ABSTRACT This study examined the economic effects of crude oil exploitation on cassava production in Delta State. Specifically, the effect of crude oil exploitation on land productivity, farm income and cassava yield was explored. The costs and returns, and hence profitability of cassava production as influenced by oil pollution, the farming systems and socio-economic characteristics of cassava farmers were critically examined. Copies of well structured questionnaires were used to collect pri...
Abstract The importance of understanding the livelihood strategies of ethnic minorities has received a fresh impetus over the last few years with the emphasis by many Western donors on poverty reduction. This research aims to investigate livelihood strategies of San people in Oshandi village of Ondobe constituency in Ohangwena region in Namibia. Their economic, marginalization is compounded by their ethnic background a stigma that also marginalizes them politically and socially. It also exami...
Abstract The study investigated Organizational Commitment (OC), Gender Role Ideology (GRI), and Personality Type (PT) as predictors of Work Family Conflict (WFC) in Plateau State Tertiary Institutions. 207 participants drawn from 3 Plateau State Tertiary institutions participated in the study. Four instruments: Work Family Conflict Scale, Organizational Commitment Scale, Gender Role Ideology Scale, and Big Five Inventory were used to collect the data. Multiple linear regression was used to an...
ABSTRACT The study‟s intention was to investigate how non-performing loans were affecting the operational performance of POSB. The problem under study was the effects of NPLs on the financial performance for POSB. It revealed that, the upward trend in non-performing loans in most banks is a cause for concern since it has resulted in recent bank failures. The objectives were the causes of NPLs at POSB, the effects of NPLs on the financial performance, the relationship between NPLS and perfor...
ABSTRACT Succinctly, the theory an practice of the rule of law is a concept which replete with other phenomena. This research study is established to evaluate the type of politics going on in Ebonyi state, also to verify whether the constitutional provision reigns supreme in Ebonyi State during the democratic regime. The rule of law and its correlative preservation for human right had been customary to the people from the primordial and time immemorial, prior to Igbo Ethnic origin vis-à-vis ...
ABSTRACT The research examined the experiences of children who have gone through the foster care program in Zimbabwe. Children coming into foster care would have been take away from their parents may be facing emotional, psychological and behavioural problems due to the turmoil, abuse and negligence they may have experienced as such it is critical to emphasise the healing aspect of foster care. There are certain challenges from the system which need to be addressed. This research was guided b...
ABSTRACT This research work explored the issue of early marriage in Nigeria. It shed light specifically on reasons behind its perpetuation, its harmful consequences, shows how it constitutes a barrier to education and enjoyment of human rights by girls and how it further threatens the development of the country. The findings from respondents and extensive reading of materials related to early marriage suggest that early marriage is due to various factors including among others, the search for...
ABSTRACT The study examines the role of small grain production in promoting food security with particular reference to Zvishavane District in Zimbabwe. Successive droughts, in Zimbabwe compounded by other economic shocks in recent years have resulted in decreased maize productivity amongst the communal farmers most of whom reside in regions IV and V which are considered semi-arid. This has resulted to the prevalence of food insecurity particularly to these semi-arid regions as unreliable rain...
ABSTRACT The research was conducted on the backdrop of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the African Union (AU) Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child. Both conventions sought to protect children by outlining the rights and responsibilities that are obligatory to be upheld at law. The thrust of the two conventions therefore is to empower children to demand their rights and at the same time ensure duty bearers meet their obligation to upho...
ABSTRACT Frontline officers play an important role in organisations, as they are directly involved with customers and clients who are the lifeline of any organization. It is because of this function as the go- between the company and the customers that front line officers effectively need to manage stress so as to effectively deliver quality service. Coupled with various stressors such as role overload, role ambiguity, socio-economic stressors, work/life imbalance, and rigid organizational po...
ABSTRACT The sea by its very nature is international and has remained an object of intense competition and scramble among maritime nations at different epochs in history. The Third United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOSIII), in 1982 is not only a comprehensive legal instrument that embodies one of the latest codifications and progressive development of international law, but is also a legal base for the Ocean policies of nationstates. This study examines the implications of t...
ABSTRACT Public libraries are critical to the well-being of any democratic society and Zimbabwe is not an exception. The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Public library manifesto reemphasizes the role of public libraries as the living force to promote the active role of citizens in society through providing them with free access to libraries in order to benefit from high- quality education, culture, recreational and information. The establishment of public libraries in ...
ABSTRACT Since Ghana attained independence in 1957, successive Governments have pursued, with varying degrees of success, policies, programmes and projects to accelerate the growth of the Ghanaian economy and raise the living standards of the people. These are policies, programmes and projects around which national and development partner’s efforts are coordinated. The discovery and exploration of oil, no doubt has increased Ghana revenue but this has not fully translated to socio-economic ...
Abstract Land reform programme remains a subject of controversy in various sects of the society. The invasion of sugarcane estates in Chiredzi district being one of the controversial ones with many some citizens believing it was a threat to national economy as new farmers are exposed to various challenges which affect production as compared to former white farmers. The other side of the society believing that fast track land reform brought opportunities for the new farmers to enhance economic...
ABSTRACT This study investigated Intergovernmental financial relations and local government autonomy in Nigeria : A case study of Igbo-Etiti local government Area of Enugu State. To accomplish this task, we were able to determine if the structure of Intergovernmental financial relations in Nigeria enhanced autonomy of Igbo-Etiti local government; ascertained whether the structure of Intergovernmental financial relations undermined infrastructural development in the local government and examin...