Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Outsourcing And Performance Of Public Institutions In Uganda: The Case Of Contracting At National Planning Authority

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the effect of outsourcing on institutional performance in public institutions and it used Uganda’s National Planning Authority as a case study. The objectives were to ascertain the relationship between the dimensions of the independent variable (outsourcing) and the dependent variable (institutional performance). The study adopted a cross-sectional survey (mixed methods) design and the sample size was 71 respondents. The researcher used a questionnair...

Organizational Factors Affecting Employee Performance At The College Of Computing And Information Sciences (Cocis), Makerere University, Kampala - Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated the organizational factors that influence the performance of employees at the College of Computing and Information Sciences (COCIS), Makerere University, Kampala. The objectives of the study were: to examine how organizational culture influences employee performance at COCIS, Makerere University; to establish the relationship between organizational communication and employee performance at COCIS, Makerere University; and to find out how organizational commitme...

Oil Management And The Resource Curse In Uganda: A Case Study Of Hoima District

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between oil management and the resource curse in Hoima District. The study was premised on three specific objectives: to analyze the relationship between planning for oil exploration/production and a resource curse in Hoima District, to examine the relationship between coordination of oil exploration/production and a resource curse in Hoima District and to assess the relationship between monitoring of oil exploration/production and a resource curs...

Lean, Agile And Leagile Manufacturing As Antecedents To Plant Performance Of Manufacturing Firms In Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence From Uganda

Introduction This study seeks to examine the interaction of manufacturing paradigms of lean, agile and their combination (leagile manufacturing) with plant performance of firms in developing countries. This is topic that has been debated in a number of previous studies (Arnab , 2012; Mattias & Jan , 2009; Helio, Goran, & Vaibhav, 2012; Thaeir, 2014; Rajesh & Charlene , 2007). Most of the contribution made in these previous works has majorly focused on experiences of firms in developed countr...

Govenance Systems And Sustainability Of Rural Deep Underground Water Sources Of Lwengo District In Uganda

Introduction Water scarcity experience is severe in many of the emerging economies globally, with about 1.2 billion people, who do not have access to safe water. It is estimated that, more than 1 billion people who do not have access to safe drinking water and domestic use live in Africa and yet water is insurance to life (Heinrich Boll 2014) The effective Governance Systems and Sustainability of Rural Deep Underground Water Sources concept is crucial and calls for sense of citizen based par...

Marketing Channels And The Sales Performance Of Monitor Publications Limited, Uganda

ABSTRACT Distributing a newspaper calls for creation of marketing channels through which it will move from the publishing house to the end-user (the reader). In this study, the researcher set out to assess the effect of channel design, channel administration and channel management technologies on the sales performance of the Daily Monitor Newspaper, a publication of Monitor Publications Limited. Quantitative data was collected from 226 respondents and analyzed to derive the following finding...

Effect Of Cash Handling Practices On Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

Poor cash handling practices by commercial banks leads to massive losses that ultimately leads to a negative performance and in extreme circumstances, closure of the commercial banks. The rising cases of fraud as a result of poor cash handling practices in the Kenyan commercial banks since 2011 have been overwhelming. This is evidenced by recent cases of cash in transit being stolen by security firms contracted to transport the cash. The continuous increase in cases of poor cash handling...

Effect Of Market Accessibility On Households’ Food Security In Acholi Sub Region-Uganda

Introduction This study focuses on the effect of market accessibility on households’ food security in Uganda, with particular emphasis in Acholi Sub region, Northern Uganda. In the study, market accessibility is the independent variable while households’ food security is the dependent variable. Availability, Accessibility, and Stability are study measures of Households’ food security while market accessibility is measured by farmer’s Organizations, road network, Information Communica...

Implications Of Wildlife Management Areas In Biodiversity Conservation And Community Livelihoods: A Case Of Mbomipa Wildlife Management Area In Iringa, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the role of MBOMIPA, Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in biodiversity conservation and its contribution to local communities’ livelihoods in surrounding villages. The study was conducted between November 2014 and January 2015 in Iringa District, in four villages of Tungamalenga, Mapogoro (in Idodi Division), Itunundu and Kinyika (in Pawaga Division). Data were collected through questionnaire survey, key informant interviews and focus group discussi...

Assessment Of Volume, Biomass And Carbon Stock Of Cashewnuts Trees In Liwale District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Estimation of individual tree volume and biomass is important for assessing removal of green house gases potential of the cashew trees and therefore provide a useful tool for the emerging carbon credit market mechanisms. The aim of this study was to estimate volume and biomass stocks of Anacardiumoccidentale L. grown in Coast Regions, Tanzania. Woodlots inventory data were collected from Liwale and Kisarawe districsts in Lindi and Coast regions respectively. A total of 45 cashew tre...

Factors Affecting The Performance Of Employees At The Ministry Of Health Headquarters, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study analyzed factors affecting the performance of employees at the Ministry of Health headquarters, Kampala. The objectives of the study were to assess how working conditions affect the performance of employees; establish how monitoring and evaluation system affects performance of employees; and, examine how monitoring and evaluation capacity development affects employee performance. Random and non-random sampling techniques were used to select the samples by use of self-admi...

Factors That Affect Trade Credit Among Manufacturing Firms In Uganda.

Introduction This chapter covers historical, theoretical, conceptual plus contextual background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, hypotheses, conceptual framework, scope of the study, geographical scope and significance of the study. Trade credit is an agreement involving purchase of goods and services without immediate payment. This practice is used by all business entities in both developed and developing nations (Leire & Cowton, 2009, R...

Perceived Self-Competence as a Consequence of Gender, Socio-Economic Status and Birth Order

ABSTRACT The focus of this study was the main and interaction effects of gender, socio-economic status, and birth order on the perceived self-competence of young adolescents.  One hundred and twenty Junor Secondary School one, two, three, and SS one students randomly selected from two schools in Ibadan participated in the study. There was no significant interaction effect of gender, socio-economic status and birth order on overall self-competence, no main effect of birth order was also foun...

Pub Network 7 PAGES (2835 WORDS) Psychology Paper
Evaluating The Efficacy Of Institutional Systems In The Management Of Wild Life Trade In Uganda

Introduction This study intends to evaluate the efficacy of institutional systems in the management of trade in wildlife products in Uganda. The efficacy of institutional systems is conceived as the independent variable and the management of trade in wildlife products is the dependent variable. The efficacy of the institutional systems will refer to the legal and institutional frameworks. The legal framework will be measured in terms of existing laws, rules and policies. The institutional fr...

Charcoal Value Chain Analysis In Uyui District And Tabora Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyse charcoal value chain in Uyui District and Tabora Municipality. Specific objectives were to identify actors and assess their rolesin the chain; determine profitand marketing margins of various actors along the value chain and determine the factors influencing charcoalprofitability among actors.Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected.The sample of 114 respondents was drawn for interview from eight wards. Content analysis was used to analyse q...

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