ABSTRACT The main purpose of carrying out this study was to examine the effect of loan recovery on the performance of microfinance institutions in Uganda. The study based on the following objectives which aimed at examining the methods used in loan recovery by Microfinance institutions in Uganda, establish the degree of loan recovery towards the performance of ".icrofinance institutions and find out the relationship loan recovery and performance Microfinance institutions (Opportunity Bank Uga...
ABSTRACT This study was designed to find out how the communication affects the organizational performance as selected case study of Bishop’s Senior School, Mukono was used. The questionnaires were provided to the respondents from the selected from Bishop’s Senior School, Mukono and the information obtained was quantitatively analyzed through the demographic descriptions. According to the findings of this study, the forms of communication used by Bishop’s Senior School are downward, in d...
ABSTRACT Financial leverage decisions are critical since they significantly explain firm financial performance. There is lack of consensus (from empirical literature) in respect to the nature and strength of relationship between firm financial leverage and financial performance. Moreover, the impact of financial leverage on different measures of financial performance is varied. Most agricultural co-operative societies in Kenya have not achieved their potential due to poor financial performan...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii LIST OF ACRONYMS iv ABSTRACT V TABLE OF CONTENT vi CHAPTER ONE 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement ofthe Problem 4 1.3 Purpose ofthe study 5 1.4 Spec~JIc objectives 5 1.5 Research questions 5 1. 6Research hypotheses 6 1. 7 Study Just~fication 6 1.8 Scope ofthe study 6 1.9 Sign~ficances ofthe Study 7 1.10 Conceptual Frameworks 8 1.11 Limitations of the Study 9 CHAPTER TWO 10 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.0 I...
ABSTRACT The intention of the study was todeterminehow the graduate trainee programmesaffects the preparedness of graduates for the job market. The study focused specifically on trainee motivation, work assignment, work supervision and practical experience of the trainees at the National Construction Authority. The statement of the problem was that, despite the best intentions of academic institutions to enhance graduates’ preparedness through graduate trainee programmes, the limitations i...
ABSTRACT This study was carried on the impact of Domestic Revenue Performance on budgetary compliance in Mubende district. The study objectives included; identifying the level of domestic revenue performance in Mubende District, finding out the Tevel of budgetary compiTance ana 1denflfyTng measures to improve the levels of domestic revenue performance and budgetary compliance in Mubende District. The research was more of qualitative though the researcher stated that quantitative was used to...
ABSTRACT Customer satisfaction is a dynamic parameter for measuring business success. As a modern measure for service quality, it ensures investment in development of customer centred management strategies such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Globally, CRM has been applied in the banking sector to enhance service quality and the resultant customer satisfaction which increases competitiveness, customer retention and profitability. Despite implementation of CRM programmes by commerc...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Cove page .. . . ....... .... ... . .. ............... . ........ . . ........... .. ... . .. . ..... . .... . .. ... ... . Declaration .. ..... . . .. .. ... .. . ........ .. .. . ................ . .................. . ........ .. ... .. .... .i Approval. . ... . . . . .. .. . ....... . ... .. ... . .... .. . . ... ... . .. .. ..... . . .... . .... ......... . ......... . .... .ii Dedication ... . . ........ . . . ....... ...... .. . . .... .. . . .... . ...... ...
ABSTRACT In order for projects to achieve the intended objectives there is need for the project team to continuously, monitor the project activities with the objective of ensuring that the project is on course and take corrective actions whenever there are significant deviations. This process involves regular and systematic collection, analysing and reporting of information about a project’s inputs, activities, outputs and intended impact. In addition, due to continuous calls for accounta...
Abstract The study high lights that the poor budgeting in Civicon Ltd has led to budgetary problems like increased financial borrowing, and low employee motivation etc. This study examines the relationship between budgeting and financial resources in the organization. The effect of budgeting on the financial resource structure on an economy was investigated, the most common budgeting approaches used. The study was carried out in the Central part, Civicon Ltd Kampala in Uganda. The main respo...
ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the status of men and women in the entrepreneurial fisheries activities in Kenya. The study focused specifically in Nairobi City County, and was guided by the following objectives, namely; to map out specific areas within fisheries value chain that men and women participate in; to identify socio-economic factors that influence participation of men and women, to assess the socio-cultural factors that determine participation of men and women in those spe...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL jj DEDICATION ACKNOWLEGEMENT iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS v CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Back ground of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3. Objectives of the study 4 1.3.1. The general objective 4 1.3.2. The specific objectives 4 1.4 Research questions 4 1.5 Scope of the study 4 1.5.1 Geographical scope 5 1.5.2 Content scope 5 1.5.3. Time scope s 1.6. Significance of the study 5 1.8. Definitions of key terms 6 CHAPTER TWO 7...
ABSTRACT The customer retention among the insurance companies in Malindi town has been declining Khasaya. Compared with other financial institutions in the area, the attraction of the new customers has been inadequate within the insurance companies. Most customers open accounts with insurance companies in Malindi Town but make minimal transactions with those insurance companies such as insurance cover among others. Thus formed the basis of the current study that the influence of personal sel...
ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate the activities of banking and the growth of small scale enterprises in Uganda, using the case study of delight supplies limited. For a long time various financial institutions have provided services to small scale enterprises in Uganda with the purpose to develop and improve them. However, small scale enterprises supported by financial institutions have not achieved satisfactory growth levels and the possible cause includes the un favorable credit t...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. ii APPROVAL ....................................................................................... : .............................. iii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................