Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Attitude, Adoption And Economic Potentials Of Agroforestry In Kilosa District, Morogoro Region – Tanzania

ABSTRACT Agroforestry have been proposed as the solution to the prevailing deforestation and land deterioration in developing countries like Tanzania. This study aimed at determining farmer’s attitude, adoption and economic potentials of agroforestry practices in Kilosa District. Specifically it was intended to describe agroforestry systems and technologies, examining the level of attitudes towards agroforestry, identifying socio-economic factors influencing agroforestry adoption and estim...

Soil-Inorganic Nitrogen Changes In Rice Fields Under Selected Crop Management Interventions And Hydrological Conditions In Kilombero Floodplain, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted at Ifakara Morogoro Region with a purpose of investigating the effect of selected crop management interventions and hydrological conditions on soil NH4 + and NO3 - content. Study sites were located at Valley Middle and Fringe sites as distinct hydrological zones. An experiment, in a complete Randomized block design, with six treatments: Semi-natural vegetation (TR1), Farmers practice (TR2), bunding alone (TR3), bunding + 60 kgN/ha (TR4), bunding + 120 kgN/ha (T...

Oil Resource Abundance and Sectoral Performances in Nigeria, 1970 - 2010

ABSTRACT Oil Resource Abundance (ORA) has dominated the Nigerian revenue since the 1970s, contributing over 70.0%. Empirical literature have focused on the effects of ORA on aggregate macroeconomic variables (annual average growth in export to import price ratio, agricultural output growth rate, manufacturing output growth rate, public consumption, exchange rate and trade openness), while little attention has been devoted to the multi-sectoral dimension of the effects. This study, therefore,...

Pub Network 256 PAGES (58638 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Impact of Insurance Companies on Workers in Construction Industry

The construction sector is one of the largest and most important sectors of industry. Workers in this sector are of the most workers prone to accidents and work injuries, so it was necessary to focus efforts and studies aiming to reduce the probability of danger to personnel and properties in this sector. This study aims to display insurance institutions policies with respect to work – related injuries and accidents insurance. A descriptive study was done by collecting information fro...

Public Private Partnership In Tanzania: A Framework For Improving The Quality Of Primary Education: A Case Of Selected Primary Schools In Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT The government of Tanzania adopted the use of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model as a development strategy for service delivery improvement particularly education since the late 1970s. Despite the adoption and long use of the model for fostering socioeconomic development through improving education services in Kilimanjaro Region, the quality of primary education in schools under PPP model has not yet greatly improved. The overall objective of this study was to asses...

Influence Of Different Land Use Types On Bird And Tree Species Diversity Around Lake Victoria Basin In Bukoba Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Following a notable loss of biodiversity around Lake Victoria Basin in Tanzania, caused by fast population growth and unsustainable land uses, a study aiming at understanding the influence of different land use types on bird and tree species richness, abundance and diversity in Bukoba Municipality was initiated. The choice of the two biota was made based on the fact that avian and tree communities are good indicators of overall biodiversity and environmental decline or recovery. In ...


ABSTRACT The persistence of high fertility among the lgbo of Nigeria is linked to the relative strength of the pronatalist tradition among them. Perceived relative benefits of male children as potential custodians of both identity and lineage have sustained this value over generations. A woman, who achieves recognition and status by the birth of at least one male child, is considered fulfilled and ultimately accorded greater respect relative to her counterparts who do not achieve the sa...

Pub Network 16 PAGES (6230 WORDS) Sociology Paper
Changing Family structures/values and -the Incidence of Human Trafficking in Edo State

Abstract  This paper attempts to unravel the underpinning factors that account to  upsurge of human trafieking in Edo State, Nigeria. The discourse is hinged a the Mertonian concept of innovation which explains the circumvention of societal mainstream values and employed as a circuit and routes to achieving species collectively subscribed goals. The aims and objective of the study include: identifying the changes in family structures that predispose parents to trafficking their c...

Economic Analysis Of Nile Crocodile Farming In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Kaole Crocodile Farm, Bagamoyo

ABSTRACT Crocodile products have become popular in the world. In effect, they have attracted the attention of people in many countries including Tanzania. However, the farming practice comprises many activities and time involved before derivation of the commercial products. This study aimed at gaining insight on the economics of Nile crocodile farming in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. The objectives were to determine the reproductive rates of Nile crocodiles, products extracted from the crocodile, cost...

Economic Valuation Of Selected Non-Timber Forest Products In Chiwale General Land Forest: A Case Study Of Masasi District, Mtwara Region-Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the economic valuation of selected Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) around Chiwale General Land Forest (CGLF) in Masasi DistrictMtwara. The value of NTFPs is not well known in other forest including CGLF as case study, since few studies have been done mainly on the economic value of firewood, food security, medicinal plants and poles in the Eastern Arc Mountains forest (Udzungwa), North Ruvu Forest Reserve, Zaraninge forest in Bagamoyo. This study...

The Effect Of Bushfires On Abundance And Diversity Of Mammals In Miombo Woodlands Under Different Forest Tenure, Kilombero District Tanzania

ABSTRACT Miombo woodlands are the largest savanna in the world and dominate southern Africa. They support the livelihoods of over 100 million people and are strongly influenced by anthropogenic fires. This study was conducted with the overall objective of determining the effect of bushfires on mammals in miombo woodlands under different forest tenure systems. Household questionnaires, checklist of probe questions for key informants, participant observation, PRA techniques and field inventory...

Contribution Of Agroforestry Homegardens To Household Food Security And Income Generation Among Communities In Mbeya Rural District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The present study was conducted in Mbeya Rural District during December 2011 to April 2012 with the main objective of assessing the contribution of Agroforestry homegardens to household food security and income generation among communities. The study involved four randomly selected wards, one village per selected ward and thirty households from each village, all selected randomly. Data collection was done through field surveys using relevant social survey methods. The findings indic...

Forest Resource Use Conflicts As A Consequence Of Pseudodevolution Of Power: A Case Study Of Pugu And Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves are among the 83 lowland coastal forests in Tanzania. The decentralization of these reserves can be called pseudo-devolution, because system does not allow for full participation of local government and villagers. This study intended to asses the devolution of power in historical perspective and the factors underlying it; identify types of forest resource use conflicts exist and factors underlying them; and asses existing and potential confli...

Medicinal Plant Parts And Practices Used By Communities Around The Miombo Woodlands Of Urumwa, Tanzania

Abstract A study to document medicinal plants parts and practices in relation to sustainable use was performed in communities around the Miombo woodland of Urumwa in Tanzania. Data collection was based on semi-structured interviews and discussion with key stakeholders. G-tests were used to ascertain differences in medicinal plants practices between women and men. Roots were the commonly used parts for medicine followed by barks. In practice, boiling and grinding were the preferred methods for...

Growth Performance And Economic Benefit Of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)And Chinese Cabbage (Brassica Rapachinensis)In Aquaculture Integration

ABSTRACT A study carried out to evaluate the growth performance and economic benefit of Nile tilapia and Chinese cabbage under integration system. Nine ponds and twelve vegetable plots were used. Three ponds treated with feed only (T1), another three ponds with chicken manure only (T2) and the last three ponds with chicken manure and supplementary feed (T3). Fish with an average weight of 1.2 g were stocked at rate of 5 fingrlings/m2 in each pond. Fish were fed at 5% of their body weight and...

8236 - 8250 Of 19638 Results