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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Cultural Practices and Inter Tribal Conflicts in Jongori State- South Sudan

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to identify the strength and weakness of respondents in terms of cultural practices and inter tribal conflicts, to disprove or prove the theory under which the study was underpinned, to test the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between cultural practices and inter-tribal conflicts and to identify existing gaps and contribute to existing knowledge by filling the gaps identified. The study was guided by four specific objectives which include...

Justice Mechanisms and Resolution of Beledweyne Tribal Conflicts in Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study focused on justice mechanisms and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia. The study objectively sought to; examine analyze the role of local courts and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia, to appraise the effect of clan meetings and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia and to exm1ine the mediation and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia. The study adopted a descriptive design because it gathered data from a s...

Disability and Access to Education in Primary Schools in Hamarjajab District, Mogadishu - Somalia.

ABSTRACT  This study was carried out to assess disabled learners’ access to primary education in I-Iamatjajab district, Mogadishu Somalia. Specifically the study sought to; determine the risks that disabled learners face while travelling to school in Mogadishu; establish how the school environment meet the needs of disabled learners in primary schools in Mogadishu; determine the challenges disabled learners face while studying in primary schools in Mogadishu. This study adopted a mixed met...

Effects of Conflict on the Delivery of Social Services. A Case Study of Kyuso District Eastern Kenya.

ABSTRACT  This study investigated effects of armed conflicts on delivery of social services in Kyuso District of Kenya. The region continue to experience intermittent conflict from Somali and Kambas. The specific study objectives include; to find out the services affected by the conflicts; to identify the people affected by conflicts in accessing services and to find new methods of delivering the services in such violence — tone areas. The literature indicates little success in resolving t...

Project Policy Proposal For National Policy On Culture And Future Development Of Creative Media & Media Art In Nigeria.

Nigeria is a country with over 200 million population, over 50 languages and over 250 dialects and ethnic groups. Its present National Policy On Culture was enacted into law in 1988; and since then it has not been reviewed in view of the socio-economic and digital revolution in the art, culture, media-art and creative industry in Nigeria. There was neither internet nor mobile phones in Nigeria with its current communications superhighway when the policy came into effect. The future developmen...

Fake News, Hate Speech and Journalism Ethics

Fake news which is simply false information, untrue story or fabricated news has become a household discussion everywhere in the world. As fake news is false information. Hate speech which is offensive speech, writing and other forms of expression and depiction via pictures, caricatures, graffiti, satire, cartoons,  music, films etc. is strengthened and leverages fake news to go far. Hate speech incites and undermines tolerance and social cohesion in a society. It increases hatred and violen...

Ethical Dilemma, Journalism Practice and Remedies.

The ethical dilemma comes in different shades. It ranges from editors and journalists slanting a story to cover real issues by giving prominence to a good side of a story without balance, helping the government and other officials in disinformation propaganda to launder the image of the government, and receiving gratification to downplay news stories. The list is endless. Ethics is primarily being bound by a moral principle. The journalism profession has come a long way with its embedded mora...

Nigerian SMEs Responses to the Power Sector Reforms 1999 to 2015

This project is interplay of all the stakeholders in power section in Nigeria during the major intervention by way of reform from Government. All the attaining policies and circulars leading to the unbundling of Nigeria Electricity Power Authority (NEPA). This work covered the expected impact on the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). Many questions the project asked and tried to address them. majorly, these expectations from SMEs where the met? The challenges the Generating companies (GENCOS...


ABSTRACT Background: The three well-established regional human rights systems (in Europe, the Americas, and Africa) aim to provide access to individuals to a decision and remedy based on the violation of human rights in the founding treaties.It’s exactly 18years; 24years and 33 years after the establishment of African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights; European Court of Human Rights; and Inter-American Court of Human Rights respectively, but still but still the gross violation of human ...

A Self-analysis of Digital Leadership Capabilities and Applications

Contents page Title page………………………………………………………………….….….1 Contents page…………………………………………………………..….……..2 Table List……………………………………………………………...............….3 Introduction……………………………………………………...………..4 Leadership Theories and Digital Leadership……………………….....….4 Analysis of Personal Dig...

Theodicy and Traditional Views of Problem of Evil

Theodicy has to do with the justification of God in the midst of human suffering. At the heart of theodicy is the problem of evil. It is a problem because of the issues that the prevalence of evil raises for anyone that wants to account for divine attributes of sovereignty, control, love and goodness of God. In Christian theological circles, as Louw (2000) puts it, “the problem is whether or not one can hold simultaneously that God is omnipotent, omni-benevolent and evil is real, without co...

The Representation of Home and Identity in Taiye Selasi's Ghana Must Go and Yaa Gyasi's Homegoing

ABSTRACT This research explores the issues of home and identity in two postcolonial novels, Ghana Must Go and Homegoing. In the era of globalization, people are pushing for borderlessness, transculturalism and hybrid identities as against a pure national or cultural identity. Among such people are African third generation writers who are also second generation migrants. They themselves have had issues in trying to define their identities and, due to the many spaces and cultures they encounter...

Immanuel Kant and the Metaphysical Philosophy of Determinism

Kant's main idea, whatever sense can finally be made of it, depends on his fundamental two-worlds doctrine. He locates determinism in the empirical world or world of appearances, and freedom in the world of things-in-themselves, the world of reason. It is important that the latter world is not in time. 

A Critical Evaluation of Gilbert Ryles Concept of Mind

ABSTRACT  This study emerged out of the need to understand the contemporary global tension and agitations for freedom and self expression at all levels. Such quests that have resulted in so much agitations, terrorism and even outright wars in diverse places are also a result of the great increase in human self-consciousness in recent times. People and nations are becoming highly conscious of pursuing their own identities and destinies as they deem fit without undue interference from any quar...

Commonwealth Integration and Nigerias Foreign Policy, 1999-2007

Abstract  This study examines the interface between the Commonwealth integration and Nigerian foreign policy. The thrust of the study however is to ascertain whether the enthronement of democracy in Nigeria has significantly impacted on Nigeria’s Common-wealth economic relations. The study also investigates the extent to which the frameworks of democracy have enabled the Commonwealth impact on social welfare in Nigeria. Relying on Dependency theory derived from the political economy paradi...

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