Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Female Legislators In The Nigerian National Assembly And The Promotion Of Policies That Empower Women, (1999 – 2009)

ABSTRACT The study examines the efforts of the female parliamentarians in promoting issues that border on women empowerment in Nigeria. Specifically however, the study investigated the attempts by the female legislators in initiating bills that enhance women empowerment in Nigeria since 1999. Utilizing the theory of substantive representation which upholds that representation of women through initiating of policies is not a function of numerical strength but what each individual legisla...

Foreign Investment And Employment Creation In Nigeria 2004-2010

ABSTRACT The issue of the using external financing, in particular foreign investment in achieving developmental objectives and aspirations has been at the forefront of economic diplomacy of various Nigerian governments since 1985. In particular, National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS), programme has encapsulated this view for it to achieve its objectives of poverty reduction, wealth creation and employment generation. It is believed that the achievement of these object...

Perception Of The Sustainability Of Niger Delta Development Commission (Nddc) Community Development Projects In Abia State

ABSTRACT Project sustainability is central in community development efforts. Since independence, successive governments had established special development agencies for the Niger Delta region. However, it has been observed that these agencies failed to attain the set goals due to their approaches and uncoordinated community development activities. Sustainable development has to do with participatory development, human development and environmental protection. The federal government, thus, es...

Effects Of Punishment Threats And Reward On Social Loafing.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of punishment threats and rewards on individual performance and group performance of social loafing. Forty students (20 male and 20 females) of Kings’ and Queens’ Comprehensive High School Enugu with a mean age of 14.26 years participated in the study. The materials used were 3200 paper tiles (with a package of 160 paper tiles distributed to each participant). Social loafing was measured and scored according to the number of tiles a participan...

Skill Acquisition As A Tool For Povert Reduction In Bayelsa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Successive Administration in Nigeria have been faced with the phenomenon of poverty and unemployment in Nigeria and various attempts have been made to tackle this problem. Bayelsa State is worst hit with this monster of unemployment and poverty in the state. This research is an attempt to evaluate the various measures put in place to eradicate poverty and the issue of unemployment in Bayelsa State. This research has X-rayed how skill acquisition was used as a tool for poverty reduct...

Socio-Cultural Factors In The Use Of Health Care Services In Nsukka Town

ABSTRACT This study is on the socio-cultural factors in the use of health care services in Nsukka town of Enugu State. For the study, 543 respondents were sampled across the three (3) autonomous communities that make up Nsukka town using questionnaire. Also for qualitative data, 24 people were interviewed of which 12 were health care givers and 12 community leaders. This work is divided into five chapters. In chapter one, the problems, objective and significance of the study were highlighted...

Effect Of Information And Communication Technology On Manpower Training And Development In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Abia State University, Uturu

ABSTRACT This study is on the effect of Information and Communication Technology on Manpower Training Development in Nigeria. A case study of Abia State University. The information and communication technology has become an invaluable tool for learning and research. The benefits are so enormous that there is no sphere of life without the information and communication technology. This is certainly true for tertiary institutions. Premised on this consciousness, the survey research design metho...

Population Dynamics And Feeding Ecology Of The Black Rhino (Diceros Bicornis) In Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania

Africa was once known for abundant populations of the now Critically Endangered Black rhino (Diceros bicornis). However, large-scale poaching in many parts of this continent during 1970- 1980 led to a 95% decline in the rhino numbers. Like in other countries that host remnant populations of the Black rhino, Tanzania’s Black rhinos are now largely restricted to protected areas such as the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA). This study sought to map the spatial distribution of the Black ...

Effects Of Automation Of Bond Trading On Bond Market Performance In The Nairobi Securities Exchange

Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) is considered as developing securities market and for many years has faced many challenges due to its low liquidity. NSE has continued to grow and implement reforms and innovations in order to raise their levels of efficiency. Between 2002 and 2009 a series of reforms were undertaken through the market regulator-Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and the exchange itself. Whether these reforms have improved the performance of bond market still remains unknow...

Welfare and Income Distribution Effects of Minimum Wage in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The primary motive of a minimum wage policy is to provide a wage floor for low income earners and improve their welfare. In Nigeria, real minimum wage declined by 83.0% between 1974 and 2010, thus lowering the welfare of workers. Low skilled relative to high skilled workers’ wages also declined from 29.0% in 1991 to 11.0% in 2007. While there is a growing body of literature on the direct effects of minimum wage, there have been little attempts to investigate its indirect welfare a...

Pub Network 14 PAGES (1812 WORDS) Economics Thesis
An Examination Of The Implementation And Prioritization Of The Three-Pronged Anti-Corruption Strategy In Nairobi County, Kenya (2003-2011)

ABSTRACT This study examined the factors which influenced the implementation and prioritization of the three-pronged strategy which the Government of Kenya adopted in 2003 to fight corruption. Despite its adoption, the prevalence of corruption in the country remained high as reported in the anti-corruption commission reports, corruption perception surveys, parliamentary reports and in the media. The widespread corruption was an indication that the strategy faced challenges in reducing it and...

SSA Research 167 PAGES (48266 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Effects Of Strategic Alliances On Organizational Perfomance: A Case Of Supermarkets In Kenya

This study sought to examine the effect of strategic alliances on performance of supermarkets and their alliances in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to establish the effects of technological, production and marketing strategic alliances on the performance of supermarkets in Kenya. The study employed a cross sectional correlational research design. The sample of the study entailed a study of all the five leading supermarkets in Kenya (Nakumatt, Ukwala, Naivas, Tuskys and Uchumi) a...

The Influence Of Privatization, Ownership Structure And Corporate Governance On Financial Performance Of Privatized Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of privatization, ownership structure and corporate governance on financial performance of privatized companies in Kenya. The specific objectives were to: examine whether there is a significant difference between the pre- privatized and post -privatized performance and between privatized and other listed companies; examine the influence of ownership structure on financial performance of privatized companies; establish the influence of corporate gove...

Work-Family Conflict and Personality as Predictors of Organizational Commitments Among Hospital Workers in Enugu, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigated work-family conflict and personality as predictors of organizational commitments among hospital workers in Enugu, Nigeria. A cross-sectional design and Multiple Regression was used for the data analysis. A total of 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the Sectional Heads of the hospitals. Out of the 300 copies distributed, 184 were returned for analysis. Participants were obtained through accidental sampling of the three (3) hospitals for the st...

Effects Of Hofstede’s Dimensions Of Culture On Consumer Purchase Decisions Among The Kipsigis Community: A Case Of Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The rapidly increasing complexity and dynamics of consumers has led marketers, practitioners and academics alike, to seek a deeper understanding of how consumers and marketers differ in their ways of making purchase decisions. To date, little research examines culture as a factor influencing consumer purchase decisions. There is evidence of cultural differences in consumer decision-making styles for fashion, although, no study has examined whether this effect extends to the purchase...

7771 - 7785 Of 19638 Results