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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Development of an Experimental Rat Model For Studies on Sub- Acute Blood Anemia

ABSTRACT  Anaemia is one of the most clinically encountered conditions in animals and humans. It continues to be a global public health problem, affecting both developing and developed countries with major consequences for human and animal health as well as social and economic development. The objective of this study was to develop and test a rat model for experimental studies on sub-acute blood loss anaemia. The study design was an experimental research and development protocol, made up of ...

Antidiabetic Activities of The Methanolic Root Bark Extract of Afzelia Africana in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice

ABSTRACT The methanolic root bark extract of Afzelia Africana was tested for antidiabetic activities in-vivo. The acute toxicity of the extract was tested in mice and the result showed that the extract 6 has low toxicity. Investigation on the phytochemical constituents of the plant extract revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, steroids and saponins. The plant extract was tested for antidiabetic activities in alloxan-induced diabetic mice at doses; 62.5 mg/kg, 125 mg/kg, 25...

Toxicity of Aqueous Extracts of Sacoglottis gabonensis, Azadirachta indica And Their Efficacy Against Eimeria tenella and Eimeria maxima Infection in Broiler Chickens

ABSTRACT The Toxicity of Aqueous Extracts of Sacoglottis gabonensis, Azadirachta indica and their Efficacy Against Eimeria tenella and Eimeria maxima infection in Broiler Chickens were studied. A total of 260 broiler chickens were used for this study. They were purchased at day old and maintained on a deep litter system in the Animal House of the Department of Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The birds were acclimatized for four weeks and routinely vaccin...

Evaluation of The Development Morphology of The Eyeball of The Red Sokoto Goat (Capra hircus)

ABSTRACT This study traced the developmental histology of the eyeball of the Red Sokoto goat during the prenatal and postnatal stages. Thirty Red Sokoto goat fetuses, 10 neonatal and 10 adult goat heads obtained from the abattoir were used for this study. The fetuses were aged using the standard formula while those of the adult goats were estimated by dentition. The eyes were dissected from the head and assigned to five groups (A-E). Eye samples were routinely processed for histological stud...

Assessment of Urban Agriculture as A Means of Sustainable Urban Livelihood in Enugu Metropolis, Enugu State Nigeria

ABSTRACT Urban agriculture is defined as the practice of farming within the boundaries of towns or cities. It is one of the most common informal sector activities of urban dwellers in Enugu. Farming in this sense involves crop cultivation, animal rearing and fish farming. In this definition of urban agriculture, the location of farms plays the most important role. Approximately half of the residents in Enugu are involved in the practice. This is similar to the rates in other towns/cities in ...

Evaluation of Vaccination During Disease Outbreak as A Disease Control Option: Case Study on Newcastle Disease

ABSTRACT This study investigated the response to Newcastle disease vaccination in previously vaccinated and unvaccinated poultry flocks experimentally infected with Newcastle disease virus. A total of 90 day old cockerel chicks procured from a local hatchery were used for the study. They were brooded under deep litter system for 3 weeks after which they were divided into 2 groups, A and B of 45 birds per group. Members of group A were subsequently vaccinated against Newcastle disease using N...

Effects of Trypanosomiasis And Treatment on Peste Des Petites Ruminants Vaccination in West African Dwarf Sheep

ABSTRACT The effects of Trypanosoma congolense infection and treatment on Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) vaccination in West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep were determined. Twenty (20) WAD sheep assigned to five (5) groups, of four (4) sheep each were used. Group A (Gp A) was the unvaccinated and uninfected control, Gp B- the vaccinated and uninfected control, Gp C- the vaccinated, uninfected and treated group, Gp D- the vaccinated, infected and treated group and Gp E- the vaccinated, infected ...

Clinical And Treatment Outcomes in Clarias gariepinus Experimentally Infected With Single And Mixed Escherichia coli And Salmonella gallinarium Strains

ABSTRACT Catfish is an important fresh water fish and is an excellent source of protein. However, it can be susceptible to microbial infection. This study therefore, was designed to determine the clinical and treatment outcomes in African Catfish experimentally infected with E. coli and S. gallinarium strains. A total of 160 juvenile African catfish were used for this study and they were randomly assigned into four groups (A, B, C, and D) of 40 fish each. Clinical isolates of E. coli and S.g...

Prevalence And Characteristics of Extended Beta-Lactamase Producing Enterobacteria in Cattle And Chickens Slaughtered at Ikpa Market, Nsukka Enugu State

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of ESBL-producing enterobacteria in chickens and cattle slaughtered at Ikpa market, Nsukka; to identify the types of ESBL enzymes harboured by the ESBL-producing bacteria isolates and to determine the antibacterial résistance phenotype and genotype of the ESBL-producing isolates. This study adopted a survey design. It was conducted at Ikpa market, Nsukka, Enugu State Nigeria. The market was purposively selected because it is a ma...

Clinical And Hematological Studies in Dogs With Single And Mixed Experimental Trypanosoma brucei And Ancyclostoma caninum Infection

ABSTRACT Trypanosomosis is one of the most devastating diseases of animals caused by infection with a protozoan parasite trypanosome, which is transmitted by tse-tse fly. Besides anaemia, which is a cardinal symptom of the disease, infection also impairs the immune system of animals and renders them more susceptible to other. Under natural field condition, in areas where trypanosome and helminth parasites are endemic, mixed infection appears to be common. A study was conducted to determine t...

Cultural categorization of febrile illnesses in correlation with herbal remedies used for treatment in Southwestern Nigeria

Austral'! The elhno;;,raphic study was conducted in IWI' communities in Oyo SI;Jle in Southwestern Nigeria. The study sites consisted of it rural .uu! an urban local government area located in the rroplcnl rain forest zone of Nigeria. The study was designed to obtain information on febrile illnesses alld herbal remedies 1'01 treatment with rhc aim of identifying potential antimalarial drugs. The study revealed that fever is a general term for describing illnesses ussociatcd with elevated hody...

Trabeculectomy in young Nigerian patients

Abstract The results of89 trabeculectomies performed on 56 patients under the age of30 years were reviewed. Data collected included age, sex, type or glaucoma, number of years of glaucoma before surgery, visual acuity, intraocular pressure, complications of surgery, presence of a filtering bleb and follow-up period. Complete success, denoted by a postoperative lOP of 21mmHg or less without medical therapy, occurred in 50 eyes (56.2%). Qualified success, in which lOP was 21mmHg or less with ad...

Renal Resistive Index in Normal Adults. in-Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria: A Preliminary Report

Abstract Background Colour Doppler sonography is used for visualization of blood flow, non- invasive evaluation of vascular resistance and measurements of velocities in renal and intrarenal arteries Its usefulness in the evaluation of the kidneys ranges from the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis and renovascular disease to the assessment of intra renal hemodynamics in several different pathological conditions such as essential hypertension, acute and chronic renal failure, pre and p...

An X—Rax Crystallographic Study Of Some Wob Extragt

The discovery of X-ray was first reported in 1895 and in 1915 its diffraction by örystals was also discovered by a number of workers including Bragg^ and Laue^ . The use of this property of X-ray to 4 determine the struoture of some simple crystals was reported the same year. This property has become a powerful tool in modern Science particularly in the.fields of Physics, Chemistry, Metallurgy and Mineralogy. It has provided an easy approach to the study of the norphology of crystals and has...

3526 - 3540 Of 6406 Results