Abstract: The purpose of this study was to conduct the comparative studies on causes of academic staff turnover intentions and its effect on Universities performance of Ambo and Haramaya Universities .The research question were: what are the causes of academic staff turnover?, what are the effects of academic staff turnover on universities performance? And what was the performance of the universities for the last three years?. The study mainly focused on factors such as socio-demographic fac...
Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to measure the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in selected branches of the commercial Bank of Ethiopia, in Hossana town and also to measure the prevailing association between service quality and customer satisfaction. Samples of 397 customers were selected from three branches of Commercial bank, located in Hossana town. But out of the total 397 respondents, 354 (89%) were responded and included in the study analyses. Stratifie...
Abstract: Service quality delivery and customer satisfaction have tough relationship in hotel industry. One of the biggest contemporary challenges of management in service industries is providing and maintaining customer satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the service quality delivery and customer satisfaction in hotel industry taking two star rated hotels that found in Dire Dawa. To achieve the stated objectives both primary and secondary data were used. Primary data were taken from 14...
Abstract: Organization has been facing with different environmental dynamics, making it necessary for it to reinvent itself in order to be strategically competitive. One of the channels available for this process is the Business Process Re-engineering. The purpose of the study is to analyze of the effects of BPR on Haramaya University performance. The study used mixed method approach for triangulation purpose. A cross-sectional data was collected at HU during 2018/2019 fiscal year for this s...
Abstract: This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the factors that influence loan repayment performance of borrowers in Demba-Gofa Woreda of Omo microfinance institution. A total of 330 respondents were involved in this study, of this 314 were borrowers and 16 were managers and credit officers. In order to give due emphasis for the generalization of the study the sample size was determined by using probability confidence method to draw representative samples. Primarily data were c...
Abstract: Currently Ethiopia is in an era of renaissance and struggling to overcome poverty. For Ethiopia taxation is a weapon that supports this struggle and for this to happen a fair tax system is needed. This study was conducted to identify factor affecting fairness of taxation to category “B” taxpayers in Dire Dawa Administration. The study used a cross-sectional survey design. It used both primary and secondary data and adopted mixed research approach. To get the primary data self-a...
Abstract: This study analyzed the role of cooperatives in improving the livelihood of members on a sustainable basis. The study was conducted to analyze the members' current livelihood status and identify the role of cooperatives in enabling members to cope with the shocks and stresses in the Haramaya district. To achieve this objective, it used both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from 146 randomly selected households. For the data analysis, both descriptive and econ...
Abstract: This study aims at analyzing the determinant of factors affect trainings and its impact on employee's performance in case of selected colleges in Harari regional state. Data were collected from academic staff of Harar poly technique and Lucy college. A sample of 202 was selected from 408 total population by using Yamane formula, which was developed in 1967. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statics. Major findings revealed that, training sessions condu...
Abstract: Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are becoming broadly known as a main source of job and income in developing countries. However, the failure rate of MSEs in Ethiopia is higher. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine effect of marketing knowledge of managers on MSEs business performance in Shone Town, Hadiya zone, Southern Ethiopia. The study used simple random sampling techniques. The target population was 245 respondents. The study used a questionnaire to collect the...
Abstract: The study to identify the determinants of biogas technology adoption. Moreover, it aimed to assess the role of the technology in generating socio-economic and environmental benefits for smallholders in rural areas of Alaba district. The study considered 316 households as a sample selected using a systematic sampling technique. Both descriptive statistics and binary Logit models were used to analyze the data. Adoption of biogas technology is significantly determined by access to cre...
Abstract: The motive of this study was to assess factors affecting the performance of medium and small enterprise in Dire Dawa administration. The issue of women entrepreneurs’ performance still presents unique challenges in terms of effectively addressing what factors affects entrepreneurs and also there are no sufficient studies in Ethiopia concerning factors affecting women entrepreneurs’ performance. To overcome this problem few published studies which conducted in Ethiopia focused o...
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to identify the assessment of employees’ perception towards human resource management practices in Meta woreda East Hararge Zone. In Implementing of these internal practices, the sectors faced a problem of formal follow-up after training was conducted; inequitable salary and unfair promotion; and limitation in participating employees in decision-making. Data was gathered from team leaders and operational employees. The research approaches were qua...
Abstract: Reliable and affordable supplies of commodities and effective management of inventory are critical for the success of the health sector organizations. The scarcities and mismanagement of these medical commodities negatively affect the quality of health services and hospital's overall organizational performance in turn. Objectives: To investigate inventory management practices and its effect on hospital performance among public and private hospitals of Harari regional state, Ethiopi...
Abstract: Microfinance as a tool for poverty alleviation has become the main subject of many global and regional conferences, seminars and workshops. Ethiopia is not an exception. The study was conducted with the aim of analyzing effects of risk management on microfinance and poverty reduction the case of Haramaya district factors on the livelihood of borrowers, using primary data collected through structured questionnaire from 127 respondents. The empirical analysis of the study was conduct...
Abstract: Motivation is stated as one of the most important contributor for high performance in the public sector. Financial motivation practices, participation in decision making, and other non-financial motivation practices (team work, Job rotation and work enrichment) are motivation systems to encourage employees to perform in the most effective way. The key to create efficient motivation system is an answer to the question what really motivate employees. The general objective of this res...