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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Manufacturing Procedures and Techniques of Indigenous Pottery Technology: An Ethno-Archaeological Investigation on West Guji Zone of Bule Hora District, Southern Ethiopia. Journal, Yantu/CJE

This an ethno-archaeological study focused on the investigation of indigenous pottery technology in West Guji Zone of Bule Hora district, Southern Ethiopia. Thus, the aim of the paper was to conduct an inclusive investigation about the traditional pottery manufacturing technology, procedures and its ethnographical tradition of the local communities (selected kebeles) in the district. The research was conducted on five kebeles (two rural kebeles, Goroo Gudina and Harroo; and three of Bule hora...

Peer Scaffolding During EFL Reading Activities: A Sociocultural Perspective

The purpose of this study was to identify the types of peer scaffolding used by Thai EFL students while completing reading activities. Pre-test, post-test and reading test procedures were implemented to measure the impact of peer scaffolding on students’ reading comprehension. The peer scaffolding checklist was employed to identify the types of peer scaffolding the EFL students used in the reading classroom. This study found that the EFL students gained higher post-test mean scores after en...

Indiscipline Behaviour and Primary School Pupils' Learning in Abi Local Government Area of Cross River State

ABSTRACT The aimed of this study was to investigate on indiscipline behaviours and primary school pupils’ learning in Abi Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. To guide this study achieve its objectives, four hypotheses were formulated. Literature related to the variables under study were reviewed. Survey research design was adopted. A sample of 200 respondents was randomly sampled for the study. The modified Likert Scale questionnaire was the data collection instrument. Pear...


ABSTRACT This work addressed controversies surrounding the payment of tithe and its upshot in the 21st century Nigerian churches. While some Nigerian churches claim that tithing is not part of the responsibility of the churched formed after the time of Christ, some are of the opinion that since there was no record of tithing in the New Testament, the church of today should not pay tithe, another group of scholars and teachers postulate that if tithing should be accepted in today’s church, i...

A Speech Act Analysis of Indirectness in Dul Johnson's Melancholia

ABSTRACT This research analyzes indirectness in selected utterances of characters in Dul Johnson’s Melancholia. It aims to identify how characters in the play deployed direct and indirect speech act in their conversations. It also examines the effects of the indirect speech act on the hearers; and the motives of the characters for deploying speech act in their conversations. Meanwhile, this study adopts Searle’s Speech Act Theory (SAT) 1969. The researcher finds out that characters deploy...

The Church and Poverty Reduction in Arochukwu Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work is titled, “The church and poverty reduction in Arochukwu Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria.” The persistent problem of poverty in the society and in the church especially in Arochukwu Presbytery has made the land and the church impossible to sustain internal growth. Poverty rate in Arochukwu Presbytery advance from bad to worse thereby keeping the community in stagnant position in terms of human and social development. This Presbytery Long Essa...


Parity is the condition of being equal especially as regards status or pay. The quest for parity has generated much passion in our contemporary society and the church, which has caused misinterpretation of Galatia 3:28 without proper care and attention to the context. This has led to feminism, quest for women ordination, confusion in the youth as regards gender role and caused marital problems. In the light of the above, this paper investigated the text using historical grammatical method of ...

Defence of Baptism (Historio-Theological Approach)

One of the major sacraments of Christianity is baptism. The major controversies that revolve around this sacrament of baptism bother on who should be baptized? How should it be done? And what it means to be baptized? More generally the debate within the arena of baptism has to do with whether it is legitimate to baptize infants, and if so, what theological justification may be provided for the practice. This paper critically examines the various propositions for and against infant baptism and...

Ontological Foundation of African Philosophy: A Hermeneutic Comparison of the Ontologies of Janheinz and Anyanwu K.C.

Abstract: Philosophy is a critical or systematic approach towards unravelling the mysteries of nature. It is an inquiry into facts of life, a quest for knowledge, and an incursion into providing answers to life's most important questions. Different peoples and cultures make frantic efforts in this philosophical search, contextually interpreting reality in a bid to make meaning of life. The compounding problem of life that flows from the magnitude of existential phenom...

Autobiographical Elements in Washington Irving's RIP Van Winkle

Abstract This essay examines Washington Irving’s short story “Rip Van Winkle” from an autobiographical perspective by focusing on the commonality and resemblance between the author and his fictional hero. It suggests that Rip and Irving have many similar traits which underline the deeply personal and subjective dimension of the tale. It begins by considering some of these traits such as idleness, generosity and kind-heartedness. It claims that both Rip and Irving are characterized by th...

Use of Facebook Memes Stickers as a Medium of Self Expression: A Case of the University of Maiduguri

The study examines use of Facebook memes stickers as a medium of self expression among students. The objectives of the study were to examine; the reasons for use of Facebook memes stickers for self expression among students, the types of self-expression Facebook memes stickers are used for, the effect of Facebook memes stickers. The research work was conducted using primary and secondary sources, that is the through administering of questionnaires. Survey was the method used and l25 responden...

Religion and its Role in Conflict Resolution

Today, there are many conflicts around the world. More often, the issues in conflicts are traceable to religion by some scholars. And this constitutes a problem as to if religion can offer anything positive in the resolution of conflict and building of peace in the society. Most of the time, religion is viewed as a motive for conflict and has emerged as a key component in many current and past conflicts. However, religion does not always drive violence; it is also an integral factor in the re...


Several factors have an influence on how the Christian message is received by non-Christian hearers and how the Christian theology is being received by people generally. One such ideology that developed in the mid to late twentieth-century, which has become prominent in the modernized societies, is “Postmodernism.” This broad movement expresses itself in a variety of subjects including art, architecture, history, literature, medicine, and religion. As the movement gained ground, postmoder...

The Messainic Prophecies of Isaiah and Ezekiel

Abstract The messianic prophecies in the Old Testament start with a promise of hope and a virgin birth in the Garden of Eden after the fall of humanity in Genesis 3:15. The theme of the Messiah is woven into each book of the Old Testament as a part of Israel’s salvation history specifically as follows: the seed of the woman in Genesis, the Passover lamb in Exodus, the high priest in Leviticus, the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night in Numbers, the prophet like Moses in Deute...

Does Interreligious Dialogue Negate Evangelism and Conversion?

Christians engage in dialogue with their religious and non-religious neighbors for a variety of reasons. They might want to get to know them better, or they might want to draw from the wisdom that their neighbors have acquired in the course of their lives. They might want to work out how to live together when their communities are in tension, or they might want to discuss projects of joint interest for the benefit of our communities. One of the principal reasons for engaging in such attentive...

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