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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences


                     ABSTRACT Malaria  is  entirely  preventable  and  treatable  vector-borne  disease  which  account  for  an estimated 219 million cases globally, killing about 660,000 people, mostly children under five years of  age. The synergistic effects of nutrition in malaria infection were observed in mice fed with different nutrients (protein, carbohydrate, and grower mash) compounded diets for eight weeks prior to infection. All the experimental mice were ...

Identification and Evaluation of Immuno-modulatory Properties of Prebiotics Extracted from Vernonia amygdalin

ABSTRACT Vernonia amygdalina leaves, commonly called bitter leaf is widely consumed in Africa especially in Nigeria. The leaf extract has been reported to have prebiotic potentials but limited information is available on the immune-modulatory effects. This study evaluated the immuno-modulatory properties of the leaf extract and identified the prebiotic components. The aqueous extract was separated into fractions by Liquid-liquid fractionation and the prebiotic compounds were identified th...


Malaria is a major public health problem in the world especially in Africa, with an estimated two million  children and pregnant women worldwide dying of malaria yearly, primarily because of Plasmodium  falciparum and its complications. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the methanol leaf extract revealed the presence of triterpenoids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, flavonoid, cardiac glycoside,  carbohydrate and alkaloids. The in vivo antimalarial activity of the crude methanol leaf ...

Local Responses to Global Ecological and Environmental Challenges

Since the late 90s, the Niger Delta of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has been faced with many ecological threats. These include cholera outbreak, Lassa fever, oil spillage, black soot and flooding, among others. However, this essay focuses on black soot, oil spillage and flooding in three communities in Rivers State, one of the six states in the Niger Delta. These communities are most affected among the state's total of over one hundred. Their names are Aluu, Rumuolumeni, and K-Dere communi...

Health implication of students housing in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The students housing has been a major area of concern with increasing students population as a result of increasing interest in higher institution of learning over the years. The rise in population which has led to various problematic conditions of students housing has indeed met with renewed interest in sourcing and researching the best practicable approach towards the enablement of efficient, conducive academic driven environment. In order to ensure that tertiary institutions in Ni...


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Diabetes Mellitus has proved to become a global public health issue, given the growing burden of the disease (prevalence) and associated metabolic diseases. Empirical evidence from clinical studies demonstrates the influence of insulin biochemistry (parameters) – insulin resistance, insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity – in the development of Diabetes Mellitus; however, the factors underlying the biochemical behaviour these insulin parameters and their associated...

Effects of Crude Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Citropsis Articulata and Mystroxylon Aethiopicum on Sex Hormone Levels In Male Albino Rats

ABSTRACT: The study evaluated effect of aqueous leaf extracts of C. articulata and M. aethiopicum on serum levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin in male albino rats as well as on organ weights and histological structure of the testis. The phytochemical composition of the extracts was also qualitatively determined. This was an experimental study. Shade dried C. articulata and M. aethiopicum leaves were pounded and crude extracts were...

Hydrochemical Evolution of Ground and Surface Water within the Amansie and Adansi Districts

Source–rock deductions of major ions and saturation states of minerals in groundwater were employed to determine the origin of dissolved ions and the thermodynamic controls on the groundwater composition respectively in groundwater within the Amansie and Adansi Districts. The main objective of this study is to characterize groundwater and delineate soil-water-rock interactions responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater within the districts. Fifty-nine boreholes, twelve wells and ...

A comparative study of the pollution status of Sakumo II and Muni Lagoons in Ghana

The pollution status of Sakumo II and Muni Lagoons and Mamahuma and Gbagbla Ankonufeeder streams, which feed Sakumo II along the coast of Ghana, were assessed and compared.As expected of saline waters, pH values of both lagoons fell within a slightly neutral to salinerange whilst, the feeder streams were moderately saline. Conductivity distribution also showedsaline (.5.0mScm21) characteristics of the lagoons, while, the feeder streams are brackish(1.5–5.0mScm21). DO concentrations in both ...

Levels and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in selected irrigated urban agricultural soils in Accra, Ghana

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous organic pollutants in urban environmentsincluding urban soils. Elevated concentrations of PAHs in urban soils are caused by incomplete combustion of petroleum and coal. This study assesses 16 individual PAH compounds in a total of 112 surficial soil samples. The objective was to assess and compare the levels of contamination as well as examine the main sources of PAHs in four urban agricultural soils using molecular ratios of some specifi...

Hydrochemical appraisal of groundwater evolution within the Lower Pra Basin, Ghana: a hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) approach

The most relevant controls on groundwater quality within the Lower Pra Basin in Ghana were assessedusing Q-mode hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). The objective was to determine the chemical characteristics of the various water groups and subgroups responsible for the groundwater evolution and identify the groundwater recharge and discharge zones within the basin. The Q-mode HCA have characterized hydrochemical data from a total of sixty-eight (68) boreholes and two (2) streams within the b...

Origin of major dissolved ions in groundwater within the Lower Pra Basin using groundwater geochemistry, source-rock deduction and stable isotopes of 2H and 18O

Hydrochemical and stable isotopes (18O and 2H) analyses of groundwater samples were employed toestablish the origin of major dissolved ions in groundwater within the Lower Pra Basin. Results showed that, the major processes responsible for chemical evolution of groundwater include: silicate (SiO4)4- dissolutions, ion exchange reactions, sea aerosol spray and pyrite (FeS2) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS) oxidations. The groundwater is strongly acidic to neutral, with pH generally range from 3.5 to 7....

Hydrochemistry of groundwater in the Savelugu–Nanton District, Northern Ghana

Calcite (CaCO3), dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2], silicatedissolution, ion-exchange and reverse ion-exchangereactions are the predominant processes influencinggroundwater quality in the Savelugu–Nanton District. Themain objective of this study is to characterize groundwaterand delineate water–rock interactions responsible for thechemical evolution of groundwater in the District. Eighty-one (81) boreholes were sampled for quality assessment.Results showed that, the pH of the boreholes are slightly a...

Effect of Culture on Family Planning among Women of Child Bearing Age in Oloku Community

ABSTRACT Contraception play an important role in the life of men and women and is viewed in the wider work context of sexual and reproductive health. Family planning is the arrangement, spacing and limited wishes and socio - circumstance of the parents. But due to their culture, people of Oloku do not always agree to family planning method. The reason for this work was to collect information relevant to the aim of study. Know factors which hinder knowledge and support of family planning, corr...

World Environment Day-2018 Theme :Beat the Plastic Pollution

ABSTRACT Plastics are important for man use. It cannot be eradicated nor forbidden. Then how should we  go about the debris/waste of plastics? How can we  stop the   single-use method of plastic? Should we ignore and look for another alternative?  These above are some of the questions we ask ourselves on daily basis  TABLE OF CONTENTS           Title page          Acknowledgments          Abstracts          Literature review          Results          Recommendations          References

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