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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Role Of Online Crisis Response Strategies On Organizational Reputation At Kenya Power And Lighting Company

Social media is a platform where information and ideas are shared.  It is in the same platforms where problems and discussion of issues affecting individuals, groups or communities are shared and feedback achieved immediately. Most organizations have been using social media to get feedback on their products. Service industries on the other hand have been using the platform to respond to complaints and to perhaps crises. In this regard, this study sought to assess the role of crisis response ...

The Influence Of Ethics And Financial Control Measures On Financial Performance In Four Selected Local Government Authorities In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT In spite of numerous initiatives having been taken by the government of Tanzania to see to it that the public servants utilize public resources prudently, misuse of resources in Tanzanian Local Government Authorities (LGAs) is still out of control, which affects LGAs' financial performance. Therefore, the study on which this thesis is based was set to evaluate influence of ethics and financial control measures on financial performance in terms of using public resources effi...

Effectiveness Of Teaching And Learning Agricultural Science Subject In Selected Secondary Schools In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Teaching and learning of Agricultural science subject in secondary schools have flourished over the past decades in many developing countries. The rationale for teaching the subject and the basis for its popularity is to permit students a wider set of future career options particularly farming and farming related careers than is offered by the usual academic or general subjects. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of teaching and learning Agricultural sc...

Round Potato Production In Southern Highlands Of Tanzania: Market Preferences, Farmers’ Variety Selection, And Profitability

ABSTRACT This study investigated the market orientation of round potato farmers in the southern highlands of Tanzania. A market oriented farmer, assumed to be a maximiser of short run profit, is expected to select varieties with higher profit potential and in accordance with market preferences and would allot more acreage to a more profitable crop than those needed for home consumption. Thus, this study sought to achieve the following objectives: to determine the market preferences for round...

Characterization Of Four Strains Of Small East African Goats Of Tanzania Using Morphological Traits And Dna Markers

EXTENDED ABSTRACT The Small East African (SEA) goat breed in Tanzania is comprised of a number of strains which vary considerably. The strains are identified and named mainly based on a few morphological characteristics, ethnic communities keeping them or geographic location where they are kept. The SEA goats are generally characterized by low production and reproduction capacity, consequently several crossbreeding programmes have been implemented in order to improve their performance. Many ...

Methods For Enhancing Weaver Ant (Oecophylla Longinoda Latreille) (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) Populations For Sustainable Control Of Insect Pests Of Crops

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Weaver ants (Oecophylla spp) are eusocial insects used in pest management. Studies were conducted in citrus field in Tanga and Morogoro regions to determine occurrence of sexual, efficient methods for trapping mated queens, population structure and optimizing queen rearing methods as prerequisite for transplanting weaver ants population. Result of a study conducted between 2011 to 2013 showed that sexuals occurred in nests for a prolonged period with peaks between February...

Uncertainity Reduction In Climate And Hydrological Models Predictions At Catchment Scale In The Upper Great Ruaha River Sub-Basin, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Water resources have become scarce in most tropical areas of Tanzania due to climate change. Any changes to the hydrological cycle may have significant effects on the water resources in the river basins of Tanzania. The impact of climate change on water resources in Tanzania have been studied using General Circulation Models (GCM) which run at low spatial resolutions of 100-300 km. The resolution is too coarse to provide useful information about climate change impact in sm...

Diversity, Combining Ability And Coffee Berry Disease (Colletotrichum Kahawae) Resistance Among Ethiopian And Tanzanian Arabica Coffee Genotypes

 ABSTRACT Background Coffee is the most important stimulant beverage in the world and a major form of cash income for millions of smallholder farmers. The world’s coffee trade is dominated by two types Arabica and Robusta. Arabica represents 60-70% whereas Robusta represents 30-40% of global exports. Coffee is one of Tanzania’s primary agricultural export commodities accounting for about 5% of total exports value, and generating export earnings averaging USD 100 million per annum over 3...

Political advertising in Zimbabwe: A critical appraisal of the MDCT’s 2013 election advertisements placed in the Daily News.

Abstract The study looked at MDC-T election campaign advertisements placed in the Dailynews before the July 31 2013 harmonized election. It focused on the advertisements that were placed in the Dailynews. The study sought to analyze how Zanu PF’s discourses against MDC-T were countered in the advertisements. It aimed to make an analysis of how signs and symbols were manipulated as a way of fighting the status quo. The paper was analysing the packaging of MDC-T advertisements. Data was ...

An Investigation into the deregulation of Zimbabwe’s media laws and its impact to the development of the film industry

ABSTRACT The study is an investigation into the deregulation of Zimbabwe‘s media laws and its impact to the development of the film industry. Investigating on a deregulated media industry allows the study to reveal how the current media laws are suppressive and restrictive to film making activities in the country. Thus, the study critically explains how laws like the Censorship and Entertainments Act, Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Broadcasting and Service Act and Publ...

An Assessment On The Degree Of Local Government Discretion On Decision Making In Urban Local Authorities. A Case Study Of Kadoma City Council.

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the degree of local government discretion in decision making in urban local authorities using Kadoma City Council as a case study. The study analysed the powers of urban local authorities and the constraints being faced in fostering quality services. A qualitative research design was used in this assessment. A sample of 40 respondents was chosen. The sample included the mayor, town clerk, councillors, directors, H.O.Ds and employees. Both secondary and pri...

The history of the mining industry in Mberengwa 1890-2014

Abstract The study wishes to explore the history of the mining industry in Zimbabwe from the period of its establishment prior to 2014. It looks at the changes brought to the Mberengwa communities by the establishment of the mining companies. Mining evicted local communities and were robbed their ancestral land. It affected agriculture in many ways in the mining communities. The study also explores the subsequent fall of the multinational mining companies in Mberengwa that left local people e...

An Analysis of the Impact of Terrorism on Human Security: The Case Study of Kenya Period 1990 - 2015.

ABSTRACT This study seeks to analyse the impact of terrorism on human security, a case study of Kenya in the Period 1990 – 2015. The deterioration in the levels of human security in Kenya as a result of terrorism is the fundamental problem underscoring this research study. Guided by the Frustration–Aggression–Displacement theory, as espoused by John Dollard 1961; and Leonard Berkowitz in 1969, this study understands a terrorist to be a frustrated individual seeking to remove the initial...

The liberating role of stand up comedy in exposing socio-political concerns: An analysis of Kate William’s Katepakalypse and Trevor Noah’s That’s Racist

ABSTRACT This thesis seeks to address the liberative role of stand-up comedy insofar as exposing socio-political issues and injustices. The thesis used qualitative research methodology to gather information. The study also used critical discourse analysis theory which primarily studies the way social power abuse; dominance and inequality are enacted, reproduced and resisted by text and talk in social and political context. Through humour comedians can say anything political sarcastically...

The Portrayal of Homosexuality in Selected American Soap Operas: A Case of Filmic Cultural Hegemony?

ABSTRACT The research is aimed at examining whether substantial viewing of TV as hypothesized by the Cultivation theory, can prompt a thoughtful reaction to the rising presence of gay persons on TV in the American media. The study will concentrate additionally on how certain political and societal philosophies and other human issues are set into the publics through the hypothesis of Cultural hegemony and how the audience and general masses respond to this. Particular T.V shows and survey info...

3301 - 3315 Of 8202 Results