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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Role Of Corprate Social Responsibility In The Manufacturing Industry In Kenya And On The Growth Of The Industry. Case Study: Brookside Dairy Limited, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS PRELIMINARY PAGES Page Numbers Dedication .................................................................................... .I Acknowledgement ............................................................................ .II Declaration .................................................................................... III Approval ...................................................................................... .IV Table of contents ....................................

Credit Schemes And Poverty Eradication In Faith Based Organizations. The Case Of Faith Action Development Organization In Kumi District.

TABLE OF CONTENTS D!~CLARAriON ............................................................................................................................ ii /PPROV AL .................................................................................................................................. iii D!ODIC/TION ............................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................

Investigation On The Intervention Of Ngos (Safe House) In Assisting Orphaned Children In Naiv Asha Zones (Estates) In Nakuru District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the interventions of NGOs (Safe House) in improving the lives of orphans in Naivasha sub-district in Nakuru District. Orphans are children who have either lost one or both parents. They lose their parents through deaths which are usually caused by accidents, diseases like malaria and HIV/ AIDS. The problem of orphans is on the increase worldwide due to increase in the number of death. The study involved collecting data by use of questionnaire...

The Causes And Efects Of Poor Purchasing Negotiation Phases In Procurement. Case Study. Roofings Limited.

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE HISTORICAL BACK GROUND OF THE PROBLEM TITTLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS TITTLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................. .i DECLARATION ....................................................... iii APPROVAL ............................................................. .iv DEDICATION ........................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................ vi LIST OF TABLES ....................

The Information Technology And Banking Service Delivery A Case Of Popular Bank Of Rwanda (Bpr)

ABSTRACT The information technology is the modern and significant part in the banking sector, it is of great importance for the bank today to access the impact of information technology of its operational performance so as to justify if high cost invested on it is justifiable or not, analyze their problems and there propose solutions. The objective of this study, was to assess how the information systems has influenced bank performance and growth of the bank as well as adoption of inform...

Branding And Business Performance Of Fast Moving Consumer Goods. A Case Study Of Mukwano Group Of Companies Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was about branding and business performance of fast moving consumer goods. A case study of Mukwano Group of Companies Kampala, Uganda. The study was based on the following four objectives; to determine the profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, educational level, marital status, working experience and position; to establish branding strategies used by Mukwano Group of Companies; to establish the extent of business performance in Mukwano Group of Companies; and to ...

Vendor Management Inventory And Organization Performance Case Study Nakumati Supermarket Kampala

ABSTRACT Vendor managed inventory is the system where vendor takes overall responsibilities of business on behalf of organization by; making daily deliveries of goods, managerial work, checking of stock and others. . In June 2009, the first Nakumatt store in Uganda opened on Yusuf Lule Road on Kololo Hill, in central Kampala, the capital city. In November 2010, Nakumatt expanded its footprint in Kampala by acquiring Payless Supermarket, a Ugandan supermarket chain with two stores in the Kampa...

Causes Of Family Conflicts In The Kipsigiis Community A Case Study Of Kericho District Of Riftv Alley Province In Kenya

ABSTRACT Violence in the family (referred herein as domestic violence) has been on the increase in many parts of the country and extreme cases rep01ted in the local media. The frequency and the magnitude of this problem have never been established due to the fact that many cases go unrepo1ted. There are some socio-cultural and economic factors enhancing domestic violence. Institutions such as the school, state and the church have gradually stripped the Kipsigiis family of some of its traditi...

Crop Growing And Economic Welfare: A Case Study Of Katikamu Sub-County Luwero District.

ABSTRACT This study explored the effect of crop growing on the economic welfare a case study of Katikamu sub county Luwero district.. The objectives of the study were; to establish the level of economic welfare, to determine the level of crop growing and to establish the relationship between crop growing and economic welfare in Katikamu sub county Luwero district. In this study, a stratified random sampling technique was used and a self-administered questionnaire was adopted during data colle...

SSA Research 64 PAGES (11655 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Effect Of Management Skills On Performance Of Small Scale Enterprises. Case Study: Tororo District Western Division

ABSTRACT The study was intended to investigate the impact of management skills on the performance of small scale business enterprises. This was prompted by the rampant collapse of many small scale businesses in the Division. The research was guided by the following objectives; • To establish the management skills acquired by traders m Western Division Tororo Municipality • To establish the level of performance of small scale businesses in Western Division Tororo. • To find out whether ...

Delegation And Employee Performance In Parastatal Organizations ( A Case Study Of Kenya Power And Lighting Company Ltd} Parklands Branch, Nairobi

ABSTRACT Delegation is always done after recruitment and training. It is done to increase responsibility of employees and competence and also it acts as a learning curve effect. The company as a whole is interested in delegation in order to motivate employees and improve the experience because when managers delegate the experience of the subordinates improves because they perform several duties. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the factors that affect delegation in Keny...

The Effect Of Investment Strategies On The Financial Performance Of Collective Investment Schemes In Kenya, North Kenya, Wajir Branch

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of investment strategies on the financial performance of collective investment schemes in Somaliland. The research questions therefore were; what are the preferred investment strategies by collective investment schemes and what is the effect of investment strategies on the financial performance of collective investment schemes in Somaliland? The research design was descriptive survey study in nature since it focused on all collectiv...

Mobile Commerce And Its Effect On The Welfare Of People In Kenya Case Study; M-Pesa Service From Safaricom

ABSTRACT In Kenya 60% of the total population either own a mobile phone or use telecommunication services on a daily basis. Currently, there are three service providers in the country namely, Safaricom, Celtel and Telkom Kenya. The publication is tested on a mobile commerce initiative by Safaricom Kenya. The initiative is called M-pesa and it allows mobile users to transfer money from one person to the other, using mobile phones and cellular technology as the operating infrastructure. The re...

Communication And Its Effect On Employee Performance In An Organisation. Case Study: Ceford In Wakiso

ABSTRACT This research was based on investigating the impact of communication on performance of employees. It was conducted in CEFORD. It covers top administrators and employees as its respondents. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between communication and performance, effects of communication and performance and form of communication used in CEFORD. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews, and observation as the research instruments. The findings indicated ...

The Impact Of Decentralisation Policies On Service Deliverly In Nakaseke Town Council, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the impact of decentralization policies on service delivery in Uganda. It was carried out in Nakaseke Town Council, Nakaseke District, which is located in the Central region of Uganda. It was meant to establish how decentralization policies have or have failed to foster service delivery in Uganda. A cross-sectional research taking the exploratory and descriptive approach was used, that is, both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The men...

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