ABSTRACT The dynamic nature of business operating environment has called on business leaders to be strategic in their leadership roles if they are to sustain their competitiveness into the unforeseen future. Growth is important in Sacco’s because it is future oriented establishing ways in which the organizational operations can be aligned to future changes in the business environment to ensure that competitiveness is sustained. The SACCOs in Kenya have experienced problems in the past; some...
ABSTRACT Delinquent loans are on the rise both globally and locally leading to closures, receiverships and even collapse of institutions receiving and offering loans. Delinquent loans in the agriculture sector stood at 4% in the USA, 40% in India in 29015, 51% in Nigeria in 2012, 29,3% in South Africa in 2016. This rose from 5.45 Billion in 2009 to kshs8.383 Billion by 2015 in Kenya and at 22% specifically in the tea sector by June, 2017. The agricultural sector plays a very critical role in ...
ABSTRACT Alcohol and Drug abuse at the workplace poses a great challenge to the growth and development of the hospitality and tourism industry in Kenya. Presently, about 200 million people or 5 per cent of the world‟s population aged 15 to 64 use drugs. In Kenya it is estimated that 5,835,007 of the youth population abuse drugs. This study sought to assess the effects of drug abuse on work performance of employees in selected star rated hotels at the Kenyan Coast. The objectives of this stu...
ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to investigate factors influencing employee turnover at the teachers‟ service commission in Kenya. The study specifically investigated the influence of training and development, remuneration, scheme of service and organizational structure as factors that may contribute to workforce turnover in this sector. The study adopted a descriptive research design to identify the employee turnover factors and a sample size of 81 employees was selected using a st...
ABSTRACT Public service delivery in the public Kenya has over the decades faced challenges. The introduction of various policies for instance performance contracting as well as measurement and evaluation has not yielded expected results. There was hence a need to focus approach on other strategies to improve service delivery in the public sector for instance the adoption of public participation. Public participation helps to promote transparency and in so doing, there is reduction of corrupti...
ABSTRACT Project implementation by Safaricom limited has been a major concern to project teams, financiers and beneficiaries. This may be attributed to the fact that a number of projects that have been rolled out have failed to achieve the desired goals. Some have stalled at different stages of their development while others are completed but do not bring the anticipated impact whether financial, social, economic, physical or even institutional. Therefore, this study aimed to establish the ef...
ABSTRACT. Banks are essential due to their contribution in the economic success of countries. However, the intermediation performed via banks is dependent on the banks performance. Banks’ financial performance is the core mandate in venturing into business. Commercial banks in Kenya have continued to experience poor performance which is shown in the return on equity of banks. This has over the years been a major source of concern in Kenya’s financial sector. Performance of banks is accred...
ABSTRACT Even though millions of women all over the world contribute a lot to the national agricultural output and family food security, several studies from Sub Saharan Africa reveal that rural women are credit constrained than men of equivalent socio economic conditions. Therefore, rural women, who form the majority of the rural population, are exposed to economic disability. Kwale County in Kenya being part of the larger Sub Saharan Africa is not an exception. Kwale District Development P...
ABSTRACT Successful organizations recognize the significance of strategy as a tool in administration and understand that their survival is reliant on how well they adopt new strategies or improve existing strategies in an effort to respond to changes brought about by the environment. While the quality of strategy is imperative, we cannot overlook the importance of effectively implementing the strategy. Numerous organizations seem to have problems in executing their strategies. This study soug...
Abstract Competitive strategies involve a unique way of competing in a particular market. This can be achieved by a company learning a distinctive way of competing in different sets of markets. In an attempt to compete differently to achieve organizational objectives leads to the three generic strategies that is differentiation, cost leadership and focus strategy. The strategy on focus has two variants; cost focus and differentiation focus. Porter argued that for every firm that is competing ...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the shortcomings of dairy entrepreneurs management practices strategies and the effect of these on performance of their dairy enterprises in Nandi County. The overall aim of the research was to investigate the influence of commercialization strategies on performance of dairy enterprises. The study sought to determine how commercialization strategies; that is feeding, breeding, disease control and husbandry, as they are currently practiced contribute to the perf...
ABSTRACT Africa’s development depends heavily on soil ecosystem services. However current soil degradation coupled with increasing pressure on land is threatening the soil resource base. There is an urgent need to establish soil health surveillance systems to guide investments and monitor trends in soil health status and impacts of interventions. Surveillance systems require appropriate and rapid, low cost methods that directly measure soil functional properties and can be applied at large...
ABSTRACT Major emergencies, disasters and other crises is no respecter of national borders and never occur at convenient times. The magnitude of human suffering caused by these events is huge, and many aspects of people’s lives are affected – businesses, health, security, housing, access to food, water and other life commodities, to name but a few. That is why it is vital to have emergency plans in place, so that the effects of disasters on people and their assets can be mitigated, and a ...
ABSTRACT Globally, it is clearly evidenced that road transport is the main cause of many vital accidents where many lose their lives and others become lamed and crippled for the rest of their lives. This is due to careless driving and overtaking where roads are too narrow, alongside intoxication, poor road designs as well as lack of road signs. Kenya is no exception to this global trend since it has become a threat to many. Prone areas to this in Kenya such as Kaseve in Machakos county, Maima...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of integration on stock market investment portfolio diversification in East African stock exchanges. The study was based on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Dar-es-salaam Stock Exchange and Uganda Securities Exchange with the target population of all the companies whose common stocks were traded over the sample time period. Covering a period of 100 months between January 2000 and April 2008, the researcher analyzed the pair-wise ind...