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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Factors Influencing Strategy Implementation In Commercial Banks In Kenya

The main purpose of the study was to investigate the factors affecting strategy implementation among commercial banks in Kenya. The study sought to answer the three research questions namely: How do employee factors affect strategy implementation in commercial banks? How do organization factors affect strategy implementation in commercial banks? How do the societal factors affect strategy implementation in commercial banks? The study adopted a survey research design using both quantitative an...

Effects Of Microfinance Lending On Working Capital Management Of Micro And Small Enterprises In Narok Town Kenya

ABSTRACT Financial management is a critical component of efficient working capital management of both small and large firms. MSEs business remain the most dynamic force and agent of economic growth and development of a nation. However, MSEs sector have the problems of accessing funds for their working capital because they do not have securities. Despite the provision of fund by MFIs, many MSEs businesses still fail because they neglect the principal of efficient working capital management. T...

Effect Of Performance Contracting Strategy On Service Quality In Public Units In Nakuru County

ABSTRACT Performance contracting is a management strategy which involves management control systems geared towards improving service quality. It is also a contractual agreement to execute a service according to agreed terms, within an established time period and with stipulated use of resource and performance standards. In the past seven years organizations in Kenya have been adopting performance contracting to enhance service quality. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of pe...

Determining Smallholder Milk Marketing Channel Choices For Enhanced Competitiveness In The Dairy Supply Chain In Kenya: A Case Study Of Nyandarua County

ABSTRACT The dairy industry in Kenya has faced and continues to face challenges in the inefficiency of linkages among supply chain actors. Despite this, the industry still plays an important nutrition and economic role in the lives of many people ranging from farmers to milk hawkers, consumers and processors. Since liberalization of the sector in 1992, a vast array of dairy marketing channels has sprung up, presenting smallholder farmers with multiple marketing channel options. Any choice of ...

SSA Research 98 PAGES (25678 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Strategic Factors Affecting Compliance With The Sacco Act Of 2008 By Deposit Taking Savings And Credit Cooperatives In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Sacco‟s) play an increasingly important role in the process of financial intermediation in the highly competitive financial market in Kenya. Various players in the financial sector are under regulatory arms and include Insurance regulatory authority, Retirement benefits authority, commercial banks under Central bank of Kenya and lately Sacco‟s under Sacco society‟s regulatory authority (SASRA). The Sacco societies Act of 2008 (SSA) and subsequen...

Assessment Of The Influence Of Bujagali Dam On The Spatial-Temporal Fish Assemblages Of The Upper Victoria Nile River, Uganda

ABSTRACT Large hydropower plants are known to be engines of economic development which unfortunately are also associated with a number of unpredictable environmental drawbacks at varying spatial-temporal scales. In this study, the temporal influence of Bujagali hydropower plant on the fish populations of the upper Victoria Nile river in Uganda was assessed. Historical data obtained through regular monitoring surveys from two upstream and one downstream transect between 2006 and 2015 was analy...

Analysis Of Determinants Of Adoption Of Organic Fertilizer And Its Effect On Smallholder Farmers Income In Shashemene District, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Ethiopia’s agricultural sector accounts to 40 percent of national Gross Domestic Product. This shows that the sector is important in improving the livelihoods of the bulk of the population. Despite its importance, the agricultural sector in Ethiopia is characterized by low productivity. To improve this and overall economic growth, the Ethiopian government has focused on promotion of organic fertilizer use. However, adoption of organic fertilizer remains low in most parts of Ethiopi...

SSA Research 88 PAGES (26078 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Influence Of Transformational Leadership Outcomes On Performance Of Staff In Microfinance Institutions In Kenya

As discipline, leadership is cross cutting and differentiates one organization from the other. Microfinance organizations are no different. Powell (2011) insists that leadership is critical and crucial to both the growth and change in organizations. Leadership is described as the bond that makes people of diverse nature and background work together to achieve a common goal (Usman, 2011). The style of leadership has been found to determine the level of satisfaction and productivity of employee...

Corporate Governance And Performance Of County Governments In Kenya

The devolved system of governance was adopted to ensure development in all regions and effectiveness in service delivery for all Kenyans. This purpose of the study was to evaluate the corporate governance influence on the performance of county governments in Kenya. More so, the research intended; to determine the influence of inclusiveness of employees, functions of regulatory bodies, consensus orientation practices and stakeholders’ participation on performance of county governments in Ken...

Effect Of Behavioral Biases On Ranking Of Financing Decisions By Financial Managers Of Firms Listed In The Nairobi Securities Exchange

The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of managerial behavioral biases on ranking of financing decisions. The study population was senior and middle level financial managers of firms listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE).  The study was guided by 6 specific objectives, namely: to establish the effect of managerial overconfidence; managerial over optimism; regret aversion; anchoring; mental accounting and conservatism on ranking of financing decisions by financial mana...

The Effect Of Corporate Governance On The Organizational Performance Of Dairy Co-Operatives In Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of corporate governance on the organizational performance of dairy co-operatives in Kenya. The study assessed five research questions: How does comprehensive strategic decision-making affect the organizational performance of dairy co-operatives in Kenya? How does participative governance affect the organizational performance? How does human capital affect the organizational performance? How does long-term orientation affect the organizat...

The Effect Of Ethical Leadership On Employee Commitment Among Managers In The Transport Sector Parastatals In Kenya

The role of ethical leadership in the creation of a functional organizational culture that nurtures high employee commitment cannot be disputed. This is supported by a vast amount of literature, which attributes positive organizational outcomes to leadership (Obiwuru, Okwu, Akpa & Nwankwere, 2011). Recently, researchers have developed an interest in ethical leadership in view of the significance of ethical behavior in government routines and reporting (Wright, Hassan & Park, 2016). Nonetheles...

T O T A L Q U A L I T Y , Operations Effectiveness And Competitive A D V A N T A G E In Horticultural Industry In Kenya

The study focused on Kenya's horticultural industry and the aspects of total quality, operations effectiveness and competitive advantage. The literature shows that total quality brings forth competitive advantage. However, most of that literature has come from developed countries. Researches carried out in less developed countries have shown contradictory results, with some showing that total quality brings forth competitive- advantage, while others show it does not. This study aimed at under...

Knowledge Management And Organizational Performance: Case Of State Owned Commercial Enterprises In Kenya

This study sought to establish the relationship between knowledge management and organizational performance of state owned commercial enterprises in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the relationships between knowledge management processes that included knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation, knowledge conversion, knowledge sharing and knowledge storing on organizational performance of state owned commercial enterprises in Kenya. Further, the study sought to exami...

Effect Of Mobile Credit On Bank Performance: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Kenya

This study sought to analyze the effect of mobile credit on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The objectives for the study were:  to determine the effect of mobile credit on each of performance measures that is; financial performance, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and organization effectiveness and also investigate the moderating effect of government policy towards mobile credit and its effect on commercial banks performance.  A positivism research philosophy by...

8176 - 8190 Of 19638 Results