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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Validation Of Gene Xpert And Lam Using Urine From Hiv Patients With Clinical Signs For Diagnosis Of Tuberculosis Attending The Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital Eldoret Kenyan

Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV co-infections have a global prevalence with high morbidity and mortality and Africa is the worst hit. The HIV and AIDS has profound impact on the TB epidemic in Kenya, where up to 60% of TB patients are likely to be HIV co-infected and the mortality rate attributed to TB. Lack of diagnostic capacity has been a major barrier preventing an effective management of HIV-associated and drug resistant tuberculosis (TB). Microscopy is the gold standard for TB diagno...

Dental Caries Experience And Associated Risk Factors Among Pre-School Going Children In Bureti Sub County Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, dental caries is one of the most prevalent dental health problem that affects children. It is number four main cause of morbidity among under five year old children in Bureti Sub County and accounts for up to 20% of morbidity cases. Its prevalence and associated risks factors in Bureti Sub county is not known hence the purpose of this study. The main purpose of the study was to determine dental caries prevalence, caries experience, and their associated risk factors among pr...

Mother-To-Child Transmission Of Hiv Using Single, Dual And Triple Antiretroviral Prophylactic Regimens: Correlates And Turnaround Time In Vihiga, Kakamega, Bungoma And Busia Counties, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization report indicates that in 2013, about 35 million people worldwide lived with HIV and AIDS.HIV can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, at childbirth and during breastfeeding. High rates of mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT) in developing countries continue to happen despite availability of efficacious interventions. Numerous studies have shown that socio-demographic, clinical and biological correlates and TAT are known to influence M...

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Program: Evaluating Technical Efficiency, Factor Productivity And Service Quality In Nyanza, Kenya

ABSTRACT Health service delivery across Africa is characterised by widespread inefficiency and low service quality. In Kenya, factors that closely influence performance and the critical quality measure items of medical male circumcision services remain unexplored. Specifically, technical efficiency, productivity and service quality and the factor structure of the service quality monitoring tool in Nyanza region remain unclear. Consequently, the current study aimed to evaluate performance in t...

Effects Of Cotrimoxazole Withdrawal On Malaria Parasitemia Prevalence, Parasite Density And Multiplicity Of Infection In Hiv-Infected Individuals With Immune Recovery Following Antiretroviral

ABSTRACT Strategies to reduce HIV-related morbidity and mortality include scale up of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and provision of broad spectrum antibiotics. Cotrimoxazole (CTX) is a widely available low cost antibiotic recommended by WHO in settings with high infectious disease prevalence for treatment and prevention of opportunistic infections and malaria in all HIV-infected individuals. With immune reconstitution following ART, the risk of opportunistic infections greatly diminishes. Con...

SSA Research 69 PAGES (15142 WORDS) Immunology Thesis
Diabetes Self Management Knowledge And Foot Complications Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients At Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching And Referral Hospital, Kisumu County, Kenya. Lucy Kageha

ABSTRACT The global burden of Diabetes is increasing. It is estimated by the year 2035 over 592 million people in the world will suffer from Diabetes. In Kenya, the prevalence of Diabetes is 4.56% while about 14% have impaired glucose metabolism. Since Diabetes is a complex disease affecting all areas of a person’s life, management by the patient remains central to the control and reduction of short term and long term complications. Diabetes self-management is a process in which the knowled...

Determinants Of Bypassing County Public Health Facilities Among Women Seeking Childbirth Services At The Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital, Eldoret

ABSTRACT Strong preferences are revealed when patients fail to utilize their nearby facilities and seek health care services at another facility. Bypassing rates for childbirth has been documented in literature and it ranges between 30% and 70 %. At Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital similar observation is made with majority of the women delivering at the facility having bypassed their nearby county health facilities. Thus, the current study sought to identify the individual and health facili...

