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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Effect Of Internal Controls On The Financial Performance Of Manufacturing Firms In Uganda( A Case Study Of Kakira Sugar Works).

ABSTRACT The study sought to determine the effect of internal control system on financial pe1fonnance of manufacturing firms in uganda. To achieve the objective of this study, the study used hypothesis testing research design. The study tested the following hypotheses: H1, Internal Controls and Financial Performance are positively related; H2, Internal Controls have a significant impact on Financial Performance. The population chosen for this study was 65 eployees from kakira sugar works to ...

The Factors Affecting Girls’ Performance in Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Ruchu Zone, Maragua District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiLIST OF ACRYNOMS ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Overview 11.1 Background to the Study 11.2 Statement ofthe Problem 31.3 Objectives ofthe Study 31.3.1 General Objective 31.3.2 Spec~fIc Objectives 31.4 Research Questions 41.5 Significance ofthe study 41.8 Conceptual Framework 61.9 Organization ofthe rest ofthe report 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 71.0 Introduction 72.1 Girls p...

"The Impact of Working Capital Management on the Profitability of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Rwanda Case Study: Eco Bank Nyagatare

CHAPTER ONE 1.0. Introduction. This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of the problem. purpose or the study, objectives of the study, research questions, and scope of the study and signi fica nee of the study. Management of current assets and liabilities is particularly important in the case of small and medium-sized companies (SME's). Most of these companies' assets arc in the form of current assets. Also, current liabilities are one of their main sources of c:xtern...

Cultural Practices And Girl Child Education In Kagamba Sub-County Rakai District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was concerned to inquire into cultural practices and girl child education in Kagamba ub County, Rakai district. The study was guided by the general objective: To establish the ripact of cultural practices that limit girl child education out of the general objective, specific bjectives were formulated that is, how cultural practices hinder the girl child education and to nd out solutions to the challenges caused by cultural practices in the attainment of girl child clucation...

Internal Auditing and Performance of Local Governments in Uganda: A Case Study of Ntungamo District Local Government

ABSTRACTThe general objective of the study was to examine the relationship between internal auditing and financial performance of Local governments in Uganda, a case study of Ntungamo District Local Government the specific objectives were, to find out the role of internal auditing on financial performance of local governments in Uganda, to examine the role of internal auditing on non financial performance of Local governments in Uganda and to assess the role of internal auditing on managerial...

Internal Auditing and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Uganda; A Case of Centenary Bank, Adjumani Branch

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT vLIST OF ACRONYMS viABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE IINTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.1.1 Historical Perspective 11.1.3 Conceptual Perspective 31.1.4 Contextual Perspective 41.2 Problem Statement 51.3 Purpose ofthe study 51.4 Research Objectives 61.5 Research Questions 61.6.0 Scope ofthe study 61.6.1 Subject Scope 61.6.2 Geographical Scope 61.6.3 Time Scope 61.7 Significance ofthe study 6CHAPTER TWO 8LITERA...

Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Operations of Microfinance Institutions in Uganda. A Case Study of Finca Uganda Microfinance, Uganda (Cbd) Branch.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................. i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. .ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................... .iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... .iv ABSTRACT .....

Federalism And Political Stability In Somalia A Case Study Of Mogadishu City

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLISTOFTABLESLIST OF FIGURESACRONYMSCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the s~tudy1.1.1 Historical Perspective1.1.2 Theoretical Perspective 21.1.3 Conceptual Perspective 31 .1 .4 Contextual Perspective 41 .2 Statement of the problem 41.3 Objectives of the study 51.3.1 General objective 51.3.2 Specific Objectives of the Study 51.4 Research questions.1.5 Hypothesis 61.6 Scope of the study 61.6.1 Geographical S...

The Impact of Internal Control on Inventory Management. A Case Study of Coca-Cola Group of Industries Limited, Namanve.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ...............................................................................................................................................

Customer Satisfaction And Competitive Advantage In Flamingo Tiles Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried to investigate the effects of customer satisfaction on achieving a competitive advantage in Flamingo Tiles Kenya . it was guided by a number of objectives, that is to examine the Flamingo Tiles Kenya effects of repeat buying by customers on creating competitive advantage by , To establish the roles of word-ofmouth advertising by customers on achieving competitive advantage by , to evalua Flamingo Tiles Kenya the significance of one-stop shopping area in helpin...

Factors Responsible For The High School Dropout Rates In Primary Schools Of Butuntumula Sub-county, LuWero District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL .ii DEDICATION .iii ACKNOWLEGEMENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction I 1.l Background of the study 1.2 Problem statement I 1.3 Purpose of the study 4 1.4 Specific objectives Research Questions 4 1.oScopeofthcstudy - 1.6.1 SubjcctScope 1.6.2 Geographical scope - 1.6.3 Time scope 1.7 Significance of the study  CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW o 2.0 Introduction C) 2.1 Socio economic factors responsible for high school dropout rates in primar) sc...

Value Added Tax Policy And Business Performance: A Case Study Central Trading Company Ltd Kampala Central Division, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was designed to establish the effect of Value Added Tax policy on business performance of Central Trading Company ltd. The researcher was triggered to undertake this study by the fact that the company meets with the failure to increase sales and this has a big impact on organizational performance in terms of sales revenue maximization and profitability. The study was conducted to find out the way VAT is imposed and administered, to establish the factors affecting business ...

Kampala International University Internal Control Systems And Performance Of Financial Institutions, A Case Study Of Equity Bank Kabalagala Branch

ABSTRACT The topic was based on the Internal Control systems and performance of financial institutions and the case study was Equity Bank Kabalagala branch. The objectives of the study were to find out the relationship between internal control systems and performance of financial institutions to investigate the different guidelines that given to use of internal systems that are in place in equity Bank. The research design descriptive in nature because the study was aimed at describing the per...

Impact Of Procurement Procedures On The Operation Of Kenya Commercial Banks A Case Study Of Garissa Branch

ABSTRACT The process of procurement usually begins when the procurer starts to search the market for bidders. After identifying the suppliers, a request for bids, proposals, quotes, and information can be ~ade. However, direct contact with bidders can also· be made instead of advertising the above requests. After selecting the suitable bidders, a quality check is essential in order to confirm the suitability of the goods in question. The next step would be negotiation of the terms, conditio...

The Impact of Industrial Disputes on the Performance of an Organization. A Case Study of Kenya Power and Lighting Company In Kenya

ABSTRACT The research was designed under the topic "The Effects of Industrial Disputes on the Performance on an Organization. Kenya power and lighting company was used as the case study. The study was set out to achieve objectives such as to establish the relationship between proper handling of industrial disputes and organization performance, to examine the causes and effects of industrial disputes in KPLC organization and to detetmine the ways of handling industrial disputes in Kenya Power ...

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