Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Relationship Between Budgetary Control And Financial Performance Of State Corporations In Kenya

ABSTRACT Theimportance of fmancial stability in enabling an organization to function efficiently and maximizethe potential for service delivery cannot be underestimated. The quest for better servicedelivery under new public management in public organizations in Kenya necessitates theneed for public organizations to have proper financial standing in order to run operations andmotivate workers through better remuneration as well as improved working conditions. It is however disheartening that ...

Credit Risk Management And Loan Performance In Microfinance Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The concept of micro-finance in Kenya is one of the most developed in the sub-Saharan Africa. As such there is much interest in the knowledge regarding sustainability of the continuous growth and development of this concept of financing. However, given the importance of credit risk in microfinance functioning, the efficiency of microfinance risk management which includes techniques, methods, processes, procedures, activities and incentives is expected to significantly influence its l...

Employee Influence Of Training On Performance In Postal Corporation Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Since employees are the backbone of any business, its management’s investing in the employees by training to improve their skills and knowledge if an organization aim is to improve the employee’s performance, the results should be analyzed and dealt with according to their performance. For organizations to produce the best human capital investment is key and mandatory for effectiveness. Training aids human capital in achieving their effectiveness and capabilities. These stud...

Competitive Strategies And Performance Of Deposit Taking Saccos In Muranga County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) reports that Kenya has the highest fraction, in percentage points, of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) attributable to cooperative societies globally. SACCOs have continued to face drawbacks despite their significant contribution in the economy. Key among the challenges facing SACCOs is heightened level of competition in the financial sector. The SACCOs have therefore to rethink their strategic direction in order to remain focused and driven tow...

The Role Of Prisons In The Administration Of Custodial Rehabilitation Of Inmates In Kenya: A Case Of Thika Main Prison Kiambu County

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the role of Prisons in the administration of custodial rehabilitation to men and women inmates in Thika Main Prison. Although, the role of Kenya Prison Service (KPS) is generally to rehabilitate and reform prisoners to control recidivism, contain and keep offenders in safe custody, facilitate administration of justice and promote prisoners' opportunities for social integration, there has been a lot of concern raised on the administration and mana...

Effect Of Public Debt On Economic Growth In Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigates the effect of public debt on economic growth in Kenya, between 1980-2013.The choices of period was guided by data availability and escalation of Kenya’s public debt. The main problem is that, Kenya government has been relying heavily on public debt, aid and grants as a source of finance. This has resulted to a buildup of the level of public debt stock which has led to funds being diverted to debt servicing at the expense of economic development and domestic c...

SSA Research 85 PAGES (14791 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Assessment Of Access To And Utilisation Of Treadle And Hip Pump Technology By Farmers In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the access to and utilization of the treadle and hip pump technology by farmers in Machakos County, Kenya so that gender responsive strategies can be suggested to improve the uptake of the technology among the farmers. This was due to low adoption of the two pumps in Machakos county after previous KSI/WSU study that marketed and distributed the technology among farmers in the county. The specific objectives of the study were: to establish which...

SSA Research 143 PAGES (30932 WORDS) Gender Studies Thesis
Risk Management Techniques And Financial Performance Of Islamic Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Islamic banks are financial institutions that rely totally in their operations on Shari'ah legislations which prohibit all kinds of interest, uncertainty, and gambling. The establishment of Islamic banks has been considered as an alternative solution for Muslims who want to liberate themselves from interest. This research work sought to bring to light the need for financial institutions to pay attention to the management of risk. An assessment of First Islamic Bank’s risk mana...

Influence Of Strategy Implementation On Performance Of Constituency Development Fund Projects In Kenya, A Case Of Gachoka Constituency

ABSTRACT During the implementation of projects, disconnect may arise between commitments made at different levels and actual implementation on the ground. These commitments are designed to achieve the projects’ desired results and would determine the success or failure of the projects. Given the failure rates of projects in relation to timeliness, within budget, desired results, stakeholder satisfaction and accountabilities, this research seeks to establish the influence of strategy impleme...

Determinants Of Revenue Collection By The County Government Of Kericho

BSTRACT The process of revenue collection is an important part in enhancing services delivery to the public in all economies globally. This research study therefore seeks to explore the determinants of revenue collection in County government of Kericho County in Kenya. The devolved governments in Kenya was created to address the issues of equal distribution of national resources and to devolve power from the central government to the devolved units. The Constitution of Kenya (2010) provided f...

Employee-Retention-Practices-And-Organizational Productivity-In-Savings-And-Credit-Co-Operative Societies-In-Kericho-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Organization productivity in Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies faces high challenges in efficiency, effectiveness, service deliver and growth. The study investigated the employee retention practices on productivity of the organization. The study specific objectives were; to determine the influence of training, to examine the influence of job satisfaction, to investigate effect of career development and to analyze effect of compensation on organizational productivity of Saving...

Factors Influencing Performance Of Clerical Officers In The Proficiency Examination In The Public Service In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT In spite of having many studies undertaken on performance in Proficiency Examination for Clerical Officers in the Public Service, there lacks a major study specifically undertaken to address the key factors influencing declining performance. This has resulted to a wide knowledge gap among Public Service Commission examination officers on how clerical officers should improve their performance. The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors influencing performance of clerical ...

Stakeholder Management And Project Performance Of Open Air Market Projects In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Project performance is evaluated differently by various stakeholders of the project based on their expectations in relation to the actual quality; cost and time. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of stakeholder management on project performance with the specific objectives being: to determine the influence of stakeholder need and expectation identification; communication; conflict management and stakeholder participation on project performance. The research adopt...

Short-Term Financing Decisions And Financial Performance Of Non-Financial Firms Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT The existing literature links poor financial performance among non-financial listed firms in Kenya to long-term funding conduct of these firms. However, as important as longterm financing decisions are, they are made less frequently, while the day-to-day decisions involving the management of short-term financing components consume tremendous amounts of management time. Poor short-term financing decisions impair the firm’s ability to remain operating. This study therefore inves...

SSA Research 213 PAGES (50978 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Effects Of Financing Decisions On Total Productivity Of Non-Financial Firms Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT The importance of a firm’s productivity cannot be overemphasised as it not only results in the growth of firms but also contributes to the overall growth of an economy. More than half of the variation in economic growth across different countries is said to be explained by differences in total factor productivity arising from the firm level. One major challenge facing developing economies, including Kenya is extremely low productivity level at the firm. Studies have pointed to inno...

SSA Research 119 PAGES (30839 WORDS) Economics Thesis

5941 - 5955 Of 19638 Results