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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Determinants Of Workplace Stress In The Health Sector: A Case Study Of Nurses At The Tema General Hospital

ABSTRACT Stress is the body's way of responding to any form of demand placed on it. Job stress is experienced in relation to the day-to-day work required of nurses. Examination of stress is necessary because work stress is associated with fair or poor physical and mental health as well as a reduction in overall performance levels. This study was carried out to assess the prevalence of stress among nurses, identify the facility related factors contributing to stress and the coping mechanisms a...

Pattern Of Rational Use Of Drugs In The Treatment Of Malaria In Out Patients At The Princess Marie Louis Hospital In The Greater Accra Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Many disease conditions have either lingered or resulted in death largely because drugs have been irrationally used in their management or treatment in developing countries. Malaria is one of such diseases which have featured in numerous mortality reviews especially in Ghana in the most vulnerable population, children. This study sought to assess how drugs are rationally used in the treatment of Malaria. It also sought to identify the types of anti-malarials used in the management of...

This Thesis Is Submitted To The Department Of Dietetics, School Of Biomedical And Allied Health Sciences, University Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Background Globally, anaemia remains a severe public health concern among women of reproductive ages including pregnant women in developing countries like Liberia. Anaemia can be attributed to nutritional deficiency resulting from factors such as inadequate or poor dietary intake, food insecurity, infections. Poor dietary diversity also leads to increased micronutrient deficiencies. Nevertheless, there is limited documentation of anaemia prevalence and dietary diversity among pregnan...

Malaria In Children Under Five Years And Associated Factors In Artisanal Mining And Nonmining Districts In The Upper East Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Malaria remains a leading public health problem in about 97 nations worldwide. Throughout the world, about 214 million new malaria cases are reported every year and over three billion persons are at risk of malaria. Approximately 90% of all malaria deaths occur in Africa. Africa continues to shoulder heaviest burden of malaria cases. Global demands for natural resources is fueling land use, saddled with unsatisfactory environmental burden in developing countries. We condu...

The Effect(S) Of Fresh Juice Of Morinda Citrifolia Linn (Noni) On Fertility In Male Sprague Dawley Rats

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Morinda citrifolia Linn (Noni), a shrub originating in tropical Asia or Polynesia, has been extensively used in folk medicine and has been reported to have a broad range of health benefits including combating cancer, infection, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, hypertension and pain. Noni juice has also been proven to have a high antioxidant activity. The use of Noni is fast gaining grounds in Ghana. Fertility in humans is very important as it ensures the continuous existence o...

X- Ray Hysterosalphingography: The Most Painful Part in the Nigerian woman

ABS1R4CT Background. Hysterosalphingography (HSG) despite the accompanying pain still remains relevant in gynaecological practice. For effective analgesia. it is important to identify the most painful step of this procedure. Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and the Categorical Pain Scale (CPS) were used to identify the most painful step of HSG procedure and to find out if age. parity and the degree of infertility affect pain perception in this group of patients. Patients and Methodology: Ninety F...

Hepatitis Band C Viral Markers In Patietns With Sickle Cell Disease In Ibadan, Nigeria

Summary Serum samples from 180 Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) patients attending Medical Out patients (MOP) clinic of the Department ofHaematology, UCH, lbadan, Nigeria were tested for the presence of HbsAg and anti-HCV in their blood samples. The result showed that HBV infection was slightly higher (not significant) than HCV infection among SCD patients (p>O.05). In addition, the result showed that the mean number of transfusion was higher among patients who were sero-positive for both HbsAg (5.0...

Estimation of the Risk of Cancer Associated with Pediatric Cranial Computed Tomography

Computed Tomography (CT) is a Iife saving tool for diagnosing Illness and injury in children (0 - 12 years). The use of computed tomography scan of the head, abdomenlpehris, chest or spine in children has increased were the last three decades [I]. Approximately 5 to 9 million CT examinations are performed annually on children in the United States 121. The increased use of CT in pediatrics, combined with variability in radiation doses, has resulted in many children receiving a high dose of rad...

Prevalence Of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus And Resistance Pattern Of Its Clinical Strains To Beta-Lactam Antibiotics

ABSTRACT Staphylococcus aureus is the leading overall cause otf nosocomial infections with increasing resistance to β lactam antibiotics. This study was carried out to study the current resistant/susceptibility pattern of S. aureus to β lactam antibiotics and prevalence of Methicillin Resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in the studied population. Clinical isolates of S. aureus strains were collected from Medical Microbiology Unit of University College Hospital, Ibadan between May and October, 2012. ...

Knowledge, Practices And Factors Influencing Reporting Of Notifiable Diseases Among Health Workers In Two Selected Rural And Urban Local Government Areas Of Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Reporting of notifiable diseases is essential for control and prevention of outbreak of diseases. In Nigeria, reporting of Notifiable Diseases by health workers has not been adequately documented. This study was conducted to assess health workers knowledge, practices, and factors influencing disease reporting in urban and rural communities in Oyo State, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among the 210 health workers who were responsible for disease reporting at their h...

Outcome Of A Research Ethics Training Workshop Among Clinicians And Scientists In A Nigerian University

Abstract Background: In Nigeria, as in other developing countries, access to training in research ethics is limited, due to weak social, economic, and health infrastructure. The project described in this article was designed to develop the capacity of academic staff of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria to conduct ethically acceptable research involving human participants. Methods: Three in-depth interviews and one focus group discussion were conducted to assess the traini...

Obstetric And Perinatal Outcomes Of Pregnancy Among Teenagers In The Cape Coast Metropolis

ABSTRACT Teenage pregnancy is a social problem worldwide. Literature has reported that teenage pregnancy has adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. This study sought to assess the obstetric and perinatal outcomes of pregnancy among teenagers in the Cape Coast Metropolis.This retrospective case control study was conducted among 1,006 respondents made up of 505 teenagers (case) and 501 adults (control). Secondary data were collated from the obstetric registers, client folders and labour ward...

Transvaginal ultrasonography: a survey of the acceptability and its predictors among a native African women population

Objective: To determine the acceptability of transvaginal ultrasonography (TVU) and associated factors among Nigerian women. Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 3137 women who presented for transabdominal ultrasound scan between August and November 2010 in two referral hospitals in Nigeria. Data were obtained using a questionnaire. Descriptive and multivariate analysis was performed applying logistic regression analysis; predictors of willingness of participants regarding tra...

Adie's Syndrome as a Cause of Amblyopia

ABSTRACT Adie's syndrome comprises a tonic pupil, which may be associated with impairment of accommodation, in the presence of diminished or absent deep tendon reflexes. We report a case of a 4-year-old boy with Adie's syndrome in which latent hypermetropia was made manifest by accommodative paresis and resulted in reversible amblyopia

Evaluation of Pharmaceutical and Microbial Qualities of Some Herbal Medicinal Products in South Western Nigeria

Abstract Purpose: The aim of the present study was to investigate the pharmaceutical and microbial qualities of 21 different (of various dosage forms) Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs) sourced from some traditional medicine sales outlets and retail pharmacy outlets in south western Nigeria. Method: The pharmaceutical qualities evaluated include tablet crushing strength, friability, disintegration time; density of the solutions and suspensions; particle size and angle of repose of the powders. ...

4936 - 4950 Of 6406 Results