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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Ecumenism in Nigeria: The Roman Catholic Contribution

ABSTRACT Ecumenism is currently a topical issue in Christendom, and is aimed at promoting unity among different Christian denominations. In Nigeria, it began initially among the Protestant missionaries while the Roman Catholics were indifferent. But with the impetus drawn from the Vatican II Council, she later joined the ecumenical movement. This research work is geared towards probing into the contribution of the Roman Catholic Church towards the ecumenical work in Nigeria. It also seeks to ...

Ascriptive Characteristics and Students' Dropout Rate in Selected Secondary Schools in Ruangwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study titled "Ascriptive Characteristics and Dropout rate in Selected secondary schools in Ruangwa district, Tanzania" was carried out with following objectives: To, determine the profile teachers and students in terms of gender ,age ,religion, tribe , race and teaching experience for teachers; determine the level of ascriptive characteristics in selected secondary schools Ruangwa district ,Tanzania; establish the rate of students dropout; to establish whether there is significa...

An Appraisal of Kant’s Perspectives on Human Knowledge

ABSTRACT There is a dialectical relationship between theory and practice, which finds expression in Kant’s philosophy. From the Socratic era to the modern period of Philosophy, philosophers were preoccupied with the investigation into the nature, scope, and limits of human knowledge, an enterprise that culminated in the emergence of the rationalist and the empiricist schools of thought. As an attempt to mediate between these traditions, Kant’s critical method in philosophy aims primarily ...

The Apostolic Church and the Management of the Niger Delta Crisis: In Gokhana- Land 1931-2010.

ABSTRACT The main aim and concern of the thesis were to evaluate the role and contributions of the Apostolic Church Gokhana in the management of the Gokhana crisis, and the Niger Delta conflict. The study employed the descriptive and historical methods of research in which issued were raised, described and critically evaluated in the context of the study. In the process of data collection the primary and secondary sources were used. The data collected through the primary and secondary sources...

Role of Communication, Age and Education in Marital Conflict

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the roles of communication, age and education in marital conflict among couples. Survey, with crosssectional design was adopted in the study. 200 married couples, 100 male and 100 female, age range of 22-70, mean age of 42 years, participated in the study. The participants were drawn from Nsukka Urban. Volunteers were sought from among local Government staff, business men and women. The self-report conflict behavior scale (SRCBS) was used ...

Karl Popper on Myths and Traditions

ABSTRACT The predominant opinion that science has the explanation and solution to natural and social problems can be summed in the words of Mel Thompson that ‘science is a massive problem-solving and information gathering enterprise’. Thoughts such as this relegate other forms of knowledge and the benefits therein to the background or sometimes dismissing them as primitive myths or traditional gibberish. However, Karl Popper believes that myths and traditions are essential component of mo...

The Concept of Labour and Social Relations in Claude Ake’s Philosophy: Implications for Africa

ABSTRACT Labour is primarily human effort applied in production for the provision of food for the sustenance of his being. Human labour is also used to make tools which make for the creation and recreation of his economic and other material conditions.For Claude Ake, man creates cultures, history and civilization which affect his overall consciousness through labour. It is therefore most important to man. However, Ake notes that studies reveal that as societies develop and owing to the comple...

Hans-Georg Gadamer on Prejudice and the Transmodern Project

ABSTRACT There is no doubt that there is an urgent need to imagine another world in the face of the fall outs of the current world order. The urgency of this need for ‘another world’ or ‘a world in which all worlds fit’ is the primary motivation for this research. In line with this motivation, this work is aimed at examining the concept of prejudice within Gadamer’s philosophy as well as the transmodern project with a view to constructing an understanding of crosscultural contact th...

Evaluation of Fuller’s Concept of Law and Morality

ABSTRACT Lon. L Fuller saw law both as a system of rules and as a purposive activity. Besides, Fuller discussed two concepts of morality: the morality of aspiration and the morality of duty. The morality of aspiration is the morality of good life, excellence, and fullest realization of human powers. This morality helps man in fixing his mind on the goals to be achieved. The morality of duty, on the other hand, assists man in setting a goal as to what to do and what not to do to in pursuant of...

Pharmacognostic Standardization and Anti- Sickling Activities of Bioactive Compounds from Seeds of Picralima Nitida Stapf (Apocynaceae)

ABSTRACT This present study was to establish the pharmacognostic standards of the Picralima nitida, to investigate the anti-sickling effects of crude methanol seed extract and fractions of Picralima nitida, to isolate and elucidate the structure of the bioactive constituents. Phytochemical analysis of the extract, fractions and isolates were carried out using standard procedures. Pharmacognostical profile and proximate/numerical standards were also evaluated. The anti-sickling effect was stud...

A Critical Assessment of Politics and Diplomacy of Post-Gaddafi Libya

ABSTRACT The studyassessed critically the politics and diplomacy of post-Gaddafi Libya. It interrogated the domestic and external actors in the overthrow of Gaddafi as well as the political, diplomatic and other consequences of the downfall of Gaddafi. Overtime, researchers have contributed on the aforementioned topic with fundamental interest on the root causes of the crisis. Most of them anchored their explanation on Centre-Periphery and dependency analysis from the Marxian Political Econom...

Nurturing the Youth into the Kingdom: A Case of Music Ministry at Christ is the Answer Ministries (Citam) Karen.

ABSTRACT The youth are known to be the most dynamic group of people in any given setting. They keep the church vibrant and energetic through various activities. One of the major activities is music. Music is a very important part of Christian worship. It is the one major way that Christians communicate with God. Through music, many have come to the saving knowledge of Christ and had their lives transformed. It is therefore paramount that musicians in church be firmly grounded in God‟s word ...

Space Standards and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Housing Design (with Special Reference to Housing Development Fund in Greater Khartoum)

ABSTRACT Dwelling area and spaces are important aspects, in designing the house or in choosing suitable type of housing for dwellers. Space area affects the use of space negatively or positively to achieve the required needs and activities, we must put in mind adequate space for storage, movements, and furniture within our space. The research reviewed and examined the study problem, which it is the focus of architecture designers and planners on criteria of the housing quantitative aspect, an...

Psychological Contract Breach, Work-Family Conflict and Self efficacy as Predictors of Pro-Social Behaviour of Bank Employees

ABSTRACT The study investigated psychological contract breach, work-family conflict and selfefficacy as predictors of pro-social behaviour. Two-hundred and seventy one (271) bankers from six banks located in Port-Harcourt were used for the study. Four instruments were used, they include: Psychological Contract Breach Scale, Work-Family Conflict Scale, Self-Efficacy Scale and Pro-Social Behaviour Scale. Three hypotheses were postulated and tested. The findings showed that the first hypothesis ...

The Contributions of Sacred Specialists to Igbo Traditional Religion

ABSTRACT The Igbo is an ethnic group found in South-Eastern Nigeria. They are intensely religious. Their primal religion is the Igbo traditional Religion. It is an indigenous religion practised by the forebears and is handed down from one generation to another. It has a clear-cut belief in Supreme Being and other minor deities as intermediaries. It also acknowledges special categories of people who are known as sacred specialists. The sacred specialists are experts who through revelations tra...

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