ABSTRACT This study sought to analyse the performance of police women officers in the Administration Police Service (APS) headquarters in Nairobi County. Specific objectives of the study included: examining the nature of work performed by police women in Administration Police Service Headquarters, assessment of the effect of deployment policy on performance of Administration Police Service women, finding out the psychosocial factors that influence performance of APS women and analysing chal...
ABSTRACT The subsidized secondary education was introduced in 2008 as a result of Kenya’s effort to attain Education for All (EFA) by 2015 as indicated in the Sessional Paper no. 1 of 2005. The subsidized secondary education was implemented in February, 2008 by the Coalition Government. This was to reduce cost of education for parents, increase access to education and to increase transition rates from primary to secondary transition rates in coping with the United Nations aim to achieve Mi...
ABSTRACT The balanced scorecard is a framework that organizations follow in aligning the organization strategy, communicate organization’s mission, prioritize projects, services and products as well as monitoring the advancement towards attaining the strategic objectives or targets. The overall organizational performance of Kenyatta National Hospital is still not up to standard despite the fact that it is anticipated to established high health-care standards offered to the public so that p...
ABSTRACT Promotion policies increase morale, productivity and employment satisfaction, and to decrease turnover by rewarding employees who possess the desire, commitment and qualifications to advance within the organization. In addition to delivering value to customers and increasing the wealth of shareholders or owners, state owned enterprises must provide satisfying working environment for employees. This study sought to determine the influence of organizational internal environment on ser...
ABSTRACT This study sought to establish how integrated marketing communication affects the performance of Unilever Kenya Limited. In every result driven organization, achieving greater performance is foremost on the minds of both sales leaders and finance executives hence the need for an organization to properly coordinate and integrate its marketing communication programs in order to deliver a clear, consistent, credible and competitive message to the targeted and potential audience about i...
ABSTRACT The main goal of every commercial bank is to operate profitably to maintain stability and sustainable growth. Capital structuring is viewed as critical drivers for financial performance of the banking institution. An appropriate capital structure is a critical decision for any business organization to be taken by business organization for maximization of shareholders wealth and sustained growth. The purpose of this study was to examine how capital structure influences financial per...
ABSTRACT Given the increasing freshwater scarcity, the performance of irrigation is critical in increasing and sustaining agricultural productivity in the water-scarce and largely arid and semi-arid Kenya. Irrigation currently accounts for most of the water withdrawals in the country, and the required improvement in the performance of irrigation is hampered by inadequate benchmarks upon which to base effective planning. This study was conducted between September and October 2008 to analyze ...
ABSTRACT Micro and Small enterprises are widely recognised for their role in industrialization and economic growth across the globe. In Kenya, the government has initiated a number of strategies aimed at promoting small-scale enterprises notably the Uwezo and Women Enterprise Fund. Despite many initiatives by the government and other organisations, research has revealed that 60 percent of small enterprises fail within three years of being in operation, their ability to survive the market con...
ABSTRACT Globally, solid waste management is a serious challenge for cities in developing counties. The ever-increasing quantity of waste generated in cities in developing countries poses a risk to ecosystem and human health. The challenge is equally notable in regions such as Asia and Africa where there are less developed countries lacking modern waste management technologies. Kenyan cities are not exceptional. The country’s capital, Nairobi, faces a major environmental challenge of poll...
ABSTRACT Machine condition plays a significant role on plant efficiency in the field of manufacturing. For this reason, maintenance has become an integral component of manufacturing. There are various methods of maintenance but preventive maintenance is key in maintaining the condition of plant equipment in manufacturers‘ state of operation. Preventive maintenance is scheduled and is based on principles of operations planning. However, research on how operations planning affect preventive ...
ABSTRACT Public record centres (PRCs are charged with ensuring that there are proper record management practices in public offices in Kenya. Failure by public record centres to facilitate proper record management practices in public offices can negatively impact on the latter‘s delivery of services. This study will investigate PRCs in Kenya in order to find out the constraints they might be facing in carrying out their mandate of helping public office registries practice proper records man...
Abstract The wide range of donor-funded infrastructural analysis conducted in Kenya in the past years is mainly based on the nationwide surveys and The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD),(The World Bank, 2010) and the aim has mainly been to assess the success of such projects(Republic of Kenya, 1999). The government has in the recent past, established a number of key performance indicators to improve donor funded infrastructural analysis. The KPI's have servedas the indicators th...
ABSTRACT Contrary to the provisions in the Constitution under the Bill of Rights that access to equitable healthcare is a right to every Kenyan health, health indicators. Garissa County are very poor, particularly for women and children, with high maternal, infant and child mortality, high levels of acute malnutrition, and low immunization coverage. The health service infrastructure is particularly poor, with few and scattered health facilities staffed by inadequate numbers of personnel. Dis...
ABSTRACT Proper working capital management is essential for business survival. This is based on the fact that a firm’s inability to identify relevant working capital management practices can be its source of inability to perform. The general objective of this study was to determine the effects of working capital management practices on profitability of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nairobi County which was guided by the following specific objectives; to determine the effect of cas...
ABSTRACT The theme under consideration of the impact of the computerization of the accounting information system on decision-making focuses on how computerization of the accounting information system affects decision-making. Questions were raised as to why the information system is actually computerized and costs and benefits involved, and how these create an impact on decision-making. Such questions were important in analyzing the cost effectiveness of the process of computerizing and the be...