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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Health managers’ perspectives of community health committees’ participation in the annual health sector planning and budgeting process in a devolved unit in Kenya: a cross-sectional study

Abstract Introduction health sector planning and budgeting are concerned with identifying priorities that guide budgetary allocation to improve health outcomes. Engaging the community in this process empowers them to manage their own health. Despite the benefits and the availability of legislation and structures to mainstream community participation, their involvement is minimal and marred with challenges. This study, therefore, aimed to examine the level and perspectives of health managers ...

Diagnostic Performance of Saliva Samples in Asymtomatic COVID-19 Infected Patients in Kakamega Kenya

Abstract The pandemic coronavirus SARS‐CoV‐2 in the world has caused a large infected population suffering from COVID‐19. To curb the spreading of the virus, WHO urgently demanded an extension of screening and testing; thus, a rapid and simple diagnostic method is needed which is non-invasive. Use of self-collected saliva can minimize healthcare worker exposure and expand testing capabilities for symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. The main aim of this study was to document the abil...

Effect of food-based nutrition intervention on management of non-communicable diseases among people living with HIV in Busia County Hospital, Kenya

Abstract Good nutrition optimizes benefits of ART (Antiretroviral therapy) and increases treatment adherence, both prolongs lives of PLHIV (NASCOP, 2014), without proper care and management it exposes them to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Key objective; to determine the effect of food-based nutrition intervention on the management of NCDs among PLHIV in Busia. The design was experimental using randomized control trial approach. The control group had 30 subjects who were fed on Plumpy‘n...

Factors Influencing Patient Waiting Time in Emergency Department of Khunyangu Sub-County Hospital, Busia Kenya

Abstract Background: Waiting time remains an important indicator of quality health services. The emergency department is the most critical area of any hospital. For patients who are in urgent need of hospitalization, delayed admission often leads to exacerbation of the patient's condition and may threaten the patient's life. In recent years, the flow of patients to the Emergency Departments of Western countries has steadily increased thus generating overcrowding and extended waiting times. D...

Hematological profiles of newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Western Kenya

Abstract Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) mortality remains high despite current availability of effective anti-TB drugs. This could be due to pathophysiological derangements that are not fully understood and managed during anti-TB therapy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hematological changes in newly diagnosed PTB patients. Methods: 55 newly diagnosed PTB patients and 55 healthy controls were included in this cross-sectional non-randomized study. Complete hematologi...

Prevalence and socio-demographic distribution of uncorrected refractive errors in school-going adolescents in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract BACKGROUND: Efforts to mitigate vision loss due to uncorrected refractive errors (UREs) in Africa remain unpredictable. This study investigated the prevalence and socio-demographic distribution of UREs in school-going adolescents of Kakamega County in Kenya. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with randomly selected secondary school adolescents. Participants were screened and clinically examined for URE types and dioptric strength and were administered questi...

Institutional Factors Influencing Self-Directed Learning Readiness among Nursing Students in Medical Training Colleges in Siaya County, Kenya

Abstract Context: Self-directed learning (SDL) is a prominent pedagogical approach in nursing education. The success of self-directed learning hinges upon an individual's readiness, which is influenced by the complexity of factors. Self-directed learning readiness represents an individual's capacity and willingness to take charge of their learning journey. Evaluating factors influencing self-directed learning readiness is pivotal for educational planning, aiding in selecting appropriate inst...

Institutional Factors Influencing Self-Directed Learning Readiness among Nursing Students in Medical Training Colleges in Siaya County, Kenya.

Abstract AIM To investigate the prevalence of visual impairment (VI) and provide an estimation of uncorrected refractive errors in school-aged children, conducted by optometry students as a community service. METHODS The study was cross-sectional. Totally 3343 participants were included in the study. The initial examination involved assessing the uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and visual acuity (VA) while using a +2.00 D lens. The inclusion criteria for a subsequent comprehensive ...

Factors Influencing Nurse Interns’ Competence in Physical Assessment for Adult Patients

Abstract Context: Physical assessment is essential to the overall health assessment, constituting the nursing process's first phase. The physical assessment competence of nurse interns has been observed as insufficient in evaluating and solving patients' health problems in the clinical environment. This insufficiency has negatively influenced their ability to make better clinical decisions for patients, thus contributing to poor quality of patient care. Aim: To investigate factors influenci...

Availability and helpfulness of low vision assistive devices for low vision learners attending inclusive schools in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract BACKGROUND: Low-vision assistive devices play an essential role in improving the reading performance and quality of life of low-vision children. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A school-based observational cross-sectional study design was employed based on a census survey that identified 21 low-vision learners who had been assessed and placed in 11 primary public inclusive schools in Kakamega County, of whom 19 consented to participate in this study. Participants responded to the LV Prasad Fu...

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of COVID-19: A Case Study of Navakholo Sub-County, Kakamega, Kenya

Abstract A viral illness called COVID-19 can be spread from one person to another. 2019 saw the first case of the virus reported in Wuhan, China, while 2020 saw Kenya record the first COVID-19 infection in Sub-Saharan Africa. To stop the virus from spreading, it is crucial to have the proper information, attitudes, and behaviors. There has been increased research on the impact COVID-19 had on the normal lives of people, however, studies of this effect on rural communities are scarce. Hence, ...

Assessing Healthcare Provider's Skills in the Management of COVID-19 Infection at Busia County Referral Hospital, Kenya

Abstract Context: The zoonotic coronavirus of 2019 (COVID-19) was caused by an enveloped Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) virus from the Coronaviridae family in the Sarbecovirus subgenus and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus – 2 (SARS-Cov-2) organism. The index case was believed to have originated and transmitted from animals (bats) to humans in November 2019 at the Wuhan live market in China, and subsequently, transmissions were among the human race through direct and indirect conta...

Risk Factors for Leptospirosis in Rural Communities of Bungoma County, Kenya: A Cross Sectional Survey

Abstract Leptospirosis is an important re-emerging zoonosis of worldwide public health concern. Leptospirosis is caused by a bacteriumof the genus Leptospira. There was an outbreak of leptospirosis in humans in Bungoma County in 2004 with severe consequences. Leptospirosis is enzootic in cattle in Bungoma County. Thisstudy was conductedbetween April and July of 2017 to determine the risk factors for leptospirosis in humans in Bungoma County. The risk factors considered in this study were;rai...

Influence of HIV/AIDS Care and Support Services Accessibility on Utilization among HIV Infected Adults in Baringo County, Kenya

Abstract Context: Globally, efforts are being made to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic and improve the general health of people living with HIV/AIDS through continuous access to care and support services. However, the incidence of dropouts from utilization of HIV care and support services is rising among the HIV-positive clients enrolled in comprehensive care clinics in Baringo County for unidentified reasons. As a result, recognizing the opportunities and challenges in low-resourced communities th...

Family Issues on Effectiveness of Substance Abuse Preventive Measures among Secondary Schools in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract The rising prevalence of youth involvement in substance abuse is a global issue that requires immediate attention.The critical need everywhere in the 21 century world is to prepare students to lead healthy lives by providing them with relevant educational programmes inclusive of family matters. The study examined influence of family issues on effectiveness of substance abuse preventive measures among secondary school students in Kakamega County through mixed design. The target popul...

211 - 225 Of 6426 Results