TABLE OFCONTENTSDECLARATION ...................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF ACRONYMS viiiLIST OF FIGURES ixABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction1.1 Background to the Study I1.2 Problem Statement 31.3 Purpose of the Study 31.4 Study Objectives 31.5 Research Questions 41.6 Scope of the Study 41.6,1 Subject Scope 41.6.2 Time Scope 41.6.3 Geographical Scope 41.7 Significance of the Study 41.8 Conceptual frame work 5CHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.0 Introduction 62.1 Key Co...
ABSTRACT A number of factors have always frustrated the efforts of the researcher to deliver services in attempt to investigate into the influence of delegation and accountability in the management of selected primary schools in Nyabubare sub-county. The research was carried out in Government schools. Government primary schools in Uganda are not yielding fruits to the expectations of the people and instead people are becoming poorer. It was observed that the inadequacy of the services in Bush...
ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the effect of public sector financial reforms on service delivery in Busia District Local Government. It was guided by the following objectives; to assess the effect of implementing the Integrated Financial Management Systems (IFMS) on service delivery in Busia District Local Government; to determine the effect of implementing the Treasury Single Account (TSA) on service delivery in Busia District Local Government; and to examine the effect of implementing ...
ABSTRACT The study is an exploratory research design which sought to determine the factors relied upon by microfinance institutions while charging interest; finding out the effect of interest on the performance of microfinance institutions and suggesting possible alternatives to control this effect. The study relied on qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis and data was gathered from PRIDE Microfinance in Kabalagala. The study also relied on secondary data upon w...
ABSTRACT The concept of Microfinance in Uganda is one of the most developed in the Sub-Saharan Africa. However, given the importance of credit risk in microfinance functioning, the efficiency of Microfinance Risk Management which includes techniques, methods, processes, procedures, activities and incentives is expected to significantly influence its loan performance. This study therefore sought to determine the relationship between credit risk management and loan performance in microfina...
ABSTRACT The study, "the impact of privatizing public owned enterprises on government revenue" targeted KenGen Ltd which is a power producing company in Kenya. The working definition for privatization in this paper is the process of handing over of elements of the public service to the private sector as instituted by the government machinery. The researcher has introduced the study by discussing the adoption of Millennium Development Goals and the plans for Vision 2030 which were -blueprints ...
ABSTRACT Shortage of human resource for health poses a major challenge to achieving the Millenium Development Goals. Uganda is among the 57 countlies with human resource shortage reaching critical level. But the situation is even worse at micro-levels. The Private-Not-For-Profit (PNFP) health sub-sectors complements govemment efforts to achieve the MDGs, the health stratetgic plan II (HSSPII) and the health related poverty eradication plan (PEAP) indicators. Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UC...
ABSTRACT The topic of the study was inventory management and organizational performance a case study of Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration (ZIF A). The study objectives were to determine the various methods of inventory management in an organization, to examine the relevancy of inventory management techniques lmvards organizational performance and to establish the relationship between Inventory Management and organizational Performance. The study ,,vas conducted in Tanzania. Descr...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... iDECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... iAP PROV AL .................................................................................................................................. _ ......... iiDEDICATION ......................
ABSTRACT The information technology is the modern and significant part in the banking sector, it is of great importance for the bank today to access the impact of information technology of its operational performance so as to justify if high cost invested on it is justifiable or not, analyze their problems and there propose solutions. The objective of this study, was to assess how the information systems has influenced bank performance and growth of the bank as well as adoption of information...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of credit policy on financial performance of savings and credit cooperative societies at premier credit Organisation in Kampala Uganda. The specific objectives were to establish the effects of credit policy on the financial performance of SACCOs , examine the influence of credit policy on the financial performance of SACCOs and find out the financial performance of savings and credit cooperative societies at premier credit Org...
ABSTRACT. The study was about the effects of information technology on management of credit in Barclays bank. The specific objective of the study was to find out the effects of information technology on management of credit of Barclays bank. Chapter One established the background of the study,_ the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study which was to establish the relationship between information technology and management of credit in Barclays bank the research objectives; to find ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVAL ........................................................................................................................ iiTABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................•............................ iiiCHAPTER ONE .................................................................................................................. 11.0 lNTRODUCTION ...............................................................................
ABSTRACT It is often claimed that decentralization is effective for the reduction of poverty due to inherent opportunities for higher popular participation and increased efficiency in public service delivery. This paper is a qualitative assessment of the potential of the Ugandan decentralization reform for poverty alleviation . The Ugandan government initiated an ambitious decentralization reform in 1992, which represents an example of full-fledged devolution with the transfer of farreaching ...