TABLE OF CONTENTS Terms and abbreviations i Table of figures II List of tables III Dedication Acknowledge V CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 Objectives of the study 3 1.3.1 Main Objective 3 1.3.2 Specific Objectives 4 1.4 Research Questions 4 1.5 Scope of the study 4 1.6 Significance of the study 4 1.7 Justification of the study 5 1.8 Conceptual Framework 5 1.9 Conclusion 5 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Recent Development 6 2...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the role of internal audit in the accountability ofpublic funds in local governments, case ofMbarara district local government. The study was guided by the fbllowing objectives; to study the nature ofInternal Audit System in the accountability ofpublic funds in local government to investigate the nature ofaccountahili~ ofpublicf~nds in local governments and to examine the relationshz~ between the Internal Audit and accountability ofpuhlic funds in local governm...
ABSTRACT The study intended to investigate the role of product mix on revenue performance in commercial banks a case study of Stanbic bank, Nakasero branch being guided by a problem statement that is to say the task of designing product mixes in commercial banks is increasingly getting more complex due to the increasing competition of both financial and non financial banks in the economy the concept seemed to have been taken for granted which forced the researcher to end up conducting a detai...
ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the effect of effect of customer care on organization performance at Commercial Banks with regard to CRDB Bank and was driven by three objectives: Identify roles of customer care in the performance of an organization in the competitive environment, Establish the problems or weakness of customer care in CRDB bank and Suggest ways of improving customer care service. To achieve these objectives the researcher sampled 30 respondents from CRDB Bank and their...
ABSTRACT The study was aimed at establishing the effect of using premiums in consumer sales promotion on the sales performance of an Organization taking Mukwano industries as a case study. The main issue was the fact some product lines still experienced sales fluctuation despite the fact that Organizations used some of the best methods of promotion and thus there was a need for the Organization consider the intervention of premiums as a new sales promotion tool in order to improve sales perf...
ABSTRACT SME is a large industry with many operators such as hotels, companies involved in business. In SME guidelines are required for its sustainability, investment incentive and financing, capacity building and private sectors are the strategies of the Tanzania SMEs policy. The services provided by SMEs are low compared to th.e number of SME. The study used descriptive research design. The study population was 40 entrepreneurs of which one did not respond, the sample were selected from op...
ABSTRACT The study was aimed on the internal conh·ol and the organization's effectiveness in the accounts. A sound internal control system is important as it enables it to carry on the business of the enterprise in an orderly manner, safeguards the organization's assets and ensures completeness and accuracy in their records to achieve high performance. The study aimed at documenting and evaluating the adequacy of internal control and its performance of Nile Commercial Bank Limited by c...
TABLE OF CONTENT 2.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 7 2.1 ERGONOMICS IN TI-lE ORGANIZATION ................................................ 7 Ergonomics in the workplace ...................................................... 11 2.2 WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT POLICY IN COMPANIES ............................... 13 2.3 EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE ........................................................... 14 2.4 OTHER ASPECTS OF ERGONOMICS TO CONSIDER ...
ABSTRACT Uganda's tax system has been characterized by several types of taxes. These have however not helped to widen the tax base of the country and hence there has been low revenue collection as opposed to the objective of government policy to increase revenue out-turn. With the above view in mind, the government decided in 1994, to change her current tax system to a new one, whereby Sales Tax (ST) and Commercial Transaction Levy (CTL) tax were replaced by VAT, with hope that URA at th...
Abstract This study investigated the effect of adapting to change and organizational growth in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in selected Micro-Finance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDis) in the central region in Uganda. The parameters of change included technology, innovation, research and development and competent management. Growth was considered in terms of revenue, profitability and liquidity. The population consisted of 150 respondents with a sample size of 109. Data was...
ABSTRACT This research was about the effectiveness of computerized accounting, a research which was conducted at ministry of infrastructure development, as a case study. The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of computerized accounting at Ministry of Infrastructure Development, by examining the procedures, designs and methods followed by this organization from the early stages of implementing, controlling and finally comparing the projected results with the act...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ...................................................................................................... i Approval .................................................................. ..................................... .ii Dedication ... .. .................. ............ .......................... ...... .. ..... ......... .. ..... .......... .iii Acknowledgement ................. . ..... .. .................................................................. .iv ...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Mityana Town Council. This are is situated in Mityana District central Uganda. The researcher assessed the challenges faced in financing public infrastructure in Uganda particularly in Mityana Town Council. It introduced the research outside Africa, the factors influencing urban infrastructures which included social, political and administrative the constrains in budgetary allocation and expenditure, the government in utilization of the funds, plus ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS: PAGE DEDICATION .............................................................................. .i APPROVAL ................................................................................ .ii DEDICATION ............................................................................. .iii AdKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................ .iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................. v LIST OF ABBREVIATION...
ABSTRACT The study is to establish the effects of advertising on sale it is guided by a number of objective which are to examine the features of a good advertisement to determine factors affecting sales and to determine ways to improve sales. With telecommunication networks being so many Airtel limited has to explore the markets and come up with adve1iisement better than those of the competitors to help them survive in the competitive market. The study focuses on Airtel limited, Nairobi ...