The research study was on employee training and performance in organization and the problem was inadequate training of employees in Uganda breweries limited. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between employee training and performance and the objectives where to identify forms of employee training in organization, to establish the performance measurement tools used in Uganda breweries, to establish the effects of employee training in Uganda breweries limited on performan...
In the past record keeping systems among financial institutions (commercial banks) mainly focused on finance function such as budgeting and forecasting. (Miller, 1992). However, with innovation of modern technology, it involves a range of information about human resource data, credit performance of clients, credit history especially with aid of CRBS (credit reference bureau standards), financial institutions among others (according to GAP 2002). Prior to the information 20 century, commercial...
Recently, pressures from globalization have reinvigorated the need to ensure food, safety, national quality, customers demand for convenience, variety and quality combined with new possibilities created by the biotechnology revolution have all led to changing attitude in which the industry becomes more directed at creating products that match what is demanded by consumers. This process is known as chain reversal. A change frorri supply based approach to a demand based approach (Muhlenberg, 20...
The study will aimed at establishing the relationship between accounting standards and financial reporting in Mukwano group of companies. It was accompanied by the following objectives, to examine the relationship between accounting standards and financial reporting, to establish the procedures of setting accounting standards, and to find out the factors that inhibit the adoption of accounting standards in the financial reporting in Mukwano group of companies the study was explanatory and des...
The purpose of the study was to investigate the performance of customs services under R,,vanda revenue authority. A case study of Gatuna Customs Post. The study was guided by the following objectives, to identify the various Tax structure and administration being implemented by Gatuna customs post in Rwanda, to identify the challenges faced by Gatuna Customs Post in tax administration and to find out procedures used by Gatuna customs post in administering Tax in R,;vanda. The study employed d...
The research was can-ied out with the main objective of finding out the impact of ATMs on customer satisfaction in Crane Bank Uganda. This study focused don four research questions. 1. To find out the impact of ATMs on Customer Satisfaction 2. To find out the relationship between ATMs and customer satisfaction. 3. To find out the challenges faced by the banks when installing the ATMs 4. To find out how the challenges can be handled. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires to...
This study was conducted at Wazo and Tegeta hamlets of Wazo ward in Kinondoni municipality, to assess the contribution of Twiga cement factory in improving living standard of the surrounding community. A random sample of 80 respondents from the household level was interviewed by using questionnaires, and focus group discussion. And analysis was done using computer program called statistical package for social science (SPSS). Presentation of analyzed data was done by using tables, plates and w...
The study on the effect of training on employee performance was carried out from Observer Media Limited to establish the various types and methods of training carried out and why performance assessment is observed in order to establish the relationship between training and performance assessment. To comprehend this, the study reviewed literature from various scholars for qualification of the findings through use of a descriptive study analysis administered on a sample of 50 employees both 'fu...
The study sought to analyze the impact of transparency, reporting and financial performance of commercial banks. A case study of Equity Bank Uganda Limited which was created in 2008 when the equity bank group purchased Uganda Micro finance limited a tier 11 , for all share price valued at US $ 27 Million. Equity bank launched under its new brand on the 30th .as a subsidiary of the equity bank group which commenced business on registration. The study was guided by a number of objectives as lis...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between microcredit services and economic wellbeing of isoinen in Makindye l)ivision. the study was guided by three objectives: (1) finding out the level of microcredit sen ices. (2) finding out the level of economic wellbeing and (3) finding out the relationship between microcredit services and economic wellbeing of women in Makindye Division. The stud> involved quantitative approach specifically the descriptive cor...
This report carries the information collected by the researcher during her research. The study was to assess the impact of computerized accounting on customer service delivery a case of Hima Cement Ltd. Hima cement was selected to form the basis of the research study. The main objective was to investigate the effects of computerized accounting on customer service delivery in business organization especially Hima Cement. The methodology used by the researcher included analytical research desig...
The general objective of the study was to establish the effects of labor turnover on the organizational performance. Labor turn over was characterized by wage reasons, employee lob expectations and working conditions. Organizational performance on the other hand is the ability to satisfy the clients with quality service, efficient financial control in carrying out his/her duties. The study was guided by the following objectives; (I) To examine the effect of employee compensation on performanc...
The purpose of the study was to analyse the level of stress among secondary school students in Makindye division, Kampala district. The study was guided by three specific objectives which included i) to establish the causes of stress among secondary school students in Kampala district. ii) to examine the impacts of stress on performance of secondary school students in Makindye division, Kampala district and iii) to examine the strategies that can be used to curb stress among the secondary sch...
Financial management in organizations has evolved from being a subject area in conomics to a strategic function as seen in most organizations today. The evolutionary rocess of financial management or performance as a discipline has been dictated by evelopment in the business environment through technological revolutions which is a reality ~i Uganda. The financial manager has seen his role changing from that of being a simple fundraiser nd custodian of funds (treasurer) to being strategic exec...
In 2008-2009 much of the industrial world entered into a recession, the late 2000s recession, sparked by a '1r.:::1cia1 crisis that had its origins in the reckless lending practices involving the origination and distribution of mortgage rl~bt in the United St>!es. Sub-prime loans in 2007 exvosed other risky loans and over-inflated asset prices. With the losses mounting, panic developed in inter-bank lending. Precarious financial situation was made difficult by a sharp increase in oiJ and food...