Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Role of Ngos in Provision of Social Services in Mbirizi Sub County Lwengo District; A Case Study of Lwengo District

ABSTRACT This study sought to find the Role ofNGOS in provision of social services in Mbirizi sub county Lwengo district; a case study of Lwengo district. This study intended to examine the role played by NGO’s as far as provision of social services is concerned in Sub-County, Lwengo district, with the following specific objectives. Ci) To find out the role of NGOs in Social service delivery in Lwengo District. (ii) To analyze the challenges faced by NGOs in their provision of social servic...

Contribution of the Procurement Department to Organisations

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out how the procurement departments contribute to the success of organisations in terms of quality management, cost rationalisation and timely procurement/ delivery. A case study ofMulago Hospital was taken, were response was drawn from three main departments namely; the User departments (Medical, Administration, Accounts and Finance), then the Procurement department it self. The respondents from all departments included; Doctors, Accountants, Nurses, Param...

Analysing The Contributions oLocal Government Development Programmes (I.Gdp) To Sub-conties In Uganda

ABSTRACT The material contained there in, is an analysis of the contributions of LOOP to sub-counties in Uganda. The study was primarily conducted to collect and analyze data about the topic of discussion mentioned above by assessing the contributions of LG programmes to sub counties in Uganda. Other objectives of the study were to; find out LGDP projects that were under way in Nabiswera sub county, Nakasongola District. To know the sources of revenue for local governments, to know the proble...

Loan Defaults and Operation of Microfinance Institutions a Case Study of Pride Microfinance Institution Mbarara Branch

ABSTRACT The major objective of the study was to identify the factors responsible for loan default by clients of microfinance institutions, to examine the credit methodologies used in loan default management and to identify the relationship between loan default and MFI operations. Questionnaires were used collect data for the study. It was a combination of descriptive and analytical research of results from self administered questions, interviews and record inspection. The researcher analyzed...

The Effects Of Financial Accountability On The Performance Of Non-governmental Organizations In Icampala District (A Case Study Of Human Rights Upholds Uganda In Central Uganda)

ABSTRACT Financial accountability has been one of the most problematic and prevalent issues for business worldwide for a long time. Increase in financial misappropriation and number of corporate scandals had an important impact on understanding and analyzing financial accountability and in turn on audit of the same and its regulation. The growth in finance misappropriation cases indicates that a strong need exists for research approaches that better enable auditors and investigators to detect...

Naads Program and Food Security in Uganda a Case Study of Ddwaniro Sub-County Rakai District

ABSTRACT The study sought of assessing the relationship between NAADs program and Food security in Ddwaniro Subcounty Rakai District, determine the role played by NAADs program on food security and challenges to NAADs program and how to combat the challenges. The study used a descriptive reseach design and employing both qualitative and quantitative apporaches in the searching for the informaiton. The populaiton sample size was 196. The study findings indicated that the major challenges affec...

Edu Frontiers 56 PAGES (9768 WORDS) Economics Project
The Role Internal Audit In Public Sector on Quality Service Delivery; Case Study of Arusha International Conference Centre-tanzania

ABSTRACT Internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operation. This study was intended to identify the role of internal audit at the Arusha International conference centre. AICC is the government organization which deals with hospital services, conference service and estate service. The study examined the position of an organization in the absence of internal audit in the organization. The study give out the...

The Contributions of Non~Governmental Organizations in Social Development. A Case Study of Moroto District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the contributions of non~governmental organizations in Social Development: A case study ofMoroto District, Uganda. The study objectives were; the role played by Non-governmental organisations in social development in Moroto District, Uganda, Uganda, challenges faced by Non-governmental organisations in social development in Moroto District, Uganda, Uganda and relationship between ngos and social development in Moroto District, Uganda. The study applied a c...

Effects of Poor Office Environment On the Motivation of Workers in an Organisation in Uganda: A Case Study of Ministry of Public Service in Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study investigated the effects of poor office environment on the motivation of workers in the ministry of public service in Uganda. The study was guided by three specific objectives and these included; to find the effect of office environment in the productivity of workers, to determine the effect of motivation on the performance of workers and to establish the relationship between poor office environment and motivation of employees. The study reviewed literature r...

Impact of Staff Turnover on The Performance of Aids Information Center (Aic) Mbale in Heal The Service Delivery

ABSTRACT Staff turnover greatly impacts on the performance of any given organization. This research aimed at finding out the impact of staff turnover on the performance of AIC in health service delivery in Mbale. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data which minimized the level of biasness from the respondents from the researcher and thus coming up with more sounding responses. Upon analysis of data, the following results and conclusions were made; Finding out caus...

The Influence of Urban Population Behaviour on Solid Waste Management in Jinja Town

ABSTRACT The study investigated the “Influence of Urban Population Behaviour on Solid Waste Management in Jinja Town” and it was revealed that waste management is still one of the biggest problems that is affecting development and reorganisation on Jinja town. Following history, Jinja used to be one of cleanest towns due to its influence in Uganda’s development process. The town however now has one of the worst pictures known to the country. Although the town is noted for being infamous...

The Contribution of Credit Policies On the Level of Loan Recovery. A Case Study of City Oil Kampala Branch.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration .......................................................................................... iApproval. ............................................................................................ iiDedication ......................................................................................... .iiiAcknovvledgen1ent. ............................................................................... .ivTable of contents .................................................

The Impact of Interest Rate on The Operations of Microfinance Institutions in Kampala A Case Study of Uganda Women Finance Trust

ABSTRACT  Research proposal was prepared so as to act as a baseline of doing this research. I carried out his research because of the growing number of the financial institutions in Uganda since ndependence whereby these financial institutions attracted people to acquire loans from the nstitutions. fhe broad objective of this study was to asses the impacts of interest rate on the operations of the microfinance institutions in Kampala. Specifically this study sought to identify the variou...

An Evaluation On the Effects of Peoples' Culture On Marketing Loans in the Microfinance Institutions.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARA TION ................................•.••..•............................................ iAPPROVAL. ...........................................................•••••.•..•••.•••••...••.... .iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..•..•••.•.•..•..•...................................................• iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS .••••••••••••..•.•.....................................................•• ivCHAPTER...

The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Marriages in Mukono District

TITTLE ............................................................................ .DECLARATION .................................................................... .DEDICATION .................................................................... .ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................... .CHAPTER ONEPAGE(i)(ii)(iv)(v)11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

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