ABSTRACT The determination of this study was to find out if the economic crisis and economic policies[i]are largely to blame for the conflicts and instability which is an environment best described as absence of negative peace in the 21th century Zimbabwe. The research limited its scope to only the conflicts which occurred from the year 2000 up to the current year which is 2018. The research used conflict analysis tools to better understand the dynamics, nature and actors in the confl...
ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to assess the effectiveness of rebranding as a survival strategy and a case study of Powersales Fort Street Bulawayo was used. The research was set on three objectives which are to assess the effects of corporate renaming on competitiveness of an organization, to examine the impact of corporate colours on overall store image and to assess the effect of logo changes on consumer perceptions. The background of the study, research questions and statement of th...
ABSTRACT The main aim of the research study was to assess the Effectiveness of the Traditional leaders in environmental management a case of Chirumanzu Rural District. The research focused on the importance of the Indigenous Knowledge System practices in environmental management, the role of other stakeholders such as Environmental Management Agency, Local authority, District Administrator‟s office, the challenges that are faced by the traditional leaders in environmental management as well...
ABSTRACT Epworth is one of the suburbs that is very close to Zimbabwe’s capital city Harare. It is located 15km to the South-east of Harare city. Epworth has a total population of 167 000 people according to the census of 2012. Due to many pull and push factors, humans have been moving to Harare from the rural localities like Goromonzi,Domboshava, Chiweshe among others. However, life has not been easy in the capital city for many of them. Housing demand has been high and unemployment has al...
ABSTRACT The research aims to analyse the impact of operational cost cutting strategies on financial performance. A case study of Zimbabwe Alloys Chrome (under judicial management) was used to analyse the impact of the operational cost cutting strategies implemented, determining factors that affect the successful implementation of operational cost cutting strategies. Literature from different scholars and authors on cost cutting was reviewed in this study. The study made use of questionnaires...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the link between North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the Politics of Humanitarian Intervention in Libya. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) as a geopolitical region controls a large share of the world’s crude oil deposit, which guzzles easy money into the hands of its leaders. This enables the leaders to constantly have strong grip on state power by either buying off or silencing opposition and dissent voices. The study explains how economic interest ...
ABSTRACT Local authorities E-budget system is designed for the ministry of local governance head to facilitate generation and transfer of budgets. This system comprises of two users which are administrator and subordinates who are working in the town councils. These subordinates are responsible for budget generation, viewing generated budgets and assessment of the needs to be included in the budgets. Administrator is responsible for budget generation also, for his/her own council, approval of...
ABSTRACT The basic aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the Senior staff training and development programme of the Federal College of Education (Technical) Potiskum, Yobe State with a view to assessing the extent to which the College had been able to achieve its manpower needs. The research also evaluated the extent to which the senior staff training and development programme of the College had returned values to the College in terms of increased productivity, heightened mora...
Abstract Incorporating indigenous knowledge into new product development and by extension commercial production processes is critical for the successful commercialisation of traditional products. Traditionally, mahangu grain goes through a process referred to as the lactic acid fermentation process. The mahangu grain is exposed to a chemical reaction causing the taste, colour and texture of mahangu porridge to be altered. The results from the discrete choice experiment shows that mahangu cons...
ABSTRACT The orientation of correctional officers has a significant influence in the effectiveness of correctional rehabilitation treatments or programs and the successful reintegration of offenders after completion of prison sentence. The purpose of this study is to explore the professional orientations of rehabilitation officers in the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services. This will be done by looking at individual attributes and organisational attributes as potential predictors of at...
Abstract Foreign exchange reserves’ adequacy is a key component of good macroeconomic management. Foreign reserves can be used to smoothen exchange rate volatility in illiquid foreign exchange markets. This study adopts a modified version of buffer stock model to analyze the determinants of Nigeria’s foreign reserves. Using annual time series data from 1970 to 2009, the study regresses international reserve variable on macroeconomic variables: real income, interest rate differential (a me...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to review proliferation of uncontrolled development at MGP in UMP district and shed some light on the characteristics of infrastructure there. Concern over uncontrolled development within the urban set up has often been used as the justification for establishing what are regarded as minimum acceptable standards of development. Properly planned urban development is a key to achieving sustainable environment. Urban planning therefore becomes important as local...
ABSTRACT This research was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of cash flow management system at Mvuma District Hospital. The main problem was that Mvuma District Hospital was operating with most of its cash lying idle in debtors such that they were not able to pay their creditors and they had more expenses compared to income so this research was on the background of trying to enhance the cash flow management system at the hospital and improve the day to day running of the hospital. T...
ABSTRACT The research main aim was to investigate the reasons behind the emergence of land barons and their implications for land governance and development, in Harare Southlea Park. The objectives of the study include finding out the major reasons behind the emergence of land barons, and to identify their implications on both land governance and development control. Literature was reviewed in the context of journals, text books and internet sources and analyzed in the background of research ...
ABSTRACT Gender based violence a global phenomenon a cause for concern, which does not discriminate, knows no race, ethnicity and geographical location, and is a social, economic and a health scourge, a development problem, has bedeviled the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals. Not until the coordinated approach between the rural and urban, men and women that gender based violence can be totally eradicated. Because gender based violence is inherently gendered, men can be victi...