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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Job Position And Personality Characteristics As Predictors Of Job Satisfaction In Federal Ministry Of Education Enugu.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of job position and personality characteristics on job satisfaction among workers. Two hundred participants were used and two hypotheses involving job positions (high, middle, and low) personality characteristics (extrovert vs introvert) were tested. Two instruments were used for data collection and they are Eynseck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ): The design was a 3 x 2 factorial designs and a 2x2 ...

The Impact Of Staff Discipline And Control In An Organization: A Study Of Enugu State University Of Science And Technology (Esut), Enugu (2007-2015)

ABSTRACT Discipline and control are essential management principles that could be used as tools to enhance staff compliance to work standard, rules and regulations in order to achieve organizational goals. Recent studies on the causes of inefficiency, laxity and eye-service among Nigerian employees in the public organizations have been due to lack of discipline and control. Hence, the study investigated the impact of staff discipline and control in an organization with particular reference t...

Self-Esteem, Personality-Type And Gender As Factors In Self-Disclosure Of Persons Living With Hiv/Aids

ABSTRACT This study investigated self-esteem, personality-type and gender as factors in self-disclosure of persons living with HIV/AIDS. Three hundred (300) persons living with HIV/AIDS (120 males and 180 females) aged 18-60 years with a mean age of 39 participated in the study. Three instruments were used for data collection: Index of self-esteem (ISE), Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)-Adult, and Self-Disclosure Index (SDI). The result indicated that self-esteem - F(1,292) = 16.1...

United Nations Millennium Development Goals And Challenges Of Development In Nigeria

ABSTRACT There is no gainsaying the fact that development is essential and inevitable in every human society. Thus every society strives towards development invariably giving rise to uneven or unequal development. In other words, it gives rise to a situation whereby some societies develop at a greater pace than others. This can be attributed to the divergent developmental challenges peculiar to that society. For the society to develop, therefore, it must surmount all these hurdles. Nigeria a...

The Effect Of Automation On Stock Market Performance: A Case Of Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT The automation of the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) in 2006 was expected as part of its objectives to improve the performance of the market. This study investigated the effect of the automation on stock market capitalization, liquidity, efficiency, returns and volatility of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). Two study periods were considered pre-automation period (January 2002 to June 2006) and post-automation period (July 2008 to December 2012). This study therefore provided info...

Effects Of International Law And State’s Sovereignty On The Resolution Of The Nigeria cameroun Boundary Dispute

ABSTRACT The discovery of oil reserves in the water surrounding Bakassi peninsula subjected it to claims and counter-claims for sovereignty, military occupation and recourse to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on March 1999. Then on October 2002 ICJ delivered its judgment that sovereignty over Bakassi did rest with Cameroun. The growth of the nation of sovereignty and the independent nation state require an acceptable method whereby interstate relations could be conducted in accordan...

Psychosocial and Seizure Factors Related To Depression And Neurotic Disorders Among Patients With Chronic Epilepsy In Nigeria

Summary To establish the effect of psychosocial and seizure factors on Depression and Neurotic Disorders among clinically diagnosed Nigerian patients, with epilepsy. This study utilized the multivariate statistical design to evaluate the associations between some psychosocial and seizure factors on increase depression and neurotic disorders. The Neurology outpatient clinics oftwo tertiary facilities inNigeria: Aro Neuro-psychiatric Hospital/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre, Abe...

Pub Network 6 PAGES (3994 WORDS) Psychology Paper
Effect Of Liberalization On The Performance Of Veterinary Medical Services In Nakuru County, Kenya

Since the establishment of Kenya colony up to1963 veterinary clinical service were carried out by the private sector in commercial farms and private ranches. However, upon attaining independence the service was taken over by the public sector so as to serve all Kenyans. The government then embarked on massive training of veterinary doctors and veterinary paraprofessionals to be employed by the government. This continued until 1988 when the government stopped automatic employment of gradu...

Influence Of Grazing Intensity On Cyanogenic Toxicity In Savanna Grasses In Baringo, Keny

The potential role of anti-herbivory mechanisms involving use of qualitative and quantitative compounds in minimizing herbivory is well known. However, synergistic responses to grazing and interactive effects on herbivores are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to quantify the interaction between cyanogenic glycosides in grasses with cattle grazing in Lake Bogoria (00°28'N, 35°59'E), Baringo County. Field experiments were carried out in ten 50×10m exclosures to quantify infl...

Problems Of Economic Planning And Management Under President Goodluck Jonathan

ABSTRACT The Nigerian economy is largely dependent on crude oil and the believe that the revenue generated from the crude oil export will be reinvested to develop the other important sectors of the economy. The president Goodluck Jonathan adopted the neo-liberal economic policies to achieve his aims of revitalizing Nigerian economy. Thus, this study is structured to expose the role of the Nigerian state in enhancing capitalism. The crux of the matter is that the few ruling class in Nigeria e...

Entrepreneurship And Sustainable Development In Enugu State Local Governments (2007-2014)

ABSTRACT This study examined entrepreneurship and sustainable development in Enugu State local governments. It also ascertained the impact of entrepreneurship on the sustainable development of Enugu state local governments as regards to diversification of the economy, utilization of local resources, dispersal of economic activities, wealth generation, improvement in rural infrastructure and living standards of the people, mobilization of savings etc. The research design was a combination of ...

Analysis Of The Costs And Benefits Of A Common Currency For The Second West African Monetary Zone

Abstract The second West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ), comprising The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, was initiated in 1999 to fast-track the common monetary policy objective of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). However, uncertainties about the economic implications of the policy have been major obstacles to regional integration. Economists and policymakers are yet to agree on the potential costs and benefits of a common currency. Available empirical st...

Pub Network 238 PAGES (63523 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Non-governmental Organizations’ (Ngos) Participation In Empowering Hiv/Aids Orphaned Children In Njoro Sub County, Nakuru County, Kenya

This study assessed the NGOs participation in empowering HIV/AIDS orphaned children in Njoro Sub County Nakuru County. In Kenya, 2.5 million children under the age of 18 years are orphans. Out of these 2.5 million children, 1.5 million are orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS are stigmatized and lack access to important life skills for survival due to poverty and illiteracy. This harms their self-esteem and denies them better job prospects, economic independence and a gene...

The Effects Of Selected Factors On The Choice Of Capital Structure Of Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes) In Kiambu County, Kenya

This study was on the effect of selected factors influencing the capital structure of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) in Kiambu County, Kenya. SMEs play a pivotal role towards the achievement of the broad goals outlined in vision 2030 and are critical drivers towards making Kenya an industrialized country with high quality of life for its citizens. The study observes that despite their significance past statistics indicate that three out of five SMEs fail within the first few mo...

Effect Of Selected Motivational Factors On The Job Satisfaction Of Civil Servants Within Government Devolved Functions In Nakuru County

Employees’ job satisfaction is an old concept in industrial relations and is influenced by a number of factors. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 devolved some of the government functions to the County Governments. Employees working in the following devolved functions; Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Public works and roads among others were deployed to the County Government. The deployment to the counties had adverse effects among employees a...

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