ABSTRACT The research topic "Effect of Outsourcing on the Organizational Performance," the case of Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited (KPRL), Mombasa Kenya. The main objectives of the study included. To find out the effect of outsourcing on the organization performance To find out the process of outsourcing in the organization To examine the relationship between outsourcing and performance of the organization To find out solutions to the effects of outsourcing The literature review presents...
ABSTRACT: The study looked at contract management and service delivery with the objectives; To establish the relationship between accountability in contract management and service delivery, to determine the relationship between communication in contract execution and service delivery and to establish the level of skills / knowledge possessed by contract management stakeholders and how they impact on service delivery. A sample of 69 respondents were detennined using Sloven's Fonnula; n = N l+...
This study was carried out to investigate on the impact of budgeting on the performance of small scale businesses. It aimed at achieving the following objectives, to establish the impact of budgeting on organization performance to identify indicators of performance m organization and to establish the relationship between budgeting and performance of organization. The study was carried out to establish the reasons why many organizations have continued to perform poorly despite management ...
A country financial system includes its banking institutions and is the oil that greases the engine of its economic growth. Commercial banks provide the vital function of mobilizing savings from those who have it and allocate such saving to those who wish to borrow to invest in economy development. It is with this context that credit policy arises. The word policy can be a broad and frightening term while most banks will define them in similar manner. Therefore, credit policy is the gene...
This part is composed of the subject of this research which is "the assessment of the performance of Rwanda tea sector in agriculture industry" a case study of the tea head office (OCIR Tl-IE). The research is about the tea sector in Rwanda, its performance from past to recent years, the problems that impact the sector and its beneficiaries in general. It looks at the sector from farm' level point of view, the processing level as well as the marketing level which is the final level. The r...
Micro finance includes the entire spectrum of financial services for broad sectors of the population, but particularly for the poor, but refers not only to small and micro loans, but also saving products to savings products insurance and money transfers. In short, microfinance means specialist financial services to disadvantaged people The study aimed at investigating how interest rate ceiling affect the availability of credit to the marginalized poor in Kenya. The microfinance institutio...
ABSTRACT This report is about MFis and poverty alleviation in the rural communities of Thur village of Abim sub county, Abim district. The objectives fo the study were to establish the relationship between interest rates, immediate benefits, loan amounts, grace periods and poverty alleviation. The research was based on analytical design to establish the relationship between the study variables. It used secondary data obtained from journals, textbooks and bulletins among others. The informati...
ABSTARCT The study was carTied out using Safaricom Company, Moi Avenue branch located in Nairobi Kenya. This research was intended to examine the impact of e-business in the procurement process in organizations. Data used was collected from Safaricom suppliers, its customers and the purchasing department. Questionnaires and interviews guides were used as tools to gather this data from 40 respondents. The data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Both male and female respondent...
ABSTRACT This research report set out to investigate the relationship between imports and economic growth (measured by GDP) in Uganda (1995-2011), the study employed time series survey data since examined data for a short time ,its objectives were; to establish the trend of import in Uganda(1995-201 1,to establish the trend of GDP growth of Uganda(1995-201 1) ,to investigate the relationship between import and GDP growth in Uganda (1995-2011), the hypothesis of the study was there is no ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between increased diversity in workplace and employee performance. An interdependent, diverse work environment is a necessary component of a successful organization, and if management and other employees cannot adjust differences within the cultures of the people, chaos will soon follow. In order for an organization to remain competitive, management must know how to manage diversity and employee performance. The design of th...
ABSTRACT The study was set to establish the effects of training on employee performance at Roofing's Uganda limited. The background of the study presents the problem prevalence at Global, African, country and local views on the concept of training and employee performance. It was based on three study objectives which included assessing the effect of training on periormance of the employees under study, to establish organizational issues that constrain training in organizations and investigat...
ABSTRACT: The study was designed to enable us know the effect of Micro Finance towards Poverty alleviation, credit policy of Micro Finance on the very poor. The study was to establish the impact of micro finance towards poverty alleviation and its performance on the very poor, the weaknesses of interest rate, loan size, short and frequent payment schedules, imposed by micro finance to its clients and difficulties encountered by micro finance institutions. The study was conducted in Kampala D...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the determinants of food security in Magoro Sub County. Katakwi district. It was guided by three objective; (I) examining the food security situation. (II) finding out the determinants of food security, and (III) examining the significance of the determinants of food security on food security in the study area. The study was quantitative guided by cross sectional as well as correlational designs. The target population was 100 households of whom oniy 88...
Abstract. The aim of this research project was the establishment of relationship between privatization and performance of privatized enterprises in Uganda. Objectives of the study were to establish the perception of employees on methods of privatization and how they contribute to the performance of privatized enterprises, to determine the level of performance of privatized enterprises, and to establish the relationship between Privatization and performance of privatized enterprises. The stud...
Abstract Drug abuse is the compulsive, excessive and self-damaging use of habit forming drugs or substances, leading to addiction or dependence. Drug abuse is a problem that has increased behavioural problems such as aggression, violence and eating disorders. This research seeks to study the relationship between drug abuse among the youth and how it shapes their behaviour. While there are many different kinds of drugs, the proposed study is focusing on marijuana, khat ‘Mairungi’, nicotine...