Accessibility Of Essential Medicines For Non-Communicable Diseases In A Devolved System Of Government In Trans Nzoia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Access to medicines is a multidimensional concept said to exist when patients have continuous availability of essential medicines at affordable prices and within a physical location that is accessible. With devolution of health services, access to essential medicines, including those for non-communicable disease is meant to improve. The study sought to determine the accessibility to essential medicines for the four major non communicable diseases in Trans-Nzoia County. The study was ...

Assessment Of Cockroach Infestation Levels, Awareness And Control Practices Of Vendors In Ready-To-Eat Food Premises In Kisumu City, Kisumu County

ABSTRACT In the urban areas of the world, cockroaches constitute a public health threat in the ready-to-eat food premises because they spread diseases and contaminate food. Globally, food borne diseases transmitted by pests affect 600 million people annually with 48million in the USA. Developing countries have more cases but are underreported due to poor diagnostic facilities. In Botswana, more than 40% of cockroach population is in urban areas due to inadequate waste disposal and poor housin...

Prevalence Of Schistosoma Mansoni, Geohelminths And Malaria Co-Infections And Their Associations With Anemia In Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics In Kisumu, Kenya

ABSTRACT It is estimated that about 10 million pregnant women could be infected with schistosomiasis in Africa. In Kisumu, schistosomiasis, soil transmitted helminths and malaria are endemic and studies done on school children and occupationally exposed adults had reported high prevalence levels of these infections. However, little was known about the prevalence of S. mansoni, geohelminths and malaria co-infections among pregnant women in Kisumu, Kenya. In order to determine the importance of...

Knowledge And Community Perspectives On Schistosomiasis In At-Risk Communities In Suna East Constituency, Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite a large body of knowledge on the causes, control measures, and availability of preventive chemotherapy (PCT), more that 650 million people throughout the world remain at risk of schistosomiasis. In Kenya, for example, 6 million people particularly in communities such as Migori that live close to the shores of Lake Victoria are at-risk of the disease. What is missing from previous research is the extent to which at-risk communities are knowledgeable about the disease including...

Accessibility and Utilization of Basic Health Care Services by Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Lurambi Division, Kakamega District, Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Global estimate shows that Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) comprise at least 15 percent of all children less than 15 years. In Kenya, approximately 2.6 million (12 percent), of children below 18 years of age are OVC, with majority being in western Kenya. A rapid assessment, analysis and action planning process (RAAAP) revealed that out of an estimated 10.6 million OVC in seventeen (17) countries in sub-Saharan Africa, only 8.6% were receiving one essential service as health car...

Assessment Of Health Financing Factors Affecting Performance Of Service Delivery At Primary Health Care Facilities In Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The health system in Mombasa County, Kenya, has been experiencing challenges in meeting its primary health care facilities annual targets in service delivery. This could be partly explained by continued skewing of health budget allocation in favour of tertiary and secondary care facilities, which absorb 70% of health expenditures, than the primary care units that provide the bulk of health services. However, there are limited studies that have examined financing factors influencing p...

Effects Of Physico-Chemical Parameters Of Water On Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Growth In Earthen Ponds In Teso North Sub County, Busia County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Global, regional and national production of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has faced challenges of low yields and lack of crucial culture information. Farmers in Teso North Sub County recorded lower yields than expected in 2009 despite having been provided with inputs. Factors responsible for the low production had not been established and water quality was suspected to be among them. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of water quality on the growth of Nile Til...

Interaction Between Shigella Flexneri And Intestinal Epithelial Cells Co-Infected With Selected Enteric Bacteria

ABSTRACT Bacteria, intestinal epithelium, and host innate immune responses are among the most critical interacting factors that determine the fate of bacterial infections and disease outcomes. Recent studies have described multiple infections with evidence of more severe diarrhoea and molecular detection methods, suggesting the association of certain pathogens and commensal bacteria with more aggressive Shigella infection. However, the interaction between Shigella flexneri and human intestina...

2911 - 2925 Of 6406 Results