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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Institutional Factors Affecting Loan Performance Of Uganda Development Bank Limited

Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out the Institutional factors affecting loan performance at Uganda Development Bank Limited (UDBL). The study was motivated by the hypothesis that bank-specific variables have an effect on loan repayment. The institutional factors were categorized into staff-related factors, credit policy-related factors, and Management Information System-related factors. A survey was undertaken and questionnaires were distributed to the Bank's credit staff and ...

Antecedents Of Standards Compliance For The Internationalisation Of Kenyan Horticulture

The objective of this study was to investigate the antecedents of standards compliance for the internationalisation of Kenyan horticulture. This was achieved by answering to specific objectives related to the influence of exporters’ awareness of standards compliance and exporters’ competences; input use, technology use, and infrastructure on the internationalisation of Kenyan horticulture with the moderating role of regulatory framework. This study was mainly anchored on the Competit...

Institutional Design And Utilisation Of Evaluation Results In Uganda`S Public Universities: A Case Study Of Kyambogo University

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between institutional design and utilisation of evaluations in Uganda`s public universities taking Kyambogo University as a case study. Specifically, the study interrogated institutional design in terms of procedural rules, evaluation processes and capacity with an interest of finding out how each of these affects the utilisation of evaluation results at Kyambogo University. In an effort to answer the research questions, a cross-sectional survey d...

The Implications Of Artisanal Gold Mining Practices On Livelihood Security In Uganda

Introduction Artisanal gold mining (AGM) is one of the emerging economic activities providing alternative livelihoods globally with more than 13million artisanal miners and about 150 million people indirectly reliant on AGM (ILO, 1998). A large proportion of artisan miners mainly in Africa are women and children who are also important in supporting sustainable livelihood security. However, their extensive involvement in the informal mining operations sharply affects other livelihood interven...

Developing A Construct Validity For Motivation Of Employees In The National Agricultural Research Organisation (Naro) –Uganda: Validation Of Herzberg’s Theory

Introduction Motivation of employees has been identified as key to job performance and organization’s outputs (Latt, 2008). In a business context, organizational goals, profitability and competitiveness are determined significantly by employees’ performance; who in turn are grossly influenced by the employees’ attitude about work (Alharji & Yusoff, 2011; Chaudhary & Sharma; 2012). The attitude is highly influenced by how motivated employees are at work; hence their level of job satisfa...

Effect Of Oil Price Shocks On Ugandan Economy

Introduction This study explores the effect of oil price shocks on Ugandan economy. In studying the effect of oil price shocks on Ugandan economy, the movement of Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation, Unemployment and Net Official Development Assistance for Uganda as a result of world oil price shocks will be investigated. It will further analyse the determinants of oil imports in Uganda. The proposal is arranged into three chapters as follows: Chapter one is the introduction with te...

Gender Relations And Child Nutrition: A Study Of Intra-Household Bargaining In Rural Uganda.

 Introduction This chapter explains the background of this proposal and provides a short description of the nutrition situation in Uganda. The chapter also examines the gender relations inside the household and how this can affect child nutrition. Also explained is the rationale for the study and the research questions central to this study. This study examines the link between gender relations and child nutrition an integral part of intra-household bargaining in rural Uganda. Gender relati...

Assessment Of The Contribution Of Non-Timber Forest Products To Household Food Security And Income Around Baga Catchment Forest In Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to assess the contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to household food security and income generation in villages surrounding Baga catchment forest in Lushoto District, Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at assessing the common NTFPs utilized by households in the study area, examining socio-economic factors influencing household members accessibility to NTFPs, evaluating the contribution of NTFPs to household food security and income. The stu...

Influence Of Manager Characteristics On Strategy Implementation By Private Universities In Kenya

This study set out to determine the influence of manager characteristics on strategy implementation by private universities in Kenya. The study was guided by manager demographics, manager personality and manager communication as the independent variables,while strategy implementation was  the dependent variable and manager discretion the moderating variable. This approach essentially integrates the theoretical perspectives of the upper echelons theory and Higgin’s 8 S’s Model under t...

The Influence Of Internal Scheme Features On The Investment Strategies Of Occupational Retirement Benefits Schemes In Kenya

The funding risk borne by sponsors of defined benefit pension funds and the residual risk borne by members of defined contribution pension funds have necessitated focus on the investment strategies employed by pension funds. Trustees, managers and regulators of occupational retirement benefits schemes are struggling to find ways of addressing these challenges, as investment strategies contribute to the retirement benefits of their members. There is therefore a need to gain a better under...

Changing Land-Use Patterns And Farming Strategies In The Degraded Environment Of The Irangi Hills, Central Tanzania

Abstract The approaches adopted by local farmers to put the degraded landscape of the Irangi Hills in central Tanzania to productive agricultural use are analysed. The area has been extensively affected by severe soil erosion, thereby reducing its potential for agriculture. While soil erosion in the upper and middle reaches of the slopes has resulted in extensive gullies, sedimentation in the lower reaches has created extensive sandfans and buried some of the fertile, clayey soils. The chang...

Evaluation Of Households’ Willingness To Contribute labor In Floods Prevention And Mitigation Projects In Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Many initiatives to overcome floods have not succeeded and lack of financial resources have been among the major problems associated with the failure. The contribution of labour by the surrounding community can be used as a panacea to the money problem. This study investigated the households‟ willingness to contribute (WTC)labour in projects which intend to prevent the occurrence and mitigate the effects of floods. The study was conducted in KilosaDistrict with the aim of establi...

Employability Of Higher Education Institutions Graduates: Exploring The Influence Of Entrepreneurship Education And Employability Skills Development Program Activities In Tanzania

An overview of the study This PhD thesis explores the topic of employability of new graduates. Specifically, it examines the influence of entrepreneurship education and engagement in Employability Skills Development Programme (ESDP) activities and their role in enhancing the employability skills and competencies of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) graduates. Using triangulation, the thesis addresses the following questions: a) Do HEIs and particularly schools of education facilitate the ...

The Paradox Of Voter Turnout In The 2010 Tanzania General Elections

ABSTRACT This study examined the causes of low voter turnout in the Tanzania 2010 general elections. The focus was on the general causes of low voter turnout and the influence of voter education and voter mobilization by political parties on voter turnout. The study adopted a case study strategy where Karatu, Ubungo, and Igalula constituencies were purposely sampled. Data was generated by conducting structured interviews with 150 respondents from voters who had registered for the 2010 genera...

Effects Of Bio-Slurry And Farm Yard Manure On Soil Amelioration And Chinese Cabbage (Brassica Rapa Var. Chinensis) Yields In Njombe Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to assess the effects of bio- slurry and farm yard manure on soil amelioration and yields of Chinese cabbage in Nyumbanitu and Itulike villages in Njombe Tanzania. Chinese cabbage is a very important crop for human nutrition as a source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. However, soil acidity and nutrient deficiencies limit Chinese cabbage production in many tropical soils. The overall objective was to quantify the effects of bio- slurry and farm yard...

8221 - 8235 Of 19638 Results