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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Whose Reality? Challenges And Prospects Posed By Dembare Dotcoms To The Traditional Practise Of Football Reporting In Zimbabwe

Abstract Before the advent of the internet, the mainstream media in Zimbabwe and across the globe, enjoyed the privilege of mediating and interpreting football ‘reality’ to the audiences. This ‘privilege’ to mediate reality and the traditional practice of sports reporting in general, is undeniably under threat in this internet age. Academic studies focusing on the influence of internet sites such as Facebook, have overlooked how internet has affected the sport reporting landscape. Thi...

A historical Analysis of Politics of Self Inscription and Struggle for National Identity among the BaTonga of middle Zambezi Valley, Binga in Zimbabwe in the 21st Century

Abstract This research attempts to unearth the dynamics of the struggles of the BaTonga tribe of Binga in the quest for national identity. The research grapples with competing forces which hinders the minority groups in attainment of their autonomous identity without contradicting national question of identity formation project. What has emerged in post-colonial state is conflation of minority tribes into two major competing which are Shona and generalisation of identity of these groups. The ...

Regional Perspectives Of Resistance And Freedom In Selected Films: A Case Study Of 12 Years A Slave (2013), Sarafina (1992) And Three Idiots (2009)

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish and interrogate the perspectives of resistance and freedom in films using 12 Years a Slave (2013), a film directed by Steven McQueen, Sarafina (1992), a film directed by Roodt and Three Idiots (2009) directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The research reveals that films serve not only to entertain but to expose hegemonic powers in different societies and ideologies to fight against cruel domination. The films not only depicted freedom from slavery and colonialism...

An analysis of the contribution of South African music to Bulawayo popular culture. Case of Nketa and Nkulumane youths.

ABSTRACT Music is central in shaping popular culture for the youth in many societies. This study analyses the contribution of South African music to popular culture among the youth of Nketa and Nkulumane in Bulawayo. Theoretically, the study is informed by identity, uses and gratification and encoding and decoding theories of the media. It adopts a qualitative research approach in conducting the research. The study reveals the different components in which South African music is contributing ...

An Assessment Of The Role Of The Ndebele Ideological Framework In Promoting The Philosophy Of Ubuntu.

ABSTRACT The concept of Ubuntu has been long existing in the Ndebele society, Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole. The concept has been existing since the pre-colonial times, yet little has been done to trace the contributions of the ideological frameworks which were used to promote the philosophy of Ubuntu. Hence the research work`s main aim was to assess the role of the Ndebele ideological framework in promoting the philosophy of Ubuntu. Evidence shows that the Ndebele traditional values played ...

Involuntary Displacements In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Chiadzwa Community In Marange Since 2006-2015

ABSTRACT It was in the year 2006, when diamonds were officially revealed in the Marange communal lands of Zimbabwe. In as much as people who remained behind at Chiadzwa were depressed of their farm lands, those villagers who had already been relocated also professed themselves as cursed due to a twine of misfortunes affecting their destiny.1 Ecologically, Chiadzwa lies in the aridity region. Its annual rainfall is not only low, but also unreliable. Over an extensive period of time, inhabitant...

Unionism and the education sector in Zimbabwe 1980 to ZIMTA Warren/Park Mabelreign District.

Abstract The paper examines Trade Unions the role they have been playing in promoting good working conditions passable remuneration for employees in Zimbabwe since 1980 till date. The idea became necessary in view of the unending political, economic, social, educational, and electoral problems bedevilling trade unions resulting poor performance. The country Unionism commenced the colonial error with the aim and objective of protecting employees from exploitation and oppression by employers si...

Gnu: A Strategy To Foster Democracy ? A Case Study Of Zimbabwe’s 2008 Government Of National Unity

ABSTRACT The predominant discourse around Governments of National Unity (GNUs) in Africa involves the role they play towards ushering nations from dire political situations to a more democratic dispensation. Contemporary studies on African GNUs highlight that these governments have been utilised to serve as conflict resolution mechanisms and they have realised much success in pacifying violent situations. This study seeks to explore into the 2009-2013 Government of National Unity (GNU) that w...

Traditional Leadership Succession And Appointment Processes In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Masvingo Province

ABSTRACT The institution of Traditional Leadership is as old as history and it has been part and parcel of governance processes since time immemorial. The issues of succession and appointment were being handled by spiritual mediums following the different systems pertaining to each culture and tribe during the pre-colonial era. With the coming of post independence Zimbabwe the succession and appointment processes of traditional leaders raised a lot of questions and connotation because of poli...

Access and use of digitised special collections at Midlands State University Library

ABSTRACT Academic libraries have digitised their collections for easy access and effective utilisation by adopting institutional repositories. The study noted that there is seemingly limited utilisation of digitised special collections by users at Midlands State University although the library has been able to digitise these collections and disseminate them on the Institutional Repository. Therefore, the research aimed to investigate the utilisation of digitised special collections at the Mid...

An Analysis Of The Role Of Costume And Make-Up In Horror Films: A Case Study Of ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ (2006)

ABSTRACT The study focused on analysing and finding out the importance of the role of costume and makeup in horror film making with particular focus on the horror film, ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ which was directed by Alexandra Aja in the year 2006. Findings of the study show how costume and makeup are important in film making and how they can also be used to enhance and convey film meaning in the horror genre. Theories like semiotics and audience reception were appointed in the study in order...

Psychological Wellbeing Of Female Refugees At Tongogara Refugee Camp

ABSTRACT Female refugees have been presented by many scholars as vulnerable to psychosocial problems during their journey to exile and upon resettlement where they would have sought sanctuary. The researcher is intrigued to employ a different perspective by researching on positive aspects of female refugees optimal functioning and their coping strategies amidst risk and protective factors to their psychological wellbeing. Psychological wellbeing will take an eclectic and ecological perspectiv...

The Myth of the Democratic Project in Zimbabwe: Power and Politics in the Movement for Democratic Change [1999-2014]

ABSTRACT The history of the MDC has been authored by various scholars. Most available literature focused on the emergence of the MDC’s activism in general and was silent on the democratic nature of the party in particular. The role played by public and critical public intellectuals in authoring history about the MDC has been associated with subjectivity vis-à-vis objectivity. Praise texts have been published from a pro-MDC perspective but the nature of democracy in the party has been under...

The Role Of The Sunday Mail And The Sunday News In Fosterng Interethnic Violence ,Peace And Tolerance In Zimbabwe 1987-90.

Abstract This dissertation is an exploration of the controversy on media silence on interethnic discourses in the media of Zimbabwe. It draws its case study to the years immediately after the signing of the Unity Accord 1987 with the assumption that the media of that time was most likely to report discourses of inter-ethnic discourses as it was the period of national healing. It analyses two weekly newspapers under the Zimpapers stable The Sunday Mail and The Sunday News .Kunyarara hakusi kut...

The Coverage Of The President Succession Issue By The Daily News And The Herald, Prior And Post The Zanu Pf December 2014 Congress

Abstract This dissertation seeks to explore, understand and critique the role played by the daily news and The Herald in their representation of factional and succession battles in ZANU PF. The period covered is prior and post the December 2014 ZANU PF elective congress. It is for the first time the factional battles in ZANU PF have been fought in the media. The study is qualitative in nature and it uses the Archival research method in the collection of data. Through content analysis and Crit...

4141 - 4155 Of 8242 Results