Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Relationship Between Financial Management Practices And Financial Stability Of Football Clubs In Kenya. A Survey Of Football Clubs At The Kenya Premier League

ABSTRACT This research investigated whether there exists an association between the financial management practices put in place by the Kenyan football clubs and their financial stability. The specific research objectives guided the study by establishing the influence of investment practices, financial reporting framework, working capital management and financing activities on stability of football clubs in Kenya. The underpinning theories include: Agency theory, game theory in sports and con...

Factors Contributing To Loan Defaulting Among Savings And Credit Societies In Kirinyaga County,Kenya.

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the research was to assess the factors leading to loan defaulting among Sacco’s in Kirinyaga County. Loan appraisal system, the effect of management to loan defaulting, loan policy and loan use were independent variables, while loan default was the dependent variable. The specific objectives of this study was to establish the effect of loan appraisal system to loan defaulting by SACCO client, to establish the effect of management of the SACCO in relation t...

Politics Of Tuberculosis Control Programme In Rivers State, Nigeria, 2001 - 2010

ABSTRACT This study interrogates the role of politics in tuberculosis (TB) control services in Rivers State, Nigeria. It raises questions about how the exercise of political power through the nature of the allocation and distribution of resources affects the effective implementation of the tuberculosis control programme in Rivers State, and its attendant implications for the populace. It draws on both qualitative and quantitative methods such as content analysis of documents and questionnair...

Relationship Between Capacity Building Strategies And Performance Of Cash Transfer Programs In The Public Sector In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Cash transfer program has been identified by most developing countries as an important component of social protection however; the program has experienced challenges in the implementation process. This study aimed at establishing the relationship between four capacity building strategies; training, technology, knowledge sharing and stakeholder partnership and performance of cash transfer program in Nairobi county- Kenya with an intention of helping the Government of Kenya and other ...

Capital Adequacy Framework, Funds Allocation Strategy And Financial Performance Of Deposit Taking Saccos In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at establishing the relationship between capital adequacy framework and financial performance of deposit taking savings and credit cooperatives societies in Kenya. There is a declining trend of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. In 2016,164 SACCOs were licensed to operate as deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The study intention was to conduct a census survey but the responses were less. Only 111 deposit taking societies responded. The government had introduced vari...

Determinants Of Integrated Financial Management Information System Implementation, In The National Government Departments In Meru County.

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya has for a long time been very much concerned over the persistent poor performance in financial management due to lack of reliable and timely information for decision making. It took an initiative to address the shortcomings of the financial reporting system and to ensure good governance. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) carried out a survey in government accounting in early 1993 followed by a diagnostic study sponsored by the World Bank; this led to intr...

Factors Influencing Customer Retention In Large Peer Group Of Commercial Banks In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya's commercial banking sector is poised for major realignments on account of the stiff competition that the sector is witnessing. Certainly therefore, customer retention will be the business battle point. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing customer retention in large peer group commercial banks in Nyeri County. The study aimed to specifically analyze; the influence of product price, customer service quality, customer satisfaction and bank reputation o...

Influence Of Parental Factors On Children’s Career Choice: A Case Of Public Secondary Schools In Isinya Sub-County, Kajiado Kenya

ABSTRACT Career selection is one of many important choices students make in determining future plans, therefore the importance of career choice among senior high students cannot be over emphasized. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which some selected parental factors influence career choices among form four students in Isinya Sub-County in Kenya. The study sought to establish the relationship between these selected parental factors and the student’s career choice....

Social Capital And Savings Mobilization In Cooperative Societies, Nyamira County, Kenya

Abstract The general purpose of the study was to examine the influence of social capital on savings mobilization in co-operative societies in Nyamira County. The specific goals were to examine how trust influences savings mobilization in Nyamira County; establish the effect of networks of association in savings mobilization; examine how norms affect savings mobilization; and establish whether savings mobilization is affected by credit handling as an intervening variable in Nyamira County. A ...

Influence Of Customer Relationship Management Dimensions On Performance Of Classified Accommodation Facilities In Coast Region Of Kenya

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an expanded domain of Relationship Marketing with an information technology component which enables a firm to manage its customers' data with an aim of improving the firm-customer relationship. Though implementation of CRM has the potential to transform organizational performance, this is not well known and understood in Kenya's hospitality industry where some performance indicators have shown that the hospitality industry is not doing well. Although ...

Effect Of Small Accounting Practices On The Performance Of Micro And Small Enterprises In Nakuru Central Business District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of small accounting practices on the performance of Micro and Small-sized Enterprises (MSEs). The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of small accounting services on the performance of MSE's in Nakuru County. The specific objectives of the study were;to examine the effect of bookkeeping on the performance of MSEs; to assess the effect of accounting on the performance of MSEs; to investigate the effect of a...

Political Economy Of Crude Oil Production And Nigeria’s Downstream Sector

ABSTRACT At inception, oil industry operations in Nigeria were limited to upstream and midstream activities comprising exploration, production, marketing and transportation of crude oil. Downstream refining activity commenced in 1965 as a joint venture between British Petroleum and Shell but with 50 percent equity participation by the Nigerian government. The technology of oil exploration and production, the transport and marketing infrastructure of Nigeria’s crude oil, as well as the cons...

Competitive Strategies For Businesses Tendering Opportunities In Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to identify competitive strategies used by privately owned business while competing for public tendering opportunities in Public Universities in Kenya. The study identified three main objectives pricing, quality of service and size of the firm as strategies for creating a competitive gain while competing for tendering opportunities in Chartered Public Universities in Kenya. To achieve its objectives the study adopted a descriptive design with quantitative approach ...

Effect Of Competitive Strategies On Performance Of Saccos In Muranga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisations (SACCOs) mobilize savings and grant members loans at reasonable rates of interest in times of need. The low cost products and ease of formation are among the attributes that have provided a competitive edge to these institutions over the main stream banks in the low income market segment. The study sought to establish the competitive strategies adopted by SACCOs in response to the growing competition from other financial service providers...

Polygamous Loyalty And Retail Chains’ Loyalty Programme Holders In Kenya

ABSTRACT The problem of the present study is that despite the significant findings of the pilot study and existing literature on prevalence of polygamous loyalty amongst the retail chains’ loyalty programmes’ holders in Kenya, much is unknown about the drivers or factors influencing this phenomenon. Polygamous loyalty was conceptualized as customers’ membership to several different retail chains’ loyalty schemes. The study objective therefore was to establish factors influencing this...

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