Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Effect Of Firm Characteristics On Performance Of The Microfinance Sector In Nakuru, Kenya

ABSTRACT The development of entrepreneurship is an important economic development but is challenged by lack of capital. Microfinances are set up with the main objective of financing small enterprises but still they are not capable to meet the capital needs of the businesses. In spite of the importance of this sector, the provision and delivery of financial services by these firms has been below expectation. Literature suggests that firm characteristics determine performance of microfinances. ...

Effects Of Management Structure, Ownership Stucture And Organizational Governance On Financial Performance Of Unit Trusts In Kenya

ABSTRACT In the Kenyan, unit trusts have played a pivotal role in the growth and development of the economy. Unit trusts have grown in acceptance and popularity as evidenced by the growth in the number of approved unit trust funds from virtually zero in 2001 to 11 in 2008. However, performance of unit trusts has elicited a lot of questions, there has been an average growth of Sh1.9 billion annually to Sh17.6 billion in a span of nine years much slower than other financial sector investments s...

Strategic Factors Affecting Recruitment Practices Of Academic Staff In Public Universities: A Case Study Of Egerton University, Njoro Kenya

ABSTRACT The recruitment of employees with the right skills and abilities helps an organization achieve its strategic goals efficiently. Egerton University has had difficulty in attracting a pool of applicants in fields such as Engineering, Computer Science, Economics, Health Sciences, Agricultural Economics and Commerce as highlighted in its strategic plan. Past studies have not examined the strategic factors influencing the recruitment of academic staff. The purpose of this study was to det...

Challenges Facing Victims Of Crime During The Trial Process In Nakuru Court Of Law, Nakuru Town, Kenya

The impact of crime on the people affected by it can be profound. Victims may suffer from physical, mental or psychological, emotional and financial harm, from which some may never recover. Injuries may be threatened or inflicted upon victims, witnesses or their families, and threats may even be made against lives. Victims of crime ought to enjoy rights and privileges envisaged by The Constitution, 2010 and other written statutes. The broad objective of the study is to investigate the ch...

An Investigation Of The Effect Of Land Subdivisions On Sugarcane Production: A Case Of Land Holdings Within Sony Sugar Company Zone, Kenya

The Kenya Sugar industry has not been able to produce enough sugar to meet the domestic demand. The low production of sugar and low income to the farmer is caused by unsustainable land use practices occasioned by uncontrolled land subdivisions. This research is important as it helped in identifying the priority needs of the farmers and how to address these constraints. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of land subdivisions on sugarcane production within SONY S...

An Econometric Analysis Of The Impact Of Financial Deepening On Aggregate Welfare In Nigeria

ABSTRACT A general way of evaluating the economic welfare of country is through its household per capita expenditure. Thus, the major purpose for this study is to investigate how the recent financial deepening processes in Nigeria have impacted on aggregate welfare. Private per capita consumption expenditure is used to measure aggregate welfare in this study which serves as a macroeconomic measure of indicators of aggregate welfare. Financial deepening can affect aggregate welfare in various...

Effect Of Corporate Shareholding Structure On Dividend Policy Of Firms Listed In Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT Every business organization has its own way of building its corporate shareholding structure and it affects the decision of dividend payment. The general objectives of the study were to study the effect of corporate shareholding structure on dividend policy of listed firms in Nairobi securities exchange. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the effect of foreign shareholding structure on dividend policy of listed firms in NSE; to evaluate the effect of local individu...

Participation Of Women In Community Development In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Igbo Eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State

ABSTRACT This work studied women participation in community development with special emphasis on Igbo Eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State. The exercise was carried out due to the observed lag in women participation in community development all over the country. The work had four key objectives which it sought to realize. These include: to ascertain the barriers to women participation in agriculture within the local government, to ascertain the impact of low level of education on wom...

Effect Of Green Supply Chain Management On Organizational Performance Among Tea Processing Firms In Kericho And Bomet Counties In Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) on Organizational Performance among tea processing firms in Kericho County. The objectives of the study were: to investigate the effect of Green Purchasing on Organizational Performance, to establish the effect of Green Manufacturing on Organizational Performance, to investigate the effect of Green Distribution on Organizational performance, to examine the effect of Green Marketing on Organiza...

Emotional Labour, Psychological Contract Breach And Organizational Climate As Predictors Of Turnover Intentions

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the role of emotional labour, psychological contract breach and organisational climate in predicting turnover intentions among lecturers in private universities in south-eastern Nigeria. Five hundred and eighty-four (584) lecturers (444 males and 140 females), particpated in the study. Four instruments were used for the collection of data, which include Teacher Emotional Labour Scale (TELS), Psychological Contract Breach Scale, Organizational Climate Descrip...

Effects Of Mergers On The Performance Of Companies: A Case Of Cfc Stanbic Bank Limited

A merger happens when two firms, often of about the same size, agree to go forward as a single new company rather than remain separately owned and operated. According to popularperception, Mergers fail to deliver the synergies, competitive scale, and financial results that  executives had anticipated (Robert, 2002). With the negative viewpoint so popular, many executives may have second thoughts about proceeding with a merger, even if a deal looks promising. In Kenya, a number of organiz...

Institutional Quality, Government Expenditure And Economic Growth: Panel Evidence From Four Selected West African Countries

ABSTRACT In line with the search for the real determinant of economic growth, this work sought to analyze the impact of institutional quality, government expenditure on economic growth, using a panel data analysis for four selected West African Countries (Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso) from 2005 to 2013. The study found a positive and significant relationship between some institutions – economic institutions, on economic growth whereas political institutions showed a n...

Monetary Effects Of Banking Crisis In Nigeria

   ABSTRACT The study arose out of the need to tackle the challenges which emanated from the distortion of money demand and stress on inflation as banking crisis occurred. The challenges include liquidity squeeze and increased interest rate which undermined monetary policy implementation, reduced investment and sharply contracted economic activities. The study estimated the effects of banking crisis on money demand and inflation in Nigeria from 1970Q1 to 2014Q2. The specific objectives we...

Transforming Masculinities In The Context Of Emerging Family Crisis: The Case Of Selected Faith-based Organisations In Nakuru County.

Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs) are transforming masculinities in the context of family crises facing the modern family. This is because despite global, regional and national efforts by Governments and other agencies the incidences of family crises such as GBV, separation and divorce still persist. A growing body of literature links negative masculinities with family crises. Specifically this study sought to explore how Kenya Anglican Men Association (KAMA) and Presbyterian Church Men F...

Financial Factors Determining Micro-Loan Uptake By Women Enterprise Groups In Nakuru East Constituency, Nakuru County

ABSTRACT Acknowledging that women had been marginalized in access to formal financing, the government of Kenya introduced the Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) to provide an alternative, easily accessible and affordable finance. However despite the efforts made by the government, most women enterprises still are not accessing the funds as anticipated in this government endeavors. There has been concern among various stakeholders that even though the government has availed affordable funds for women...

7816 - 7830 Of 19638 Results