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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Organizational Breaches And Drugs Inventory Security Management In Health Institutions, Nyeri County - Kenya

ABSTRACT The study analyzed the effects of organization breaches on drug inventory security management for the health institutions in Nyeri County Kenya. The study was guided by four specific objectives; to analyze the effect of organizational regulation, storage infrastructure, skills of the staff and internal environmental factors on drug inventory security management in health institutions, Nyeri County. Drugs in health institutions are mismanaged by handlers for personal interest when th...

Relationship Between Employee Voice Strategies And Performance Of Public Health Facilities In Imenti North Subcounty, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Many public health facilities have experienced employee discontent in the recent past contributing to a decline in the delivery of healthcare services. This was due to delayed salaries, poor working climate, insufficient facilities, and lack of engagement on the part of management to communicate with workers. This study, therefore, sought to establish the relationship between employee voice strategies and performance of public health facilities in Imenti North Sub County, Meru Count...

Effect Of Mortgage Financing On Profitability Of Islamic Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The growth of Islamic banking has been on a steady increase hence currently a force to reckon with in the financial market. This banking subsector is presently competing for market share with conventional banks. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of mortgage financing on profitability of Islamic banks in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to establish the effect of interest-free mortgage financing on Profitability Islamic banks, to explore how collateral requireme...

Social Cognitive Career Predictors, Entreprenology And Entrepreneurship Education Among Undergraduate University Students In Kenya

Research in entrepreneurship education is dynamic owing to the fact that it has a myriad of dimensions and faces. However, learning theories like social cognitive theories have not gained noteworthy or increased attention in the entrepreneurship education community. Grounded by the Social Cognitive Career Theory, the main objective of this study was to ascertain the connection shared by social cognitive career predictors, entreprenology and entrepreneurship education as a specialization among...

Credit Risk And Lending Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Credit risk poses substantial exposure both to the banks and the economy; a scenario evident in East Africa financial crises; this in part owing to the fact that the banking sector is vital in any economy. The decline of profitability within the banking industry and financial losses can be attributed to credit exposures that went awry. This underscores the significance of management of credit risk within the banking sector. While lending is profitable for the banks especially on acc...

Assessment Of Factors Influencing Youth Participation In Agribusiness In Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Youths have the potential to engage in Agri–business but most of them view Agri– business as a petty job resulting to mass unemployment. The general objective of this research was to analyze the assessment of factors influencing youth participation in Agribusiness in Kericho County. The specific objectives were; to assess influence of youth attitudes towards youth participation in Agri-business in Kericho County, to establish the influence of access to credit facility towards yo...

Predictors Of Computerized Financial Fraud Among Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to evaluate predictors of computerized fraud among commercial banks in Kenya. The specific objectives were; to explore the effect of Quality Management, employee’s behavior anomalies and operational red flags on computerized financial fraud in commercial bank in Kenya. The study was anchored on two theories namely theory of mindset and fraud triangle theory. The study employed a descriptive design. The study used Primary data. A target populati...

Role Of Selected Institutional Factors On Job Satisfaction Of Employees In Nyeri County Government, Kenya

ABSTRACT Devolution in Kenya took shape in 2013 after the general elections. This was in effect to the promulgated Kenyan 2010 constitution. There are 47 county governors who were elected and this changed the structure from the national government to the county government. These changed the formal scheme of relations, communications, decision making processes, procedures and systems which allow an organization to develop its functions and achieve its objectives. These could affect the employ...

Analysis Of Factors Influencing Implementation Of Procurement Strategy Among Regulatory Parastatals In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Today‟s organizational environment has become very competitive, increasingly uncertain and fast changing and hence, organizations need to plan and be flexible enough to accommodate the ever-changing environment. Due to that constant change, organizations need to adapt so as to strategically exploit emerging opportunities to ensure survival and success. Procurement strategy implementation is a process of implementing policies, programs and action plans that allows a firm to utilize...

Relationship Between Information, Communication And Technology Strategy And Competitive Advantage Among Commercial Banks In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Commercial banks have continued to implement Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in order to keep up with the competition and changing consumer needs and wants in the competitive business environment with the aim of gaining competitive advantage. Integration of ICT with the organization’s strategies has become a driving force of competition among financial institutions in Kenya towards achieving improved service efficiency and effectiveness. The study aimed to evaluate...

Effect Of Information Communication Technology Adoption On Financial Management In Meru County Government

Abstract Information Communication Technology (ICT) is used in different areas. The common factor is its acceptance as a technology for facilitating transfer of information by use of electronic mode. Financial management automation is where financial activities are computerization from the preparation of the budget all the way to budget execution using an integrated financial management system. Despite the significance of automating of financial management, the audit report of Meru County go...

Factors Influencing Growth Of Cereals Enterprises Owned By Women In Meru County. A Survey Of Enterprises In Nkubu Town

ABSTRACT Cereals enterprises have been witnessing declining in performance, this has resulted to some of them running out of business. In every country entrepreneurship growth is being witnessed as a result of response to advancement in technology and global competitiveness. It is against this background that this study was undertaken in order to examine factors influencing growth of cereals enterprises owned by women in Nkubu Town in Meru County. The study was guided by the following specif...

Selected Psychosocial Factors Affecting Wellness Of The Elderly: A Case Of Homes For The Elderly In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Changing family values and migration into cities has seen many Kenyans live away from their aging parents making it hard to fulfil their traditional role of caring for them. This has contributed to the rapid growth of homes for the aged in the country especially in Nairobi County. The purpose of the study was to investigate selected psychosocial factors affecting wellness of the elderly persons admitted in homes for the elderly in Nairobi county.The study focused on three psychosoci...

Control mechanisms and the management of The funds of local governments in nigeria: a Case study of anambra state.

ABSTRACT The role of the third-tier of government in societal development has become broader, deeper and even more sophisticated in the current dispensation. Thanks to the numerous reforms which have been visited on local government within the last few decades. In spite of this however, the performance of the third-tier so far in developing the society, more especially the grassroots has been quite unsatisfactory. It is in the light of this that this work dwelt on the control mechanisms and ...

Moderating Effect Of Religious Beliefs On Relationship Between Employee Reward And Turnover In Private Hospitals Of Samburu County.

ABSTRACT Employee turnover is a critical aspect in the operations and survival of the organization hence the management should take into consideration when putting in place guideline and other strategic plans to ensure turnover is minimized in order to meet organizational set targets. This study scrutinized the moderating effect of religious beliefs on relationship between employee reward and turnover in private hospitals of Samburu County. The objectives of the study were to investigate the...

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