TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page iCertification iiDedication iiiAcknowledgements ivTable of Contents viCHAPTER ONE1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objective of the study1.3 The scope of the study1.4 The significance of the study1.5 Historical background of the case study1.6 Definitions of key conceptsCHAPTER TWO2.1 Scholars view on personnel management2.2 Benefits of personnel management to an organization 2.3 Functions of personnel managementCHAPTER THREE3.1 Research Methodology3.2 Instruments or T...
TABLE OF CONTENTTitle pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgementTable of contentsCHAPTER ONE1.0 General Introduction1.1 Statement of the problem1.2 Objectives of the study1.3 Significance of the study1.4 Scope and Limitation of the study1.5 Historical Background of United Bank of Africa1.6 Definition of termsCHAPTER TWO2.0 Literature reviewCHAPTER THREE3.0 Research methodology3.1 Research methods used 3.2 Research instrument used in collecting data3.3 Sampling design procedure3.4 Source ...
TABLE OF CONTENTCHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY1.1 Introduction1.2 Statement of problems of the study1.3 Aims and objectives of the study1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Scope of the study1.5.1 Theoretical scope1.5.2 Geographical scope1.5.3 Industrial scope1.5.4 Time scope1.6 limitations and constraints to the studyCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Review of past research reports on the subject matter (empirical review)2.2 Review of braineral test (theoretical reviews)2.3 Summary o...
ABSTRACTThe study was aiming at assessing the effectiveness of accounting standardsand financial reporting. The information or data was taken from Uganda PoliceForce.The research identified things from the Police Force Account Department usingthe financial statements, also it identified the role of financial statementswithin the organization and to the users and how it has helped them in all theproper management of the force for the proper decision making, not only that,but also other things ...
ABSTRACTThis research was concentrated on the linkage between access to basic necessities and standardof living in Bombo, Uganda. The study objectives were: to find out the demographiccharacteristics of the respondents, and to determine the level of the respondents’ standard ofliving in terms of access to education, access to food, and access to health care.Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The study used simple randomsampling technique to draw representative sample...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of online tax system on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Makindye Division a case study of small and medium enterprises in Ogaba Village. The study was based on three specific objectives; to determine the effect of online tax registration on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Uganda, to find out the impact of online tax payment on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Uganda and to find...
Abstract The study investigated the relationship between income inequality and economic development with a case study of Jinja Municipality in Eastern Uganda. The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between income inequality and economic development. The study reviewed data on Income inequality, gender and their relationship with economic development. The study employed descriptive survey research design method where both qualitative and quantitative research tech...
AbstractThe study entitled the influence of physically disabled persons on social economic development in Somalia, case study of Puntland, was guided by the following objectives,to determine the causes and elements of physical disability among people in Puntland Somalia,to identify how disabled persons have contributed to socio-economic development in Puntland Somalia,to identify the challenges faced by disabled persons in accessing social economic development in Puntland Somalia,to identify ...
ABSTRACTThe study aimed at assessing the effects of hotels on development of Kampala. The objectives ofthe study were; to identify the effects of hotels on development of Kampala, to identify thechallenges faced by hotels in developing Kampala, and find the relationship between hotels anddevelopment. This study was confined to Sheraton hotel Kampala Uganda. This placed businessorganization which was chosen to take form of this study because it provided various services andthey were packed dif...
TABLE OF CONTENTS.Declaration ........................................................................ .iApproval. .......................................................................... iiDedication ........................................................................ iiiAcknowledgement. .............................................................. ivTable of content ................................................................. viCHAPTER ONE.1.0 INTODUCTION ..........................
ABSTRACT The study focused on corruption and service delivery in the Republic of South Sudan and it considered primary data. It was guided by the following research objectives; the forms of corruption affecting Service delivery in South Sudan, what is done by the government to prevent and punish corruption culprits in the Republic of South Sudan and the practical recommendations on how to deal with corruption and build strong institutions with zero tolerance to corruption in the Republic of S...
ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the effect of decentralization and performance of local government in social service delivery in kagadi district. The study was to assess the contributions of decentralization in promoting health service delivery in Kagadi district, to explore the challenges encountered in implementing decentralization of health service delivery and explores measures for improving decentralization and, hence promotes efficient health service delivery in Kagadi district....
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of employee behavior on organization performance in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries in Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives, to identify the causes of poor performance in the ministry, to examine the influence of employee behavior on performance of workers, and to establish the solutions to poor organisational performance in the ministry of Agriculture, Animal husbandry and fisheri...
This research exercise is on “impact of talent management on the performance of the employee; a study of selected banks in Enugu state”. The research objectives include: to highlight the impact of talent management on the performance of employees in the selected banks, to ascertain the extent of relationship between talent attraction and employee performance in selected banks and to identify the extent of relationship between talent retention and performance in the selected banks. T...
ABSTRACTThere is uncertainty regarding the quality of financial reporting in Kicukiro district in Rwanda. Kicukiro district experience difficulty in presenting financial reports that reflect the financialcondition and results of operation in rational and meaningful manner. More than often. it is wondered how much information is enough or which information is important. The study wasundertaken with a purpose of examining the relatiomhip between financial reporting and perl'orman...