Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Electoral Processes And Democratic Elections In Sudan

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of electoral processes and democratic elections in the Republic of Sudan. This research was prompted by the fact that despite the provision in the National Elections Act of 2008 to ensure free and fair elections, what actually happens during election periods is different from guidelines; intimidation and violence in some areas of Sudan undercut inclusiveness; the NEC is seen insufficiently transparent and lacked full independence from the central gove...

Effect Of Budgetary Control Uses On Financial Performance Of Public Universities In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Available information reveal that financial performance of Public Universities has continued to dwindle despite implementation efforts to their budgets with its inherent control features. Budgetary Control refers to how well managers utilize budgets to monitor and control costs and operations in a given accounting period. It is a process for managers to align financial performance goals with budgets, compare actual results and adjust performance. Sound financial performance is a core...

Residents Association As A Livelihood Strategy In Obunga Informal Settlement Kisumu City, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, the role of resident associations (RAs) as a social organization to uplift community services, community empowerment and cooperation are recognized. In Kenya, contributions of RAs in provision of services such as garbage collection, security and advocacy roles within informal settlements have been documented, yet little is known regarding their use as a livelihood strategy in informal settlements. Residents of Obunga informal settlement in Kisumu County are worst hit not on...

Effect Of Lean Practices On Operational Performance Of Vihiga County Government, Kenya

ABSTRACT With the Promulgation of the new constitution in 2010 in Kenya, most government functions were decentralized. Services that were initially offered from a centralized position were devolved and brought to the counties, an action that was largely attributed with efficiency and effectiveness in operations within the counties. With this in place, challenges like corruption, nepotism and poor task assignments and massive inefficiencies are still being faced during the dispensation of serv...

Factors Influencing Procurement Performance In Public Institutions In Kenya: A Case Of Homabay County Government

ABSTRACT Public procurement is the acquisition of any type of works, assets, services and goods by purchase, rental, lease, license, tenancy, franchise or by any other contractual means. Public procurement consumes huge amounts of tax payers’ money. In United Kingdom, the public sector spent £242 billion on procurement of goods, works and services in 2013/2014 which accounted for 33% of the sectors spending. In South Africa, public procurement spending represents 29% of the country’s gro...

Effect Of Technology Innovation On Performance Of Public Tvet Institutions In Kakamega County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Technology iinnovation iis iargued ito ibe itransforming ihigher ileaning iinstitution iin iKenya, iincluding iTVETs, iwhich iare iseen ito ibe ievolving iso ias ito iremain irelevance, ideliver iefficiently iand ienhance iperformance. iUNESCO iglobal irating iranks iKenya‟s iTVET iperformance ibelow iaverage iat i28%, icompared ito iher ineighbours. iMoreover, itheir iperformance iis icharacterised iby iinadequacy iin iteaching iand iinefficiency iin iadministration iof iresources...

Influence Of Teacher Quality On Pupils’ Academic Performance In Kiswahili In Public Primary Schools In Rarieda Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Studies worldwide have revealed that teacher quality as measured in terms of qualification, experience and attitude of teachers play a pivotal role in academic performance of pupils in Social Studies, Maths and English. Indeed, findings from the related local and international evidence-based research indicate that „what matters most‟ is quality teachers and teaching, supported by strategic teacher professional development! The influence of teacher quality in Kiswahili was not cle...

SSA Research 108 PAGES (21340 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Effect Of Financial And Non-Financial Motivation On Performance Of Teachers In Private Secondary Schools In Sheema Disrict, Uganda

ABSTRACT This cross-sectional descriptive study assessed the relationship between motivation and performance of teachers in private secondary schools in Sheema District, Uganda. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between financial motivation and teachers’ performance in private secondary schools in Sheema District; and examined the relationship between non-financial motivation and teachers’ performance in private secondary schools in Sheema district. Data was collected usin...

Workplace Environment And Organizational Performance Of Public Universities In Mount Kenya Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT Performance of employees influences the current performance and future competitive advantage of the organizations they are working for. The quality and capacity of work made by employees is influenced by the workplace environment. However, un conducive workplace environment results in low employee output and reduce their job fulfillment. Therefore, if steps are taken to improve employee satisfaction, overall organizational performance is enhanced. The study sought to establish the in...

Influence Of Table Banking On Livelihood Of Women: A Case Study Of Joyful Women Organization (Joywo) In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Table banking is one of the key strategic interventions in providing financial resources to women globally to engage in livelihood projects thus improving their lives and eradicate abject poverty both in rural and urban slums where poverty is so rampant. Despite the importance of women empowerment in economic growth and employment creation, empirical studies have not shown clearly the effects of table banking on the livelihood of women in Uasin Gishu County thus knowledge on their in...

Financial Determinants Of Microfinance Institutions Sustainability In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Microfinance Institutions services have continued to play an important role in Kenyan economy. It is viewed as the provision of financial services to the poor and low income group. Microfinance Institutions in Kenya have gained wide recognition since 1990’s for the role they play in providing financial services to the low-income households, and their contribution to poverty alleviation. While achieving this poverty reduction goal, MFIs should also be financially sustainable. The is...

Effect Of Integrated Financial Management Information System Implementation On Service Delivery In Homabay County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The role of public sector and more specifically the civil service in the effective delivery of public services that are key to the functioning of a state economy cannot be overemphasized. Constrained or ineffective service delivery affects the quality of citizens’ life and the national development process. Expectations from citizens are such that Government will establish and maintain utmost ethicality and integrity in the public sector. This minimum set of principles requires publ...

SSA Research 57 PAGES (12889 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Effect Of Selected Macro-Economic Variables On Performance Of Stanlib Fahari Real Estate Investment Trust, Kenya

ABSTRACT Real estate investment trust performance is an ideal indicator of real estate industry as well as the whole economy. Since its onset in Kenya, REIT has been experiencing tremendous rise in profits from Ksh.106 Million in 2016 to 171 Million in 2017 and 193 Million in 2018. Whereas it has been experiencing increase in its profits there has been fluctuation in its stock returns over the years. A Real Estate Investment Trust phenomenon is a new venture in Kenya and Africa at large bring...

SSA Research 50 PAGES (10739 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Impact Of Performance Appraisal On Teacher Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Performance appraisal is one of the basic tools that make workers to be very effective and active at work. If the system of teacher performance appraisal is properly designed and implemented, it is believed to have favorable consequences in the professional development of teachers and ultimately the academic performance of learners. But when it is simply allowed to happen, it becomes haphazard, unsystematic, a source of conflict between appraisers and appraises, and a source of inacc...

Effect Of Change Management Practices On Productivity Of Transport Sector In Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Change management is an emerging tool and is increasingly being seen as a working tool that provides solutions to various problems which may be affecting the organization today. It compasses the organizational tools that can be used to assist people to make successful personnel changeover and acceptance of change. Past studies have talked about change management in organizations by looking at various types of change majorly the strategic change and operational change within the organ...

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