ABSTRACT This study entitled “The Contribution of Local Government Capital Development Grants in Improving Community Livelihoods” was conducted in Meru District, Arusha, Tanzania in four selected villages namely King’ori, Kikatiti, Maji ya Chai and Patandi. Data were collected using questionnaire survey and interviews. The total number of 89 respondents was from these villages, King’ori (22) respondents, Kikatiti (24) respondents, Maji ya chai (24) respondents and Patandi (25) respo...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Tunduru District Council. The objective of this study was to find out the factors responsible for Community Participation in Community Based Projects. Structured questionnaires and observation was employed to elicit qualitative and quantitative information from 150 respondents. Data collected were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The findings have revealed that people of Tunduru District have enough awareness on the impor...
ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to find out if the adoption of green marketing strategies influences customer purchase decision process. In this study 36 Marketing managers, 32 Production managers and 118 customers from the FMCG sector were used as research subjects. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods was used to gather and analyze data. The research instruments used were the questionnaire and interviews. The current trend of the world going green has prompted many manufa...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the impact of performance appraisal systems on performance in public institutions in Tanzania. Particularly the study aimed at determining the extent to which the appraisal process and the results of performance appraisal yield the expected results that have impact on Performance in Public institutions, taking LAPF Pensions Fund as a case study. The study employed an explanatory case study research and cross-sectional survey design. The methods used in data colle...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the challenges in mobile marketing advertisement in Tanzania taking Vodacom Company in Mwanza city as a case study. This study specifically focused on assessing the acceptance of mobile advertisements by examining customers‟ acceptance of mobile advertisements, to determine their attitudes towards marketing advertisements and to identify challenges in mobile advertisement through mobile services. The study adopted cross sectional design to get in dep...
ABSTRACT This study seeks to analyze the effectiveness of training and development programs on employee performance, particularly in the public sector in Tanzania. The research was conducted at Dodoma Municipal Council (DMC) in Dodoma Tanzania. The study specifically aimed to identify factors affecting implementation of a training program, to find out how trainees perceived the implementation of a training program in the study area, to document how training plan process is carried out at the...
ABSTRACT Service quality and customer service are a key determinant of customer satisfaction and eventually high revenue through purchase decision on TANESCO services. The objective of the study was to assess customers‟ satisfaction with customer service at TANESCO. The study adopted qualitative research under the case study design to suit the nature of this study. The case study approach was considered to be appropriate for this study because issues related to customer services are comple...
ABSTRACT Post-harvest loss of cereal grains in Tanzania is a serious problem and is widespread even when the country experiences bumper harvest. Despite the efforts made by the government and other stakeholders to reduce post-harvest loss of cereal grains, there is still persistence of the cereal grains losses during post-harvest activities. Thus, this study was conducted to examine the contribution of women in PHLM of cereal grains among agro-pastoralists in Chamwino District, Tanzania. Spe...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the role of Human Resources managers in reforming public administration in Tanzania specifically in Musoma District. It intended to review recruitment and incentives strategies with the aim of making public sector employment more attractive to young and talented graduates. Transforming and revitalizing public administration enable the state perform its changing role for serving citizen better. The research design used in this study was survey design...
ABSTRACT Employee motivation is an essential tool in promoting organizational effectiveness. Basically, motivational strategies are factors that rejuvenate the degree of employees‟ commitment. At the same time organizational effectiveness denotes the ability of an organization to fulfill its required obligations. ZETDC has been perceived by its clients as rude, incompetent and negligent thus leading to corporate damage. The attitudes and behaviors of employees at ZETDC have been expressed t...
Abstract This study was aimed at finding out whether land resettlement indeed achieved poverty eradication, using the case of Central Estate Resettlement in Chirumhanzu, to ascertain whether or not resettled farmers in Central Estate in Chirumhanzu have managed to eradicate poverty through accessing land and produce cash crops. A couple of literature on sustainable livelihoods, including relevant model, was reviewed focusing on aspects such as community assets, adaptive strategies and technol...
Abstract: Every University in Tanzania has its own teachers ' training program curriculum, and the way teachers are educated to meet challenges but still upholding the teaching professional is also questionable. The present study assesses teachers„moral, value, ethics, psychology and working morale in secondary education. The study involved structured questionnaire interview, focus group discussion and key informants study design. The study found that student behavior is influenced by bot...
Abstract The world particularly developing countries such as Zimbabwe have continued to experience recurrent water and sanitation related diseases outbreaks despite efforts by various governments and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to educate community. In Bindura, in 2015 Practical Action Southern Africa has used podcasting technology to raise WASH awareness and improve the relationship between residence and municipality with the aim of reducing the burden of diarrhoeal diseases. This ...
ABSTRACT For the period 2011 to 2013, the Commission has been poorly performing financially. The expenditure has always been more than the revenue. The poor performance has been seen to be as a result of the pricing system adopted by the Commission. This research focused on an investigation into the effects of pricing system on financial performance in public sector entities, taking a case study of the Judicial Service Commission. The study made use of the descriptive research design, where i...
ABSTRACT The research sought to analyze the role played by CSOs with specific reference to ZimRights a grassroots based organization in the harmonized elections of 31 July in Zimbabwe. The main problem has been that the role of CSOs in elections has been down played and to some extent CSOs has been labeled as regime change agents and allies of opposition parties. A review of related literature was carried out to establish what other renowned scholars and authors had to say no the role CSOs pl...