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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Health Belief, Social Support, And Psychological Wellbeing As Predictors Of Treatment Compliance: A Study Among Caregivers Of Sickle Cell And Acutely Ill Children

ABSTRACT Caregivers of children with sickle cell disease experience psychological and physical challenges that affect their role as a caregiver. The aim of the study was to find out whether health belief, psychological wellbeing, social support, and some selected demographic variables influence the compliance of caregivers on the treatment of their children. Using a cross sectional survey method, 200 participants (100 caregivers of sickle cell children and 100 caregivers of acutely ill childr...

Factors Influencing Treatment Outcomes Among Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Attending The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Hepatitis B is a major public health challenge and WHO is making all efforts at eliminating it as a public health threat by 2030. Elimination includes reduction of the reservoir of transmission through antiviral therapy. Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the regions of the world with high burden of disease. Treatment with antiviral therapy is almost unavailable and/or inaccessible. The study seeks to find factors affecting response to antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis B (...

Oral Health Status Of Young Adults In The Ga District

ABSTRACT An oral health survey was carried out among young adults in the Ga district to assess the oral health status of young adults in and out of school and to recommend types of treatment needed. A stratified random sample of young adults 1 5 -3 2 years old was selected from rural and urban Senior Secondary Schools and the communities. Questionnaires were administered by Ccommunity Health Nurses after which oral examinations and recording of data was carried out by the principal investigat...

Acceptability Of Plumpy’nut (A Peanut-Based Ready- To -Use Therapeutic Food) Among Malnourished Children In Selected Rehabilitation Centres In Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT Background: The efficacy of Plumpy’nuts (PPN) has been technically and medically documented as an appropriate product for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in children. SAM is a chief killer of children < 5 years, responsible for 1 million deaths yearly. Children with SAM risk dying 9 times more than non-SAM children. Aim: To evaluate the acceptability of PPN, “a ready-to-use therapeutic food” among malnourished children in selected rehabilitation centers in the ...

Post Abortion Care Services In Three Health Facilities In Volta Region; Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Post Abortion Care (PAC) is extensively identified as a critical practice to address hitches related to miscarriage and incomplete abortion and reduce repeat abortions. The WHO has established that every service delivery site at every level of the health system should be equipped and have personnel trained to recognize abortion complications and to provide or refer women for prompt care, 24 hours a day. A health facility is said to be providing perfect post abortion care ...

A Study Of The Effects Of Handling, Processing And Storage On The Histamine Content in Salted, Fermented Telapia (Oreochromis nilotica)

ABSTRACT Salted and dried Tilapia, Koobi, obtained from retail outlets and that processed in the laboratory (under various treatments) were analyzed for their histamine content. These were done with a view to establishing baseline data on histamine levels in Koobi as well as investigate the effect of handling, processing and storage on histamine evolution in Koobi. Sodium chloride levels, moisture contents, water activity and microbial counts were also determined for the Koobi samples. The hi...

Neuropsychological Deficits in Children With Seizure Disorders in Ghana: A Study At Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT  The aim of the study was to determine the cognitive and neuropsychological deficits associated with seizure disorders. The study also examined the effects of age at onset, socio-economic status, compliance with medication and sex of the patient. Seventy two patients visiting the neurological clinic at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital and a healthy control group from West African Basic School were sampled for the study. Analysis was done using Pearson correlation and the ANOVA. Findin...

Perceived Social Support And Its Effects On Quality Of Life Among People Living With Hiv/Aids In Kumasi Metropolis

ABSTRACT The study examined the perceived social support and its effects on quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS in Kumasi Metropolis. The descriptive cross-sectional survey design was adopted for the study. Out of a population of 1,027 People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), 320 were selected through the purposive sampling technique. The SF-36 health survey questionnaire and multidimensional perceived social support questionnaire were used to collect the required data. Data gathere...

Factors Influencing Contraceptive Use Among Adolescents In The Sunyani West District.

ABSTRACT  Introduction: Adolescents access and correct usage of contraceptives is low leading to unwanted pregnancies which has multiple adverse effect on the adolescent such as teenage pregnancies and early motherhood, sexually transmitted infections, family and community especially in Ghana. Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the factors influencing contraceptive use by adolescents in the Sunyani West District. Methods: The study adopted a cross sectional study using se...

Quality Of Medical Referrals To The Ga West Municipal Hospital-Amasaman

ABSTRACT  Introduction: Medical referral system is a vital and critical aspect of patient care from a primary health care professional to a tertiary care provider or specialist. Referral letters have become the most common means by which health care providers communicate with each other on patient information transfer. Objectives: The aim of this research is to determine the quality and appropriateness of medical referrals to the Ga West municipal hospital, Amasaman. Methods: This research i...

Influence Of Religiosity On Psychological Well-Being Of Persons With Chronic Kidney Disease Receiving Dialysis Treatment At The Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana

ABSTRACT The research investigated the influence of religiosity on the psychological well-being (PWB) of persons with chronic kidney disease (CKD) receiving dialysis treatment at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital-Ghana. The descriptive cross-sectional survey design was employed and the purposive sampling technique was used in selecting sixty-two (62) CKD patients for the study. Data was collected on the respondents’ demographic characteristics, their religiosity, and their PWB using demograp...

Essential Medicines Availability And Affordability: A Case Study Of The Top Ten Registered Diseases in Builsa District

ABSTRACT  Background Access to essential medicines is a major component for an effective health service delivery system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the availability and affordability of essential medicines used in the treatment of the top ten registered diseases in Builsa District in the year 2009. Method The survey was a cross sectional descriptive study, that employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches, following the standardized World Health Organization and Healt...

Dual Contraception Among Sexually Active Females For Protection Against Pregnancy And HIV/STI

ABSTRACT  Dual contraception or dual method refers to the use of condom with hormonal contraceptives or an intrauterine device to ensure enhanced protection and prevention of both unintended pregnancies and STI/HIV. When used consistently and correctly, it is capable of ensuring healthy sexual life devoid of the challenges of morbidity and mortality associated with unprotected sex. Notwithstanding, the extent of the use of dual contraceptives method use in Ghana is not known. The overarching...

An Analysis Of Characteristics Of Labour And Outcome Before And After The Introduction Of The Partograph In A Hospital In Ghana

A B S TR A C T The main purpose o f th is re tro s p e c tiv e com parative stu dy o f random ly selected women was to assess the partograph as an aid to p a rtu ritio n and to p ro vid e fu rth e r inform ation to s u p p o rt more w idespread use o f th is instru m ent and id e n tify any areas w here im provem ent could be made. Two g ro up s o f women expecting th e ir f ir s t babies were stu die d. The p re -p a rto g ra p h group comprised 65 women who d elivered in 1988 before the p a...

Awareness Of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Nurses In The Korle Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Introduction: Cancer has been described to be a disease in which cells in the body grow so much the body can no longer control them. Cervical cancer is a disease that affects the cervix in the female reproductive system. It has been said to be the second cause of female cancers worldwide. It accounts for over 275,000 female deaths and about 529,000 new diagnoses each year. There is a reduction in the occurrence of cervical cancer in developed countries because of constant screening b...

4906 - 4920 Of 6406 Results