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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Impact Of Employee Motivation On Organizational Productivity A Case Study At Regency Group Of Hotel

ABSTRACTThe study was undertaken with the purpose of examining the impact of employee motivation on organizational productivity and Regency Group of Hotel was considered for the study.The objective was to establish the relationship between employee motivation and organizational productivity, to examine the types of motivation , to examine theimpact of.employee motivation Or:...

Resource Utilization And Education Infrastructure Development In Beled Wein-District Somalia.

ABSTRACTThe purpose study was to establish the relationship between resource utilization and education infrastructure development in Beled-wein district - Somalia. The study was guided by three specific objectives that included I) todetermine the level of resource utilization in Beled-wein District Somalia. ii) to determine the level of education infrastructure development in Beled-weinDistrict Somalia. and (iii) . To analyze whether there is relationship between resource ...

SSA Research 58 PAGES (12533 WORDS) Economics Report
An Analysis of Microfinance Services and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprise in Kampala Town Council

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between microfinance services and growth of small and medium enterprises in Kampala, Uganda. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) establish the microfinance services accessed by the small and medium enterprises owners in Kampala Uganda; ii) determining the level of growth of small and medium enterprises in Kampala Town Council and (iii) establishing the relationship between microfinance services and growth ...

Credit Policy and Financial Performance in Barclays Bank in Kampala Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVALDECLARATION .iiTABLE OF CONTENTS iiiLIST OF TABLES viLIST OF ACRONYMS viiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION I1 .0 Introduction 11 .1 Background of the Study1 .1 .1 Historical perspective1 .1 .2 Theoretical perspective 21 .3 Conceptual perspective 31 .1 .4 Contextual perspective 41.2 Statement of the problem 41.3 The purpose of the study 51 .4 General objectives 51 .4.1 Specific objectives 51 .5 Research questions 51.6 1-lypotheses of the study 51.7 Scope of the study 61.7.1 Ge...

Female Genital Mutilation and Girl Child Education in Suam Sub - County Bukwo District- Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated FGM and girl child education in Bukwo District, Eastern Uganda. The main reason of the study was. to establish the effect of FGM on Girl child education and how it can be eliminated to improve the enrollment of the girl child in schools. The study mainly targeted those wl~o are mutilated.. Questionnaires (self administrated questionnaires); in, depth interview methods were used to get the required information in which 100 respondents were interviewed in the who...

Inventory Control and Profitability of Private Health Institutions: A Case Study of Mayanja Memorial Hospital Mbarara, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the effect of inventory control on profitability of hospitals in Mbarara district, Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives, that included; to determine the effect ofjust-in-time inventory on profitability of hospitals in Mbarara district, Uganda, to establish the effect of vendor managed inventory on profitability of hospitals in Mbarara district, Uganda and to establish the effect of material requirements planning on profitability of Mayanja Mem...

The Impact of Performance Appraisal On Employee Performance. A Case of Koboko District Health Center in Koboko.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ............................................................................................... .iApproval ..................................................................................................... .iiDedication ................................................................................................. .iiiAcknowledgment ........................................................................................ .ivTable of Contents .....................

A Case Study of New Vision Printing and Publishing Company Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.................................................. ........... .......... ..1DEDICATION......................... ............. ............ .............. ........ .. .... . ... u1ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................................................................................... 1vABSTRACT .............................................................................. ·························· ......... VITABLE OF CONTENT...

Effects of E-Procurement and Procurement Performance of Public Entities in Uganda, The Case of National Information Technology Authority Uganda, Logogo, Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVALDECLARATION .IIDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction.1 Background to the study I1.1.1 Historical Background I.1 .2 Theoretical perspective 21.1.3 Conceptual perspective 2.1 .4 Contextual perspective 31.2 Statement of the problem 3I .3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Objectives of the study 41 .5 Research questions 41 .6 Research hypothesis 41.7 Scope of the Study 51.7.1...

Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance a Case Study of Demafreight Logistics Limited, Kampala

ABSTRACT Effective supply chain management (SCM) has become a potentially valuable way of securing competitive advantage and improving organizational performance since competition is no longer between organizations, but among supply chains. This research conceptualizes and develops three dimensions of SCM practice (strategic supplier partnership. customer relationship, information sharing.) and tests the relationships between SCM practices. competitive advantage, and organizational performanc...

Working Capital Management and Managerial Performance in Selected Firms in Mogadishu, Somali

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL IDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLESACRONYM (ABBREVIATIONS)CHAPTER ONE IBackground of the Study 1Statement of the Problem 2Purpose of the Study 2Research Objectives 3Research Questions 4Null Hypotheses 4Scope 4Significance of the Study 4Operational Definitions of Key Terms 6CHAPTER TWOREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 7Concepts, Ideas, Opinions from Authors! Experts 7Theoretical PerspectiveRelated Studies 17CHAPTER THREE 20METHO...

Capacity Building and Performance of Public and Private Organisatinons in Uganda: Case Study of Action Aid Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction I1.1 Background of the Study 11.1.1 Historical Background 11.1.2 Theoretical perspective 21.1.3 Conceptual perspective 21.2 Problem statement 31.3 Objectives of the study 31.3.1 General objective of the study 31.3.2 Specific Objectives 31.4 Research Questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41.5.1 Content scope 41.5.2 Geographical scope 41.5.3...

The Effects of Electronic Banking On Customer Satisfaction in Commercial Banks. A Case Study of Centenary Bank Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL. ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................

Public Finance Management and Education Service Delivery in Uganda: A Case Study of Mukono District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLES ixABSTRACTChAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 11 .0 Introduction1 . 1 background of the Study 11 .2. Statement of the Problem 2I .3 Objectives of the study 3I .3.1 General Objective 31.3.2 Specific Objectives 3I .4 Research Questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41,5.1 Geographical scope 41.5.2 Content scope 41.5.3 lime scope 41.6 Significance of the Study1 .7 Conceptual framework 5CHAPTER TWO 7[.ITERATURE REVIEW ...

The Impact of Self- Reliant Strategy (Srs) for the Refugees in Imvepi

Table of ContentsDeclaration............................................................................... (i)Dedication................................................................................ (ii)Acknowledgement... .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . (iii)List of tables.............................................................................. (vi)Abstract... .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. ...

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