samples we...

Economic Viability And Economic Impact Of Mkindo Irrigation Scheme In Mvomero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was about economics of small scale irrigation schemes funded by TASAF. The study was conducted at the Mkindo irrigation scheme in Mvomero District, Morogoro. The main objective of the study was to analyze the economic viability and determine the impact of the irrigation scheme on household income and food security. Specifically study: (i) analyzed the economic viability of the irrigation scheme; (ii) determined the impact of the irrigation scheme on household income and in...

The Contribution Of Vocational Education To Youth Employment: A Case Study Of Veta And Non Veta Graduates In Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT The overall objective of this study was to assess the contribution of vocational education to youth employment in Morogoro Region. The specific objectives were to identifying factors that influence vocational education graduates in getting employment; determine the attitudes of employers; assess the vocational skills practiced by graduates of vocational education centres and employed vocational youth graduates; compare youth incomes between VETA and non VETA graduates; and determine ...

Economic Coordination Of Poultry Value Chain: Comparative Analysis Of Local And Exotic Chicken Breeds In Kibaha District

ABSTRACT The study of economic coordination in chicken production targets to a wide continuum of coordination activities in poultry subsector in Kibaha District. It also aims to delineate similarities and differences between the two chicken breeds (local and exotic). The specific objectives include mapping of the two value chains, identifying governance structures in the value chains, assessing of potentials of different actors categories and also determining factors influencing participation...

Parents’ Income And Primary School Students Performance In Tabora Region

BSTRACT The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of parent’s income on the student’s performance in primary schools in Tabora region. The specific objectives of the study were;(i) to examine the relationship between parent’s education level and students’ performance;(ii) to investigate the extent of fulfillments of basic study materials needed in class and during private time studies; (iii) to investigate parental influence on managing students’ time and other necessary...

Sexual Behaviour And Risk Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Moshi Rural District Secondary School Students In Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tanzania is realizing an increase in adolescents engaged in multiple sex partner behaviour and premarital sex. The objective of this study was to assess sexual behaviour and risk factors among secondary school students in Moshi rural district in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Anonymous questionnaires were completed by 360 students in six secondary schools randomly selected by gender and students' grade. Statistical analyses were performed using descriptive statistics. Of 360 students, 55.3% ...

Assessment Of Uranium Levels In Waterand Soils And Its Uptake By Sorghum And Sunflower In Singida Urban District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT In Tanzania, uranium deposits have recently been found in Bahi and ManyoniDistricts. Due to suspected high uranium levels in water sources as reported by District water authoritiesin Singida District, this study was carried out to determine levels of uranium in soils, and water and its uptake by commonly grown food cropsfor enhancing public awareness and safety to the residents of Singida Urban District. Rock, soil and plant samples were collected randomly from farmer’s field.Water...

Investigation On Copper Levels In And Around Fish Farms In Kitwe, Copperbelt Province, Zambia

ABSTRACT A study was conducted to assess possible risks of copper contamination in fish farmed in copper mining areas of Zambia. Nine fish farms were selected within and around Kitwe district for the study. The farms drew water from different sources – dam, river and spring. Five types of samples were sampled, i.e. soil, sediment, plant, fish and water at each farm. Three fish ponds were sampled at each farm. Copper determination in each sample was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectr...

Determinants Of Adoption Of Early Maturing Maize Varieties In Nzega District, Tabora Region

ABSTRACT Nzega is among the district located in semi-arid areas of Tanzania where drought is a limiting factor for agriculture. In the district farmers are advised to use early maturing maize varieties (EMMV). In contrary the adoption of EMMV in Nzega District is still low. Increase in use of EMMV is possible if factors which influence adoption are addressed. The present study aimed at identifying factors which influence adoption of EMMV. The main objective was to analyze challenges facing ef...

Determinants Of Voting In Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was driven by the fact that there is a great proportion of registered voters who do not vote in the elections. This will have negative impact on consolidating democracy and expanding collective decision making through representation if not taken care of. The main objective of the study was to analyze the determinants of voting in Morogoro Municipality while the specific objectives were to assess the knowledge and attitude of voters towards the elections in the study area, e...

Association Between Some Socio-Cultural Factors And Academic Perfomance In Primary Education In Namtumbo District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT In spite of measures taken by key stakeholders including the government, NGOs, and CBOs in Tanzania to improve primary education, the problem of poor academic performance is persistent in Namtumbo District. Almost all districts of Ruvuma Region are facing this problem, but the problem is much bigger in Namtumbo. Therefore, a cross-sectional study to determine associations between some socio-cultural factors and academic performance in primary schools was conducted in Namtumbo Distric...

Carbon Storage Potential Of Trees Outside Forests Under Private And Communal Tenure Regimes In Ng’iresi Village, Arumeru District Tanzania

ABSTRACT Though people are getting benefits by favour of ToF in form of lumber, firewood, fruits honey and such products, little has been documented on their potential in timber supply, carbon sequestration and storage. This study was carried out to determine carbon storage potential of Trees outside Forests (ToF) that fall on private and communal tenure regimes in Ng’iresi village, Arumeru district, Tanzania. The village was stratified into 5 main strata; trees around homesteads, agrofores...

Cultural Drivers Of Zoonotic Diseases And Impact Of The Diseases On Poverty In Ngorongoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT There have been a lot of cultural practices which are risky for transmission of zoonotic diseases which are practised by pastoral societies despite efforts to combat such practices. The general objective of this study was to determine cultural drivers of zoonotic diseases and their impact on poverty, whereas the specific objectives were to: (a) assess cultural practices which are risky for transmission of zoonotic diseases, (b) identify the commonest animal and human infectious disea...

Transaction Costs In Production And Marketing Of Sugarcane Under Outgrowers’ Schemes In Morogoro Region Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyse the production and marketing transaction costs of sugarcane outgrowers in Mvomero and Kilosa districts of Morogoro region in Tanzania. The specific objectives were to determine the level of transaction costs in different categories of outgrowers, to examine the influence of institutional arrangement on sugarcane transaction costs, and to examine the impact of transaction cost on the quality of sugarcane in terms of sucrose content (Rendement)....

Variation Of Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Genotypes For Water Stress, Adaptability And Yield Performance In Kagera Region, North – Western, Tanzania

BSTRACT Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important crop for the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Tanzania; it is the most produced pulse by small-scale farmers for household consumption and earning income after selling surplus. Common beans are intercropped with maize or with permanent crops such as banana or coffee and some few farmers grow it as a sole crop. The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of water stress on seed yield of common bean under control...

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