Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Impact Of Climate Change In Namibia- A Case Study Of Omusati Region

ABSTRACT Climate change is said to be a threat to country’s development. This thesis investigates the impact of climate change in Namibia with a specific focus on the socio-economic impact of flooding in the North Central Regions of Namibia. The thesis examines the socio-economic conditions of the local people as a result of the 2009 flooding in Oshitutuma village. The thesis’s literature review had looked at climate change and flooding concept within Namibia, Southern Africa, Africa at l...

The Effectiveness Of Promotional Activities Carried Out By Higher And Tertiary Institutions On Students’ Choice Of University (Case Of M.S.U)

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the effectiveness of promotional activities carried out by Higher and Tertiary Institutions on students‟ choice of university since higher and tertiary institutions have adopted promotional tools to attract more students to survive competition hence the need to examine the effectiveness of these activities being undertaken. Literature reviewed identified Advertising, PR and publicity, direct marketing methods, sponsorships, sales promotion and exhibitions...

Determinants Of Important Demand For Cameroon 1968-88

ABSTRACT arnrruon has ' bse n facing a 'current account d e f i c i t n i tlcc: 1 '1f?7 and w i l l cor~t;j.nucb t o do 80 in -Lklc ne:lrest future. This will imply a n e t , resource d r a i n at a time w ! ~ t : n lent:-term c a p i t a l inves trrre nt l o o k s b l e a k give r l the sk~i f ti n emphasis o f we s t e r n financial commitmerit. 'L'~I= c o u n t r y must therefore make urgent moves at a r r e s t i n g t h i s d e f i c i t . Increasinfy . e x p o r t s f o r Cameroon will ...

Parent-Child And Teacher-Pupil Relationships As Predictors Of Academic Motivation And Achievement Among School Children

ABSTRACT This study investigated Parent-Child and Teacher-Pupil relationship as predictors of academic motivation and achievement among school children. Participants were 299 Primary 5 and 6 school pupils who were randomly selected from University of Nigeria, Nsukka primary school and St Mary’s primary school Ibeagwa-Aka, Nsukka. Their ages ranged between 7-12 years, with a mean age of 10.1. Cross sectional design was adopted. Three instruments were used for data collection. Parent as a Soc...

SSA Research 96 PAGES (23746 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
The Efffectiveness Of Personal Selling On Company Performance. A Case Of C.T. Bolts

ABSTRACT The research conducted was to investigate the effectiveness of personal selling on company performance of Zimplow Holdings ltd t/a C.T. Bolts. The company was facing a diminishing trend in its sales and hence management took a decision to refocus its efforts on personal selling so as to improve the firm’s performance. Objectives of the study were to explore the effects of sales presentation on market share, to examine the effects of sales presentations on sales volume and to establ...

Repositioning Of Women For Effective Participation In Politics: A Study Of South- East Geo- Political Zone Of Nigeria

ABSTRACT The thrust of this study was the examination of the relevance ways of repositioning women for effective participation in politics. Women political participation is an issue of great importance. Women have been relegated to background politically for years. The paper point out the detrimental effects, which low participation of women, had on social, economic, political and cultural development of Nigeria. These had necessitated the reason why United Nation declared a decade for women ...

An Empirical Study Of The Foreign Exchange Rate Premium In Nigeria (1970-2007).

Abstract This work evaluates the trends in the parallel market exchange rate premium, its determination and impact on the foreign exchange market in Nigeria. It examines the impact of existing demand and supply gaps in the overall foreign exchange market on the determination of the parallel market premium. It further examines the impact of the parallel market exchange rate premium on the determination of the official exchange rate and the parallel market rates. The study uses the stock-flow m...

Extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors influencing work performance of employees at the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA).

ABSTRACT The achieved purpose of the study was to determine the motivational factors influencing employee performance at ZINWA and examine how managers can utilize these motivational factors to improve employee performance. Performance levels were dropping as discontentment with the organization`s management style was intensifying. Employees had reached a point where they were just coming to work but with no definite goals and zeal to perform their tasks. The researcher then took a quantitati...

Niger Delta Crises And National Security In Nigeria: Appraisal Of The Amnesty Programme

Abstract The Niger Delta – the geographical heart of oil production in Nigeria has been a breeding ground for militants for some years now. This is because the discovery of oil and its exploitation has ushered in a miserable, undisciplined, decrepit, and corrupt form of ‘petro-capitalism’ which produces conflict accelerating factors. Devastated by the ecological costs of oil spillage and underdevelopment, the Niger Delta has become a centre of violence. In an attempt to solve the Niger ...

Perceived Stress Reactivity, Resilience And Emotional Intelligence As Predictors Of Psychological Health Among Psychiatric Patients’ Caregivers

ABSTRACT The research investigated perceived stress reactivity, resilience and emotional intelligence as predictors of psychological health among two hundred and seventeen (217) caregivers who have stayed for at least one month with a psychiatric patient drawn from Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Enugu. The participants comprised of males (n=41) and females (n=176) with mean age of 26.89. Thirty-nine (39) of them had primary education; one hundred and two (102) had secondary education whil...

Investigating The Impact Of A Non Integrated Accounting Information System On Organisational Performance: Case Study Of Zimpapers (The Manicapost)

ABSTRACT The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of using non-integrated accounting information systems on organizational performance. The literature on the research study constituted all the objectives of the research study and what other authors have said about the development of integration from traditional accounting systems. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection instruments essential in the collection of data. Primary and Secondary sources were both used to ob...

Performance Management Of Civil Service In Enugu State, Nigeria, 1999 - 2011

ABSTRACT This study is an investigation of performance management in Enugu civil service 1999 – 2011. At a close watch of the performance position of the service, one cannot help posing a number of questions on its main problem areas of employee training and development, appraisal and performance. The questions are (1) what are the problems of performance management of civil service in Enugu State? (2) Did performance appraisal impede performance management of civil service in Enugu State (...

The Impact Of Work Environment Hazards On The Self-Esteem And Happiness Of Employees: A Case Of Bulawayo Power Station

Abstract The primary purpose of this study is to understand the effects of work environmental hazards on the happiness and self-esteem of workers in the energy sector. The problem statement will highlight the significance of the study, hypothesis, assumptions of the study and the research methodology. Moreso, this study will look into previous studies that were carried out by other researchers, thus reviewing literature where such research was conducted. The delimitations will determine the b...

Economic Planning And Management In Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis Of Sap And Needs

ABSTRACT The study is a comparative analysis of SAP and NEEDS in economic planning and management in Nigeria. It seeks to understand if there is any relationship between SAD and NEED in economic planning and management and the prospect that NEEDS will succeed were SAP failed. Documentary data sources of textbooks, journals, newspapers and magazines among other secondary sources were used extensively in the study. Anchoring analysis on the depending theory, the study noted that NEEDS is an oil...

Piped Water Schemes for rural water supply in Zimbabwe: Reviving a forgotten chapter. A case of Rusere Piped Water Scheme in Zaka District

ABSTRACT The main thrust of the research was to analyse the revival of the once defunct Rusere Piped Water Scheme. The study also sought to bring out the opportunities and challenges that are faced in the revival of community owned and managed schemes. Qualitative research approach was used to carry out the research and data collection tools included questionnaires and interviews from key informants such as the DWSSC and local leaders. Field observations were also carried out to ascertain the...

9211 - 9225 Of 19638 Results