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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Effects of Frustration on Performance

This paper discuss the effects of frustration on performance. The research was carried by the approved process and steps. The frustration was created by giving list of anagrams to 22 participants and the hypothesise were participant will perform better in list A in which no frustration was given and participants will take time on list B in which frustration was created.

Fatima Iqbal 9 PAGES (2640 WORDS) Psychology Paper
An Appraisal of Jaiz Bank on the Financial Performance of Non-Interest Banking in Nigeria (2012-2016).

This study analysed the financial performance of JAIZ Bank PLC in Nigeria banking system. It examines the financial performance of the bank in terms of profitability, liquidity, and leverage. The data that were used in the analysis was generated from annual financial statements of JAIZ bank over a period of five years (2012-2016).The Time series data collected were analysed by way of Gray Comparative Index. The study revealed positive relationship between profitability, liquidity and leverage...

Perceived Service Quality and Customers' Patronage of Selected Banks in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

Abstract— This study examined the effect of service quality dimensions on customer loyalty to the providers of retail banking services. It investigates the relationship between service quality dimensions of effectiveness and assurance, access, price, tangibles, service portfolio and reliability and customers’ patronage. To achieve this purpose, The study employed Simple random sampling to select six banks namely First Bank Plc, United Bank of Africa Plc, Guarantee Trust Bank Plc ,Access ...

Appraisal of Accounting System in the Public Sector (A Study of Board of Internal Revenue of Enugu State)

ABSTRACT This research aims at providing an insight of the accounting system in the public sector, a study of Board of Internal Revenue of Enugu state. The purpose of this research is to examine the Board whether it is efficient and effective. The method employed for data collection in this study is survey method which include: questionnaires direct interview and the methodology used to determining the sample size is sample percentage. The statistics were employed to analyze method employed...

The Effect Of Microfinance Institution Membership In Women Empowerment: A Case Of Sumbawanga Municipality

ABSTRACT Women empowerment has been the vast topic in the world. Despite the increase of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) services offered in various areas to make women‟s life better, they are still poor. Therefore this study aimed at examining the effect of MFI membership in empowering women. The study was conducted in Sumbawanga Municipality, the sample size of 60 was used and semi structured questionnaire was used to collect information. SPSS 22 was used to do analysis of the collected...

Assessment Of The Challenges Facing Tour Guides And Porters: A Case Of Kilimanjaro National Park

ABSTRACT  This study was carried out to assess the challenges facing tour guides and porters in Kilimanjaro National Park. Four routes were selected, includes Machame and Umbwe (ascending), Marangu (ascending and descending) while Mweka, was used only for field observation because was the only descending route. Purposive and simple random sampling technique was used to obtain 120 respondents. Data were collected by using questionnaire surveys, interviews, physical site visits, focus group di...

The Impact Of Capital Structure On Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite the improved access of financing institutions to SMEs, their performance has stood very low in Tanzania. This prompted this study to assess the impact of capital structure on performance of SMEs in Tanzania. The study particularly examined the impact of long-term debt, short-term debt, and equity on performance of SMEs in Tanzania. The study adopted causal research design compounded by the quantitative approach to generate data from SMEs registered by BRELA that were selecte...

An Investigation On Factors Inhibiting Implementation Of In-Service Training To Employees At Taesa

ABSTRACT This study aimed at “Investigation of factors inhibiting implementation of in-service training among TaESA employees”. Cross sectional design was used due to the nature of the study. The study used qualitative and quantitative approaches. A total sample of 60 employees which (60%) of the population was picked from TaESA Dar es Salaam and Dodoma Zones through simple random and purposive sampling methods. Data were collected by questionnaires and interviews. Key findings revealed ...

An Assessment Of The Credit Sales And Control Practices In The Telecommunication Industry: A Case Study Of Vodacom Tanzania Ltd

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to assess the credit sales and control practices in the telecommunication industry in the case study of Vodacom Tanzania Limited and was conducted at the Head office of Vodacom Tanzania Limited in Dar es Salaam, Ilala Municipal, Ohio Street. The researcher was interested to study the management of credit sales in the service providing sector. Since, experience shows that, credit sales if are not well managed may endanger the health of the organization....

Capacity building of grassroot leadership and governance in Tanzania: A case of Morogoro municipality.

ABSTRACT The study, was set to examine the grassroot leadership capacity in the governance processes in Morogoro Municipality. The study has aimed at giving an overview of the grassroot leaders around two Wards of Morogoro Municipality of Mazimbu and Sabasaba. It was also intended to identify factors influencing the capacity building of the grassroot leadership as well as an institutional related attribute that hindered the capacity building at Mazimbu and Sabasaba Wards. Furthermore, it was...

Credit Management Practices In Microfinance Institutions In Tanzania: A Case Of Finca And Brac Microfinance Institutions

ABSTRACT This study has aimed at assessing Credit Management Practices in Microfinance Institutions in Tanzania, a case study of FINCA and BRAC microfinance institutions in Dodoma Municipality. Microfinance Institutions, are in the business of mobilizing and lending financial resources to borrowers and allocate of savings to real investment. In the process of providing financial services, they assume various kinds of financial risks. This study, therefore, has examined the risk factors on cr...

Assessment Of Management Of Public Funds At Lower Level Government: A Case Of Handeni District Council

ABSTRACT There has been an outcry on the non-compliance of regulations and guidelines pertaining to management of public funds in local governments in Tanzania. This has been evidenced by various reports which have uncovered several weaknesses and irregularities in public funds administration. This study therefore was put in place to assess the management of public funds at lower level government (LLG) of Tanzania. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach by employing a holistic ...

Assessment Of Risks In Electronic Transaction: A Study Of Mobile Payments In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT In this dissertation, the researcher presents an assessment of risks in electronic transactions; a case of Mobile Payments in the Municipality of Dodoma. Specific objectives of this study are to identify risks associated with electronic transactions, to assess factors associated with risks in electronic transactions and to suggest ways of reducing electronic transaction risks. The study is significant to the governments, to researchers and hosting institutions. To the government, it...

Factors Influencing Divorce And Childhood Development In Zanzibar: A Case Study Of Urban West

ABSTRACT  The study was assessing the factors influenced Divorces, and Childhood development in Zanzibar and took Urban West as a case study, because there was no research of such nature. Judgmental sampling procedure was employed. Twenty-five (25) of the respondents were women, twenty five Men (25), were selected for questionnaire surveys. Twenty one (21) Children were chosen for Focused Group Discussion (FGD) and eighteen (18) Officers from different institutions were purposively selected ...

The Contribution Of Leadership Styles On School Achievement In Secondary Schools: A Case Study Of Mpwapwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research examined the effects of leadership styles on school achievement on secondary schools in Mpwapwa District. The aim was to study the connection between the level of education and the leadership styles used, and if there is a relationship between the years in service and the leadership style and also if the leadership training has any impact on school achievement. The research adopted a correlation survey research design that helped in establishing the relationship of lea...

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