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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Performance Of Commercial Banks On Small And Medium Enterprises (Sme) In Tanzania: A Case Of Nmb Bank In Arusha City Council

ABSTRACT The study was focused on assessment of performance of commercial banks on Small and Medium Enterprises in Tanzania. It was guided by three specific objectives which were: to examine the extent loan issuance to Small and Medium enterprise in Tanzania, to evaluate the roles of Commercial Banks in the performance of Small and medium enterprises in Tanzania and to investigate the challenges in accessing and utilization of credit. The study employed cross sectional research design in whi...

Role Of Vocational Education In Reduction Of Unemployment In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Temeke Municipal

ABSTRACT Tanzania has recently been experiencing the problem of unemployment in spite there are a lot of students who graduated from various institutions but still their claims went to the government. This study was conducted in various Vocational Educational Training Centers, like DRVTC (Dar-es-salaam Region Vocational Training Center), MVTC (Mgulani Vocational Training Center) and etc; the study involved a total of seventy three (73) of respondents, and ten (10) vocational training centers...

Effectiveness Of Adaptation For Climate Change And Variability On Maize Production In Meatu District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of adaptation for climate change and variability on maize production in Meatu district. It examined whether climate change and variability manifested itself in the study area, examined climate adaptation measures for maize production in the study area, and examined the challenges incurred by local community and government. Furthermore, the study explored the government policies and mechanisms to improve adaptation measures for maize pr...

Factors Influencing Usage Of Electronic Fiscal Devices Among Small Restaurants In Dodoma City

ABSTRACT The general objective of this study was to examinethe factors influencing usage of Electronic Fiscal Devices among small restaurants in Dodoma City. Specifically, it was designed to fulfil three objectives,namely to determinethe influence of organizational factors on the usage of EFDs insmall restaurants, to examine the influence of individual factors on the usage of EFDsin small restaurants and to find out perceptions on usage of EFDs among small restaurant ownersin Dodoma City. Th...

The Effect Of Branding On Purchase Process Stages: A Case Study Of Bottled Drinking Water In Dar Es Salaam City

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the effect of branding on purchase process stages of bottled drinking water in Dar es Salaam city. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used. The study comprised of one hundred and fifty respondents. Systematic random sampling was used to select 150 respondents from the study area. A combination of both secondary and primary source of data was collected in this study. The instrument used for collecting primary data was questionnaire and for coll...

Challenges Facing Tanzanian Local Government Authorirties In The Preparation And Presentation Of Financial Statements: A Case Study Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to explore the challenges facing the Tanzanian Local Government Authorities (LGAs), in the preparations and presentations of financial statements and suggest recommendations to be taken to address those challenges. A case study methodology with a qualitative approach was employed in the investigation. Methods used to collect data were semi- structured interview, focus group discussions, and documentary analysis. Respondents of this study were selected...

The Role Of Citizens In Determining Quality Health Services In Tanzania: A Case Of Kilosa District

ABSTRACT This study portrays about “The Role of Citizens in Determining Quality Health Services in Tanzania: A case of Kilosa District”. The intention of the study was to examine the extent to which the grassroots level through local government authorities were free to make their own operational decisions in planning and supervising their social services as provided through local government without much depending and intervention from the central government. The methodology for the study...

Challenges Facing Mobile Money Morket Penetration And Expansion In Singida District, Singida Region

ABSTRACT Although Tanzania has companies providing mobile money services, penetration, expansion and usage is still low. This study examined the challenges facing mobile money transfer services and and their expansion in Singida, Tanzania. The study adopted explanatory cross-sectional survey where questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data from users of mobile money services including agents and providers‟ representatives from for Aitel Money, Tigo-Pesa and Vodacom M-Pesa in Sin...

Women Leadership In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Case Of Mkalama District Council

ABSTRACT This study has aimed at examining women leadership in the local councils in a case of Mkalama District council. The study specifically sought to provide an overview of magnitude of participation and performance in the local councils, determine the extent of their effective performance, the contributions of women in developing the local councils, the levels to which women occupied in leadership and challenges that women encountered, in participating and in performing their leadership...

Adaptation Strategies To Climate Change Amongst Smallholder Farmers: A Case Of Humid Area Of Ngara District Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This work is about the Adaptation Strategies to Climate change Amongst the Smallholder Farmers in of Humid Area of Ngara District. The area was selected due to the fact that it is among the most affected areas by the impact of climate change in Tanzania. A sample size of 106 respondents was employed in this study. The primary data were collected through interviews with key informants, questionnaires and field observation. Secondary data were collected through documentary review. Th...

The Influence Of Work Motivation Of Employees Organisational Performance: A Case Study Of Ulanga District Council

ABSTRACT This study attempted to study employees‟ motivation in delivering public services in local governments in Tanzania, a case study of Ulanga District Council, Morogoro region. Specific objectives were to examine how employee‟s motivation relate to service delivery, to identify different factors that can influence employees to have better job performance, to identify factors that de-motivates employees, and to explore strategies that will lead to enhanced motivation. This study use...

Public Sector And Livelihood Opportunities For Persons With Disabilities In South Region Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study is about Public Sector and Livelihood Opportunities of People with Disabilities in Zanzibar. The general objective was to identify the public sector initiatives and achievements in improving livelihood opportunities obtained by people with disabilities in Zanzibar and the challenges that hinder their sustainability. The study was cross-sectional and carried out in Zanzibar, South Region in particular involved four villages.A total number of one hundred and twenty (120) re...

Motivations Towards Community Participation In Development Projects: A Case Of Temeke Municipal Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study tries to assess what motivates community members to participate in development projects in Temeke Municipal Council, study was conducted in three wards, Kisarawe II, Kibada and Kimbiji. Data were collected using structured and unstructured interviews, questionnaires and documentation. A total number of 75 respondents were involved in this study as a representative sample. Results indicates that majority (79%) of the respondents were aware with the perception of community p...

The Fishing Industry And Its Contribution To Coastal Livelihoods: A Case Study Of Chwaka Village In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study intended to examine the fishing industry and its contribution, to coastal livelihoods in Chwaka village in Zanzibar. The study specially focused on assessing how far coastal community in Chwaka village are benefited from fishing industry, problems that faced them in fishing industry and what could be done to help them. The research was conducted by using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. A case study design was used for which the survey was conducted in April ...

Rural Women Small-Scale Subsistence Farming And Food Security: Implications For Household Poverty Reduction In Mpwapwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of women small-scale farmers on rural household‟s poverty reduction. Specifically, the study aimed to get a better understanding on the roles, contributions and constraints of women smallscale farming in rural areas and their implications on poverty reduction and food security at household level. The study was undertaken in Dodoma Region, Tanzania, whereby Mpwapwa District with the predominantly small-scale subsistence agric...

6871 - 6885 Of 19638 Results