Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Economic Valuation Of Non-Timber Forest Products Under The Changing Climate Around Iyondo Forest Reserve In Kilombero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on the economic valuation of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and its implication for adaptation to climate change was conducted in four villages surrounding Iyondo Forest Reserve (IFR). The study specifically aimed at identifying and quantifying NTFPs for subsistence use and trade, examining factors influencing supply and demand of NTFPs, examining the total economic value of NTFPs and determining profit margin between different actors along the NTFPs market value chain...

Devolution And Its Effect On Urban Real Estate Development In Nyeri County,Kenya

ABSTRACT Devolution is a strategy that was espoused to enable Kenya achieves a middle income nation status which would not only be globally competitive and prosperous, but also accord high quality of life to her citizens, as envisaged in the Kenya Vision 2030. The social pillar under the Kenya Vision 2030 aims at providing adequate and affordable housing to all Kenyans. Given the current demographic trends, Kenya will be a predominantly urban country by 2030 and more than half of our nat...

Effects Of Leadership Styles On Implementation Of Organization’s Startegic Plans In Small And Medium Enterprises In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT The study sought to analyze the effect of leadership styles on implementation of strategic plans in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Specifically the study: analyzed the effect of autocratic leadership style, assessed the effect of democratic leadership style and evaluated the effect of laissez faire leadership style on implementation of strategic plans in SMEs. Descriptive research design was used. The study population consisted of 4531 SMEs registered by Ministry of Industrial...

Relationship Between Capital Structure And Performance Of Listed Firms In Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT The bear run experienced in 2016 has provided an opportunity for investors to venture into the securities market, a need exists for the individual organizations to assess their capital structures to assure entrant and existing shareholders of sustainable and economically viable financial returns. The study looked at the connection between capital structure and performance of companies quoted at the securities market in Kenya. To be specific, the study looked to determine the effect o...

Competitive Strategies Employed By Commercial Banks In Nyeri County And Their Effect On Bank Performance

ABSTRACT The study was undertaken to identify strategies employed by commercial banks in Nyeri County. The problem statement of the study being to find the various competitive strategies that each of the listed commercial banks in Nyeri County employed and the effect of each of these strategies to the performance of the bank. The study explored the performance differences between each generic strategy group. Generic strategies include cost leadership, differentiation, focus (focus on cost or ...

Determinants Of The Likelihood Of Adoption Of Concentrated Solar Power Technology By Tea Factories In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on the Kenyan tea industry which has been faced with the challenge of identifying a sustainable source of process heat energy. Sixty five of the factories managed by Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) use fuel wood and minimal fuel oil for process heat generation. Both these sources are not sustainable due to their high costs, depletion and negative impact on the environment. This challenge threatens future survival of the industry, Kenya foreign exchange earning...

Analysis Of Factors Influencing Implementation Of Procurement Strategy Among Regulatory Parastatal In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Today’s organizational environment has become very competitive, increasingly uncertain and fast changing and hence, organizations need to plan and be flexible enough to accommodate the ever-changing environment. Due to that constant change, organizations need to adapt so as to strategically exploit emerging opportunities to ensure survival and success. Procurement strategy implementation is a process of implementing policies, programs and action plans that allows a firm to utilize...

Effect Of International Market Entry Strategies On Growth Of Local Horticulture Firms In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The general purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of international market entry strategies on growth of local horticulture firms in Kenya with special focus on firms operating in Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish the effect of export strategy on growth of local horticulture firms in Kenya; To establish the effect of franchising strategy on growth of local horticulture firms in Kenya; To establish the effect of strategic allia...

Transformational Leadership, Strategic Agility And Performance Of State Corporations In Kenya

ABSTRACT State corporations in Kenya have undergone major reforms in the last ten years and in more stable settings, public sector in Kenya has performed dismally even in employing strategy processes such as strategic planning and government budgeting routines. Therefore, for them to achieve exceptional performance in the current volatile and uncertain socio-economic environment, state corporations in Kenya require agile leadership capabilities and effective management styles. The purpose of...

Factors Influencing Substance Abuse Among Youth In Lamu County A Case Of Faza Ward- East Sub County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors influencing drug and substance abuse among youth in Lamu County. According to NACADA (2015), about 200,000,000 people worldwide abuse drugs. Despite NACADA’s and other groups’ interventions, drug abuse is on the increase; with over 30% of youth in Kenya abusing various types of drugs. In the first chapter of this paper, the researcher presents an introduction to the study and also a brief explanation of the problem that promp...

Factors Influencing Strategy Implementation In Mobile Service Providers In Kenya

ABSTRACT This investigation planned for building up the elements affecting methodology execution on versatile specialist organization in Kenya. The Interchanges Specialist of Kenya has in the previous 20 years authorized a cycle four portable administrators Safaricom PLC, Bharti Airtel, Telkom Kenya Constrained and Equitel; and a couple of web get to providers like Wananchi and Jamii Telkom. Writing of the past academic works archives a high disappointment rate in technique execution in many...

Determinants Of Performance In Dairy Cooperative Societies In Kenya: A Case Of Selected Cooperative Societies In Kiambu County

ABSTRACT Smallholder dairy farming offers regular income and asset accumulation to families through empowerment economically and improving livelihood. Despite this, the dairy industry and the enterprises that operate in there like cooperative societies have faced challenges influencing the performance of both well performing and not well performing. The major objective of this research was to analyze determinants of performance of the dairy industry in Kenya: a case study of selected coopera...

Relationship Between Employee’s Occupational Stress And Performance In Kenya Prison Service (A Survey Of Prisons In Meru Region Of Kenya)

ABSTRACT The Kenyan Government acknowledges that over the years there has been poor performance in the public sector, especially in the management of public resources which has hindered the realization of sustainable economic growth. Work-place stress has received a great deal of attention in social psychological research. Significant research findings have documented that prolonged stress has negative effects on individual health as well as on employee attitudes towards the organization. Em...

Relationship Between Asset Securitization And Financial Performance Of Listed Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The economic aspect of any nation is strengthened by a well-regulated and managed banking sector. Most commercial banks in Kenya are faced with low financial performance because of capital deficiency, liquidity deficiency and non-performing loans due to defaulted loans. This study examined the relationship between asset securitization and financial performance of listed commercial banks in Kenya. The objectives of the study assessed the influence of asset-based securities, mortgage ...

The Role Of Ethical Leadership On The Relationship Between Dynamic Capability And Performance Of Matatu Saving And Credit Cooperative Societies In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The public transport sector in Kenya is dominated by Matatus. Matatus plays a crucial economic role in facilitating the movement of people and goods. However, despite the positive contribution to the economy, the Matatu industry is facing challenges of poor performance and lack of discipline. The research gap that the study sought to address is the lack of studies investigating the role of ethical leadership on the relationship between dynamic capability and the performance of Matat...

7951 - 7965 Of 19638 Results